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NNRT Fusion

This repository is a work-in-progress on the application of the Neural Non-Rigid Tracking code by Aljaz Bozic and Pablo Palafox to an actual fusion application that can process entire RGB-D video sequences.

July 2023 Update

Some new and exciting news to share on the dense depth tracker & fusion!

Dynamic Fusion Implementation

The dynamic fusion implementation is now nearly complete! The three things that are still missing are:

  • Topological updates to the graph warp field based on newly-observed volume areas (although recomputing tree edge hierarchical structure is already implemented)
  • Variable node coverage weights based on distances between the nodes are implemented but not yet fully tested and functional. Fixed node coverage approach seems to work on basic examples.
  • Entire dense-depth pipeline still needs to be tested on a series of progressively complex scenes, then integrated with neural tracking.

For the unpublished mathematical and algorithmic details the dense depth optimizer (including the rasterizer and block-sparse solver, mentioned below) is based on, check out this page.

CUDA-based Differential Rasterizer/Renderer

This repository now features a CUDA-based twice-differential rasterizer. Here is an example render of a scene with multiple famous Stanford Bunny replicas, together comprising a 4.45 million triangles.

The new coarse-to-fine CUDA-based rasterizer is able to process this entire scene in under 77 milliseconds, which attests that the depth optimizer can work in real time, re-rasterizing the reconstructed scenes (much less complex than this) several times during fitting them to the input depth image.

Of note is that the rasterizer produces not just the gradient of the difference to the target observed image, but also the jacobian: something that most differential renderers, such as PyTorch3D, are not able to do.


Efficient Block-Sparse Arrowhead Matrix Solver

This is a special solver that is able to efficiently handle the final step of each iteration in the GaussNewton or Levenberg-Marquardt optimization for tracking the surface based on dense depth. Please refer to the last few sections in the math description for details. Currently, the CUDA version can solve a system of linear equations in the form Ax=b where A has size 1500x1500 in under 2.5 ms, which is critical for real-time operation of the system.

July 2021 Result YouTube Video

This is the animated reconstruction result of with the optimization based purely on the Neural Tracking component, which however uses the augmented voxel-hashed TSDF structure to aggregate the data over time:

NeuralTracking Dynamic Fusion Pipeline Result (July 2021)

Architecture Choices

Part of the pipeline is an extension to Open3D, because it yields two advantages over most alternatives:

  1. Support for dynamically-allocated spatial voxel hash structures to manage the TSDF voxel volume in a sparse, computationally-efficient way.
  2. Support for line_color within the TSDF voxel structure, enabling to rebuild colored, animated meshes.

We are also currently experimenting with PyTorch3D in order to be able to render a mesh, which may yield certain tracking improvements if we manage to successfully integrate deformed mesh rendering into the Gauss-Newton alignment optimization to refine point associations.

Setup Instructions

(mostly, for fellow researchers & developers at this point)

Cloning The Repo

Testing & working on the code requires git. In terminal or msys git shell for Windows, clone this repository recursively.


Important: please follow the order of these topics during setup.


Although in theory, it is possible to build and run the fusion pipeline without CUDA, it would be pretty slow on large scenes or with high resolutions. Hence, we recommend having CUDA 11.1 (or the latest version of cuda supported by both PyTorch and CuPy) installed on your platform (guides for Linux, Windows, MacOS X). The rest of these instructions assume you followed this recommendation, otherwise please adjust accordingly.


The build requires CMake 3.18 or above. You may find these instructions helpful if you don't have it.


Python 3.8 or above is required. Check out the official website for a distributive for your platform, if needed. In addition, working pip package is required to set up other dependencies (typically, included with the Python installation; if not, the is the recommended way to obtain it, even for Ubuntu users.)


PyTorch 1.9.0 or later should be installed following the standard Pip procedure from the PyTorch official 'Get Started' page. Please use matching PyTorch and CuPy CUDA version support, even though PyTorch for older CUDA builds sometimes works with the newer ones. Otherwise, there will be import errors due library loading conflicts.


I haven't yet tested building against the CUDA-enabled pip version of Open3D (from version 0.17), so probably Open3D still needs to be built from source in order for this extension to be compiled. At the very least, you'll need the headers. Hence, clone the repository and checkout tags/v0.17.0-1fix6008 or download and extract the corresponding code release.

Here are the detailed instructions on how to go about building Open3D with CUDA support after you obtain the sources.

Building the C++ Open3D extension

This should be relatively simple as it follows the general pattern of building Open3D. For the CMake options, the BUILD_CUDA_MODULE option is set by default to ON, but we recommend setting -DBUILD_CPP_TESTS=ON as well to be able to run C++ tests and write your own tests for debugging purposes.

Note that you will currently need to install ninja on your platform to compile the NNRT python module. Setting it up should be trivial.

As far as CMake build targets go, the nnrt_cpp target is only necessary to build the tests. The install-pip-package target is the one you'll want to have built to try out the rest of the code with the nnrt python package.

Other Python Dependencies

The only one that stands out is CuPy, which we recommend preinstalling via pip using the prebuilt-binary version matching your exact CUDA version, e.g. pip install cupy-cuda111 for CUDA 11.1. Installing directly via pip install cupy will force CuPy to be built from source (which can take a long time). The rest of the dependencies can normally be installed by simply running pip install -r requirements.txt.

Preparing the Data

Note: make sure to prepend the PYTHONPATH environment variable with the repository root before running any of the scripts!

Although, in theory, the code is designed to handle arbitrary 640x480 RGB-D sequences, we recommend trying out the code on the DeepDeform dataset. Graph data is also necessary to train/retrain the alignment prediction models and to run the fusion code with certain settings that use pre-generated data.

DeepDeform Graph data should already be included by default within DeepDeform V2 dataset, but can also be obtained here and merged into the DeepDeform dataset using the data/ script (see --help of this script for usage.) Alternatively, the graph data can be generated using the apps/ script for arbitrary sequences after the C++ pip package is built (see main method in the script for parameter configuration).

On the first run of, you'll see some errors pop up. One of them will undoubtedly relate to incorrect path to the DeepDeform dataset root in the auto-generated nnrt_fusion_parameters.yaml configuration file, which will appear inside [repository_root]/configuration_files. To fix this, modify the index of path.dataset_base_directory in the configuration file to point to the proper DeepDeform root. It may make sense to adjust other path parameters right away as you see fit, since the app will output a high volume of telemetry to disk.

Some other errors may be due to missing "sod" folders for some presets in the data/ This is about missing salient-object-detection masks, which can be used to refine the background subtraction during fusion. You can either comment those presets out and use the alternatives in settings/, or you can run the included U^2 Net script to generate the masks (see instructions here).

Running Unit Tests

Note: make sure to prepend the PYTHONPATH environment variable with the repository root before running any python tests.

We include both C++ and Python unit tests, within the csrc/tests and tests folders, respectively. The tests lack coverage (especially of the code that we didn't write ourselves, e.g. the original NNRT repository code), but should serve as a good sanity check and checkpoint for future development, and also provide examples for future unit tests.

Please refer to guides on pytest for how to run the Python tests. The C++ tests use Catch2 and can be run as executables if -DBUILD_CPP_TESTS=ON was used in CMake configuration.

Configuring & Running the Fusion Pipeline

Settings dealing with running the fusion pipeline can be found in settings/ As you will discover, some setting combinations don't work by design. Most of the settings should be self-explanatory, please refer to their usage in apps/fusion/ for details.

Note: make sure to prepend the PYTHONPATH environment variable with the repository root before running any of the scripts!

The fusion pipeline can be run using:

python apps/fusion/

Visualizing the Results

The output for each run will be stored in a new subfolder containing the date and time (in sortable format) of when the run was launched. The subfolder will be placed in your preferred output directory (see Preparing the Data above).

To visualize the output for a particular sequence saved at <path_to_output_subfolder>, run:

python -o <path_to_output_subfolder>

In the visualizer, you can use the following key combinations to navigate the output:

  • P: toggle point cloud visibility for Gauss-Newton optimization
  • ]: go to next frame
  • [: go to previous frame
  • M: toggle extracted mesh visibility
  • ->: switch to warped (deformed) mesh or next frame & canonical (reference) mesh
  • <-: switch to canonical (reference) mesh or previous frame & warped (deformed mesh)
  • Down Arrow: advance iteration of the Gauss-Newton optimization (updates the point cloud) or go to next frame if on last iteration
  • Up Arrow: go to previous iteration of the Gauss-Newton optimization (updates the point cloud) or go to previous frame if on first iteration
  • Q: exit the visualizer

License Information

Any original code in this repository that does not come from the original Neural Non-Rigid Tracking repository, except where explicitly specified otherwise, is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").

[Based on] Neural Non-Rigid Tracking (NeurIPS 2020)

The original Neural Non-Rigid Tracking README is still relevant for this repo and provided below, with minor adjustments for accuracy.

Neural Non-Rigid Tracking Result Preview

This repository contains the code for the NeurIPS 2020 paper Neural Non-Rigid Tracking, where we introduce a novel, end-to-end learnable, differentiable non-rigid tracker that enables state-of-the-art non-rigid reconstruction.

By enabling gradient back-propagation through a weighted non-linear least squares solver, we are able to learn correspondences and confidences in an end-to-end manner such that they are optimal for the task of non-rigid tracking.

Under this formulation, correspondence confidences can be learned via self-supervision, informing a learned robust optimization, where outliers and wrong correspondences are automatically down-weighted to enable effective tracking.

Neural Non-Rigid Tracking Pipeline Diagram


Please follow instructions for the Fusion project above. The original NNRT setup instructions with Docker or Python virtualenv is no longer up-to-date.

I just want to try the neural tracking on two frames!

If you just want to get a feeling of neural tracking approach at inference time like in the original author's repo, you can run:

python apps/

to run inference on a couple of source and target frames that you can already find at example_data. For this, you'll be using a model checkpoint that we also provide at experiments.

Within the Open3D viewer, you can view the following by pressing these keys:

  • S: view the source RGB-D frame
  • O: given the source RGB-D frame, toggle between the complete RGB-D frame and the foreground object we're tracking
  • T: view the target RGB-D frame
  • B: view both the target RGB-D frame and the source foreground object
  • C: toggle source-target correspondences
  • W: toggle weighted source-target correspondences (the more red, the lower the correspondence's weight)
  • A: (after having pressed B) align source to target
  • ,: rotate the camera once around the scene
  • ;: move the camera around while visualizing the correspondences from different angles
  • Z: Reset source object after having aligned with A


You can run


to train a model. Adapt with the path to the dataset. You can initialize with a pretrained model by setting the use_pretrained_model flag.

To reproduce our complete approach, training proceeds in four stages. To this end, for each stage you will have to set the following variables in

  1. mode = "0_flow" and model_name = "chairs_things".
  2. mode = "1_solver" and model_name = "<best checkpoint from step 1>".
  3. mode = "2_mask" and model_name = "<best checkpoint from step 2>".
  4. mode = "3_refine" and model_name = "<best checkpoint from step 3>".

Each stage should be run for around 30k iterations, which corresponds to about 10 epochs.


You can run


to run inference on a specified split (train, val or test). Within ./ you can specify your model's directory name and checkpoint name (note that the path to your experiments needs to be defined in, by setting workspace.)

This script will predict both graph node deformation and dense deformation of the foreground object's points.

Next, you can run


to compute the Graph Error 3D (graph node deformation) and EPE 3D (dense deformation).

Or you can also run


to do both sequencially.

Known Issues

Undefined symbol when building cpp extension


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

title={Neural Non-Rigid Tracking},
author={Aljaz Bozic and Pablo Palafox and Michael Zoll{\"o}fer and Angela Dai and Justus Thies and Matthias Nie{\ss}ner},

Related work

Some other related work on non-rigid tracking by our group:


The original code from the Neural Non-Rigid Tracking Repository is released under the MIT license, except where otherwise stated (i.e.,, Eigen).