First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 😄
The following are guidelines for contributing to Ercaspay-Js-SDK. These aren't rules, they are more like guidelines anyways. Use your best judgment and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.
Pull Requests are the way concrete changes are made to the code, documentation, dependencies, and tools contained in this repository.
Start by forking this repository. This is to allow you to make changes and then submit a pull request. By default you can't contribute to the repository if you aren't added as a collaborator.
Create a new branch on the forked repository where you can make your changes and submit a pull request. Please note that your pull request must be tied to an issue. It must also be descriptive otherwise it will not get merged into the main repository. Also note that your branch name must be tied to your issue number.
Get started writing the codes or fixing the bugs as started in the issue you created or any issue you are assigned to. Again, you must be working with an issue before. Failure to do so will also result in your pull request being rejected.
When you are done writing your codes. Please write descriptive commits, you can make research on how to write conventional commits, these helps generate a changelog
. Failure to do so will also result in your pull request being rejected even if it was assigned to an issue.
You should also run tests on your codes to avoid pushing bugs. Note that your pull request will not be merged if it solves an issues and then break an existing feature.
Okay, this is pretty straightforward. Once you're done testing, push your codes to your repo.
You can submit your pull request to the main repository after pushing to your codes to your repository. There might be a Pull Request template to follow but nevertheless, give your Pull Request good label and description.
Once you've opened your PR, you can join the discussion, make a post or tag us in the discussion. Just engage 😅. And please remember, Treat everyone with love