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Contribution guide Validate module locally

CARMLPipelinePrincipal edited this page Apr 14, 2022 · 7 revisions

Use this script to test a module locally. You can use it to run only the static validation (pester tests), a deployment validation (dryRun) or an actual deployment to Azure. In the latter cases the script also takes care to replace placeholder tokens in the used parameter file for you.



You can find the script under /utilities/tools/Test-ModuleLocally.ps1

How it works

If the switch for pester tests (-PesterTest) is provided the script will

  1. Invoke the global module test for the provided template file path and run all tests for it

If the switch for either the validation test (-ValidationTest) or deployment test (-DeploymentTest) is provided alongside a HashTable for the token replacement (-ValidateOrDeployParameters), the script will

  1. Either fetch all parameter files of the module's parameter folder (default) or you can specify a single parameter file by leveraging the parameterFilePath parameter instead.
  2. Create a dictionary to replace all tokens in these parameter files with actual values. This dictionary will consist
    • of the subscriptionID & managementGroupID of the provided ValidateOrDeployParameters object,
    • add all key-value pairs of the -AdditionalTokens object to it,
    • and optionally also add all key-value pairs specified in the settings.json's parameterFileTokens object
  3. If the -ValidationTest parameter was set, it runs a deployment validation using the Test-TemplateDeployment script
  4. If the -DeploymentTest parameter was set, it runs a deployment using the New-TemplateDeployment script (with no retries).
  5. As a final step it rolls the parameter files back to their original state if either the -ValidationTest or -DeploymentTest parameters were provided.

How to use it

For details on how to use the function please refer to the script's local documentation.

Note: The script must be loaded before the function can be invoked

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