diff --git a/cli/installer/windows-actions/actions.vcxproj b/cli/installer/windows-actions/actions.vcxproj
index f01685c1260..1885f5fec18 100644
--- a/cli/installer/windows-actions/actions.vcxproj
+++ b/cli/installer/windows-actions/actions.vcxproj
@@ -1,74 +1,95 @@
- Debug
- Win32
- Release
- Win32
- Debug
- x64
- Release
- x64
- {51D5518D-64BD-43C6-9A8A-91A5936BC2D6}
- Release
- Win32
- bin/$(Platform)/$(Configuration)/
- obj/$(Platform)/$(Configuration)/
- 10.0
- DynamicLibrary
- v143
- Unicode
- MaxSpeed
- Use
- pch.h
- MultiThreadedDebug
- MultiThreaded
- msi.lib;version.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
- actions.def
- Windows
- Create
- This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=322105. The missing file is {0}.
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ Release
+ Win32
+ Debug
+ x64
+ Release
+ x64
+ {51D5518D-64BD-43C6-9A8A-91A5936BC2D6}
+ Release
+ Win32
+ bin/$(Platform)/$(Configuration)/
+ obj/$(Platform)/$(Configuration)/
+ 10.0
+ DynamicLibrary
+ v143
+ Unicode
+ Spectre
+ Spectre
+ Spectre
+ Spectre
+ MaxSpeed
+ Use
+ pch.h
+ MultiThreadedDebug
+ MultiThreaded
+ Guard
+ /ZH:SHA_256 /GUARD:CF %(AdditionalOptions)
+ /ZH:SHA_256 /GUARD:CF %(AdditionalOptions)
+ Level3
+ Level3
+ /ZH:SHA_256 /GUARD:CF %(AdditionalOptions)
+ /ZH:SHA_256 /GUARD:CF %(AdditionalOptions)
+ msi.lib;version.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ actions.def
+ Windows
+ true
+ /GUARD:CF %(AdditionalOptions)
+ Create
+ This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=322105. The missing file is {0}.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eng/CredScanSuppression.json b/eng/CredScanSuppression.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..994217b1706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/CredScanSuppression.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "tool": "Credential Scanner",
+ "suppressions": [
+ {
+ "file": [
+ "cli/azd/pkg/auth/testdata/certificate.pem",
+ "eng/common/testproxy/dotnet-devcert.pfx"
+ ],
+ "_justification": "File contains private key used by test code."
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eng/common/TestResources/New-TestResources.ps1 b/eng/common/TestResources/New-TestResources.ps1
index 76fbfc51a67..d60734dce1e 100644
--- a/eng/common/TestResources/New-TestResources.ps1
+++ b/eng/common/TestResources/New-TestResources.ps1
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ param (
[string] $Environment = 'AzureCloud',
- [ValidateSet('test', 'perf')]
+ [ValidateSet('test', 'perf', 'stress-test')]
[string] $ResourceType = 'test',
@@ -196,14 +196,14 @@ function NewServicePrincipalWrapper([string]$subscription, [string]$resourceGrou
# Submitting a password credential object without specifying a password will result in one being generated on the server side.
$password = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Resources.MSGraph.Models.ApiV10.MicrosoftGraphPasswordCredential"
$password.DisplayName = "Password for $displayName"
- $credential = Retry { New-AzADSpCredential -PasswordCredentials $password -ServicePrincipalObject $servicePrincipal }
+ $credential = Retry { New-AzADSpCredential -PasswordCredentials $password -ServicePrincipalObject $servicePrincipal -ErrorAction 'Stop' }
$spPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $credential.SecretText -AsPlainText -Force
$appId = $servicePrincipal.AppId
} else {
Write-Verbose "Creating service principal credential via MS Graph API"
# In 5.2.0 the password credential issue was fixed (see https://github.com/Azure/azure-powershell/pull/16690) but the
# parameter set was changed making the above call fail due to a missing ServicePrincipalId parameter.
- $credential = Retry { $servicePrincipal | New-AzADSpCredential }
+ $credential = Retry { $servicePrincipal | New-AzADSpCredential -ErrorAction 'Stop' }
$spPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $credential.SecretText -AsPlainText -Force
$appId = $servicePrincipal.AppId
@@ -1119,4 +1119,4 @@ Run this in an Azure DevOps CI (with approrpiate variables configured) before
executing live tests. The script will output variables as secrets (to enable
log redaction).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/release-cli.yml b/eng/pipelines/release-cli.yml
index 148102d4ecc..1745c5219b9 100644
--- a/eng/pipelines/release-cli.yml
+++ b/eng/pipelines/release-cli.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
- repositories:
- - repository: azure-sdk-build-tools
- type: git
- name: internal/azure-sdk-build-tools
- ref: refs/tags/azure-sdk-build-tools_20240320.1
# Continuous deployment trigger
@@ -24,1580 +17,16 @@ pr:
- eng/pipelines/release-cli.yml
- eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli.yml
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
-parameters: []
- - stage: BuildAndTest
- jobs:
- - job: BuildCLI
- strategy:
- matrix:
- Windows:
- Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
- OSVmImage: MMS2022
- BuildTarget: azd-windows-amd64.exe
- BuildOutputName: azd.exe
- BuildTestMsi: true
- Codeql.Enabled: true
- Codeql.SkipTaskAutoInjection: false
- Codeql.BuildIdentifier: cli_windows
- Linux:
- Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- BuildTarget: azd-linux-amd64
- BuildOutputName: azd
- SetExecutableBit: true
- SetShieldInfo: true
- BuildLinuxPackages: true
- Codeql.Enabled: true
- Codeql.SkipTaskAutoInjection: false
- Codeql.BuildIdentifier: cli_linux
- Mac:
- Pool: Azure Pipelines
- OSVmImage: macOS-11
- BuildTarget: azd-darwin-amd64
- BuildOutputName: azd
- MacLocalSign: false
- SetExecutableBit: true
- # CodeQL on macOS not supported by the Azure DevOps task as-of current.
- # Codeql.BuildIdentifier: cli_darwin
- pool:
- name: $(Pool)
- vmImage: $(OSVmImage)
- timeoutInMinutes: 180
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/setup-go.yml
- parameters:
- Condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.LiveTest'], 'true'))
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-cli-version-cd.yml
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
- displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliBuildVariables.ps1
- arguments: -BuildReason $(Build.Reason)
- displayName: Set CLI build run variables
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: cli/azd/ci-build.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -Version $(CLI_VERSION)
- -SourceVersion $(Build.SourceVersion)
- -CodeCoverageEnabled
- -BuildRecordMode
- workingDirectory: cli/azd
- displayName: Build Go Binary (For tests)
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/build-msi.yml
- parameters:
- Title: Build Test MSI
- Condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['BuildTestMsi'], 'true'))
- # Build the test MSI with the same configuration as the
- # release MSI (no special upgrade behavior)
- ShouldBuildForRelease: true
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/install-terraform.yml
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/install-kubectl.yml
- # Pinning DockerInstaller to 0.209.0 because 0.214.0 has failures.
- # Remove this pin when later versions succeed.
- - task: DockerInstaller@0.209.0
- displayName: Docker Installer
- condition: and(succeeded(), contains(variables['OSVmImage'], 'macOS'))
- inputs:
- dockerVersion: 17.09.0-ce
- releaseType: stable
- # Live testing uses dotnet 8.0.x in the WebApp project deployment
- - task: UseDotNet@2
- condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.LiveTest'], 'true'))
- inputs:
- version: 8.0.x
- - bash: dotnet nuget add source --name dotnet8 https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet8/nuget/v3/index.json
- displayName: Add internal dotnet nuget feed
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/az-login.yml
- parameters:
- Condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.LiveTest'], 'true'))
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/azd-login.yml
- parameters:
- AzdDirectory: cli/azd
- - task: PowerShell@2
- condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.LiveTest'], 'true'))
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: cli/azd/ci-test.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -UnitTestCoverageDir './cover-$(AZURE_DEV_CI_OS)/unit'
- -IntegrationTestCoverageDir './cover-$(AZURE_DEV_CI_OS)/int'
- workingDirectory: cli/azd
- displayName: Test Go Binary
- env:
- # AZD live test setup variables
- CI: true
- AZD_TEST_CLIENT_ID: $(arm-client-id)
- AZD_TEST_CLIENT_SECRET: $(arm-client-secret)
- AZD_TEST_TENANT_ID: $(arm-tenant-id)
- # AZD Live Test: Terraform service principal authentication
- ARM_CLIENT_ID: $(arm-client-id)
- ARM_CLIENT_SECRET: $(arm-client-secret)
- ARM_TENANT_ID: $(arm-tenant-id)
- # Code Coverage: Generate junit report to publish results
- GOTESTSUM_JUNITFILE: junitTestReport.xml
- - task: PublishTestResults@2
- inputs:
- testResultsFormat: JUnit
- testResultsFiles: '**/junitTestReport.xml'
- testRunTitle: $(Agent.JobName)
- searchFolder: cli/azd
- publishRunAttachments: true
- displayName: Publish test results
- condition: succeededOrFailed()
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: cli/azd/ci-build.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -Version $(CLI_VERSION)
- -SourceVersion $(Build.SourceVersion)
- workingDirectory: cli/azd
- displayName: Build Go Binary
- - pwsh: Move-Item $(BuildOutputName) $(BuildTarget)
- workingDirectory: cli/azd
- displayName: Rename binaries
- - bash: chmod +x $(BuildTarget)
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['SetExecutableBit'], 'true'))
- workingDirectory: cli/azd
- displayName: Set executable bit for non-Windows binaries
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/build-linux-packages.yml
- parameters:
- Condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['BuildLinuxPackages'], 'true'))
- - task: PowerShell@2
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['SetShieldInfo'], 'true'))
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Set-ShieldInfo.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -TemplatePath eng/shields/standalone.json
- -Version "$(CLI_VERSION)"
- displayName: Set shield info
- - publish: cli/azd/cover-$(AZURE_DEV_CI_OS)
- condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.LiveTest'], 'true'))
- artifact: cover-$(AZURE_DEV_CI_OS)
- displayName: Upload code coverage
- - publish: eng/shields/standalone.json
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['SetShieldInfo'], 'true'))
- artifact: shield-standalone
- displayName: Upload standalone shield json
- - publish: cli/azd/$(BuildTarget)
- artifact: $(BuildTarget)
- condition: always()
- displayName: Upload azd binary to artifact store
- - publish: cli/installer/windows/bin/Release
- artifact: test-msi
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['BuildTestMsi'], 'true'))
- displayName: Upload test MSI
- - publish: cli/installer/fpm/artifact
- artifact: linux-packages-amd64
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['BuildLinuxPackages'], 'true'))
- displayName: Upload linux packages to artifact store
- # This is separated today because Skip.LiveTest is a queue-time variable
- # and cannot be set in a matrix entry.
- - job: CrossBuildCLI
- strategy:
- matrix:
- LinuxARM64:
- Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- BuildTarget: azd-linux-arm64
- BuildOutputName: azd
- SetExecutableBit: true
- GOOS: linux
- GOARCH: arm64
- BuildLinuxPackages: true
- MacARM64:
- Pool: Azure Pipelines
- OSVmImage: macOS-11
- BuildTarget: azd-darwin-arm64
- BuildOutputName: azd
- SetExecutableBit: true
- GOOS: darwin
- GOARCH: arm64
- # CGO_ENABLED is required on MacOS to cross-compile pkg/outil/osversion
- pool:
- name: $(Pool)
- vmImage: $(OSVmImage)
- timeoutInMinutes: 20
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/setup-go.yml
- parameters:
- Condition: false
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-cli-version-cd.yml
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
- displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: cli/azd/ci-build.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -Version $(CLI_VERSION)
- -SourceVersion $(Build.SourceVersion)
- workingDirectory: cli/azd
- displayName: Build Go Binary (cross compile)
- - pwsh: file azd
- workingDirectory: cli/azd
- displayName: Get file info
- - pwsh: Move-Item $(BuildOutputName) $(BuildTarget)
- workingDirectory: cli/azd
- displayName: Rename binaries
- - bash: chmod +x $(BuildTarget)
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['SetExecutableBit'], 'true'))
- workingDirectory: cli/azd
- displayName: Set executable bit for non-Windows binaries
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/build-linux-packages.yml
- parameters:
- Architecture: arm64
- Condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['BuildLinuxPackages'], 'true'))
- - publish: cli/azd/$(BuildTarget)
- artifact: $(BuildTarget)
- condition: always()
- displayName: Upload azd binary to artifact store
- - publish: cli/installer/fpm/artifact
- artifact: linux-packages-arm64
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['BuildLinuxPackages'], 'true'))
- displayName: Upload linux packages to artifact store
- - job: MergeLinuxPackages
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- dependsOn:
- - CrossBuildCLI
- - BuildCLI
- steps:
- - download: current
- artifact: linux-packages-amd64
- displayName: Download linux-packages-amd64
- - download: current
- artifact: linux-packages-arm64
- displayName: Download linux-packages-arm64
- # Merge the folders
- - pwsh: |
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path linux-packages
- Get-ChildItem $(Pipeline.Workspace)/linux-packages-amd64 | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item $_ linux-packages }
- Get-ChildItem $(Pipeline.Workspace)/linux-packages-arm64 | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item $_ linux-packages }
- displayName: Merge linux packages
- - publish: linux-packages
- artifact: linux-packages
- displayName: Publish merged linux packages
- - job: ValidateCrossCompile
- dependsOn: CrossBuildCLI
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-arm
- vmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04ARM64
- timeoutInMinutes: 5
- steps:
- - checkout: none
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: azd-linux-arm64
- targetPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
- - bash: pwd && ls && chmod +x ./azd-linux-arm64 && ./azd-linux-arm64 version
- displayName: azd version
- - job: GenerateReleaseArtifacts
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- vmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/setup-go.yml
- # Install scripts
- - pwsh: |
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path installer
- Copy-Item cli/installer/*install-azd.ps1 installer/
- displayName: Copy installer scripts (*.ps1) for artifact upload
- - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
- displayName: Publish install scripts to artifacts for signing
- inputs:
- artifactName: install-pwsh
- targetPath: installer
- # CLI ref docs
- - pwsh: New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path docs
- workingDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace)
- displayName: Create docs artifact folder
- - pwsh: go run docgen.go
- workingDirectory: cli/azd/docs
- displayName: Generate CLI documentation
- - pwsh: Copy-Item $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/cli/azd/docs/md/* docs/ -Recurse
- workingDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace)
- displayName: Copy CLI docs for pipeline artifact staging
- # azure.yaml.json schema docs
- - task: UsePythonVersion@0
- inputs:
- versionSpec: 3.x
- - pwsh: pip install jsonschema2md
- displayName: Install jsonschema2md
- - pwsh: jsonschema2md schemas/v1.0/azure.yaml.json $(Pipeline.Workspace)/docs/azure.yaml.schema.md
- displayName: Generate azure.yaml schema
- # Upload docs for CLI ref and azure.yaml schema
- - pwsh: Get-ChildItem .
- workingDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/docs
- displayName: Show doc artifacts to publish
- - publish: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/docs/
- artifact: docs
- displayName: Upload generated documentation
- - stage: CodeCoverage_Upload
- condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.LiveTest'], 'true'))
- dependsOn: BuildAndTest
- jobs:
- - job: Upload
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- vmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- steps:
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/setup-go.yml
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/download-artifacts.yml
- parameters:
- Artifacts:
- - cover-win
- - cover-lin
- - cover-mac
- - pwsh: |
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path cover
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path cover-int
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path cover-unit
- $unitCoverage = (Get-ChildItem cover-*/unit).FullName -join ","
- $integrationCoverage = (Get-ChildItem cover-*/int).FullName -join ","
- # Merge unit test coverage across platforms
- go tool covdata merge -i="$unitCoverage" -o cover-unit
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
- # Merge integration test coverage across platforms
- go tool covdata merge -i="$integrationCoverage" -o cover-int
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
- # Merge unit and integration code coverage
- go tool covdata merge -i="cover-unit,cover-int" -o cover
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
- # Convert to text format
- go tool covdata textfmt -i=cover -o cover.out
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
- go install github.com/axw/gocov/gocov@latest
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
- go install github.com/AlekSi/gocov-xml@latest
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
- ~/go/bin/gocov convert cover.out | ~/go/bin/gocov-xml > coverage.xml
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
- displayName: Merge code coverage files
- - publish: cover-unit
- artifact: cover-unit
- displayName: Upload unit test code coverage
- - publish: cover-int
- artifact: cover-int
- displayName: Upload integration test code coverage
- - task: PublishCodeCoverageResults@1
- inputs:
- codeCoverageTool: Cobertura
- summaryFileLocation: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/**/coverage.xml'
- displayName: Publish Code Coverage to DevOps
- - stage: Sign
- dependsOn: BuildAndTest
- jobs:
- - job: SignMac
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
- vmImage: MMS2022
- steps:
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: azd-darwin-amd64
- path: mac-artifacts
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: azd-darwin-arm64
- path: mac-artifacts
- - pwsh: |
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path mac
- Compress-Archive `
- -Path mac-artifacts/azd-darwin-amd64 `
- -DestinationPath mac/azd-darwin-amd64.zip
- Compress-Archive `
- -Path mac-artifacts/azd-darwin-arm64 `
- -DestinationPath mac/azd-darwin-arm64.zip
- displayName: Package mac binary for signing
- - ${{ if and(in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI', 'Manual'), eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev')) }}:
- - template: pipelines/steps/azd-cli-mac-signing.yml@azure-sdk-build-tools
- parameters:
- MacPath: mac
- - ${{ else }}:
- - pwsh: Write-Host "Skipping signing. Build reason - $(Build.Reason)"
- displayName: Signing process skipped for non-release build
- - pwsh: |
- Expand-Archive -Path mac/azd-darwin-amd64.zip -DestinationPath mac/
- Expand-Archive -Path mac/azd-darwin-arm64.zip -DestinationPath mac/
- Remove-Item mac/azd-darwin-amd64.zip
- Remove-Item mac/azd-darwin-arm64.zip
- displayName: Extract azd-darwin-amd64 from zip and remove zip
- - pwsh: |
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path signed-mac
- Copy-Item mac/* signed-mac/ -Recurse
- displayName: Copy signing outputs
- condition: always()
- # TODO: Replace with https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-tools/blob/main/eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-artifact.yml
- # when the common engsys is imported.
- # https://github.com/Azure/azure-dev/issues/956
- - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
- condition: succeeded()
- displayName: Publish Signed Artifacts
- inputs:
- artifactName: signed-mac
- path: signed-mac/
- - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
- condition: failed()
- displayName: Publish failed Signed Artifacts
- inputs:
- artifactName: signed-mac-FailedAttempt$(System.JobAttempt)
- path: signed-mac/
- - job: SignWindows
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
- vmImage: MMS2022
- steps:
- # Checkout required to build MSI
- - checkout: self
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: azd-windows-amd64.exe
- path: win
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: install-pwsh
- path: installer
- - pwsh: Copy-Item installer/*.ps1 win
- displayName: Copy install scripts to win/
- - ${{ if and(in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI', 'Manual'), eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev')) }}:
- - template: pipelines/steps/azd-cli-win-signing.yml@azure-sdk-build-tools
- parameters:
- WinPath: win
- WinPattern: '**'
- - ${{ else }}:
- - pwsh: Write-Host "Skipping signing. Build reason - $(Build.Reason)"
- displayName: Signing process skipped for non-release build
- - pwsh: |
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path signed-win
- Copy-Item win/* signed-win/ -Recurse
- Copy-Item win/azd-windows-amd64.exe cli/azd/azd.exe
- displayName: Copy signing outputs for publishing and MSI build
- condition: always()
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
- displayName: Set CLI_VERSION for MSI build
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/build-msi.yml
- parameters:
- Title: Build Release MSI
- # Only build for release in a manual (releasing) build. Otherwise
- # the package version will be 0.1.0 with upgrade logic that allows
- # it to be installed over any previously installed version.
- ShouldBuildForRelease: ${{ eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Manual') }}
- - ${{ if and(in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI', 'Manual'), eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev')) }}:
- - template: pipelines/steps/azd-cli-win-signing.yml@azure-sdk-build-tools
- parameters:
- WinPath: cli/installer/windows/bin/Release
- WinPattern: '*.msi'
- - ${{ else }}:
- - pwsh: Write-Host "Skipping signing. Build reason - $(Build.Reason)"
- displayName: Signing process skipped for non-release build
- - pwsh: Copy-Item cli/installer/windows/bin/Release/* signed-win/
- displayName: Copy MSI for publishing
- # TODO: Replace with https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-tools/blob/main/eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-artifact.yml
- # when the common engsys is imported.
- # https://github.com/Azure/azure-dev/issues/956
- - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
- condition: succeeded()
- displayName: Publish Signed Artifacts
- inputs:
- artifactName: signed-win
- path: signed-win/
- - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
- condition: failed()
- displayName: Publish failed Signed Artifacts
- inputs:
- artifactName: signed-win-FailedAttempt$(System.JobAttempt)
- path: signed-win/
- - job: SignLinux
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
- vmImage: MMS2022
- steps:
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: linux-packages
- path: linux
- - ${{ if and(in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI', 'Manual'), eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev')) }}:
- - template: pipelines/steps/azd-cli-linux-signing.yml@azure-sdk-build-tools
- parameters:
- LinuxPath: linux
- - ${{ else }}:
- - pwsh: Write-Host "Skipping signing. Build reason - $(Build.Reason)"
- displayName: Signing process skipped for non-release build
- - pwsh: |
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path signed-linux
- Copy-Item linux/* signed-linux/ -Recurse
- displayName: Copy signing outputs
- condition: always()
- - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
- condition: succeeded()
- displayName: Publish Signed Artifacts
- inputs:
- artifactName: signed-linux
- path: signed-linux/
- - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
- condition: failed()
- displayName: Publish failed Signed Artifacts
- inputs:
- artifactName: signed-linux-FailedAttempt$(System.JobAttempt)
- path: signed-linux/
- - stage: Verify_Installers
- condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.VerifyInstallers'], 'true'))
- dependsOn: BuildAndTest
- jobs:
- - job: Compress_For_Hosting
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- vmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: azd-windows-amd64.exe
- path: azd-windows-amd64.exe
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: azd-linux-amd64
- path: azd-linux-amd64
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: azd-darwin-amd64
- path: azd-darwin-amd64
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: test-msi
- path: msi
- - pwsh: |
- Write-Host "Moving downloaded files to hosting folder"
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path hosting
- Write-Host "Compressing artifacts as if publishing"
- zip hosting/azd-windows-amd64.zip -j azd-windows-amd64.exe/azd-windows-amd64.exe
- chmod +x azd-darwin-amd64/azd-darwin-amd64
- zip hosting/azd-darwin-amd64.zip -j azd-darwin-amd64/azd-darwin-amd64
- chmod +x azd-linux-amd64/azd-linux-amd64
- tar -C azd-linux-amd64 -cvzf hosting/azd-linux-amd64.tar.gz azd-linux-amd64
- Copy-Item msi/azd-windows-amd64.msi hosting/
- Copy-Item cli/installer/*stall-azd.* hosting/
- Get-ChildItem hosting/ -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name,Size
- displayName: Move folders to hosting location
- - publish: hosting
- artifact: test-hosting
- - job: Verify_MSI
- dependsOn: Compress_For_Hosting
- pool: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
- variables:
- strategy:
- matrix:
- PerUser:
- PerMachine: $false
- AllUsers:
- PerMachine: $true
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: test-msi
- path: msi
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: cli/installer/windows/test-win-msi.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -PerMachine:$(PerMachine)
- -MsiPath msi/azd-windows-amd64.msi
- # Do not exit on first Write-Error, write all messages and let the
- # script handle exiting with an error status.
- errorActionPreference: continue
- displayName: Test MSI
- - job: Verify_Mac_InstallOver
- dependsOn: Compress_For_Hosting
- pool:
- name: Azure Pipelines
- vmImage: macOS-12
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - bash: ./install-azd.sh --version daily --verbose
- displayName: Install "daily" version
- workingDirectory: cli/installer/
- - pwsh: azd version
- displayName: Run azd version
- - bash: ./install-azd.sh --version latest --verbose
- displayName: Install "latest" version
- workingDirectory: cli/installer/
- - pwsh: azd version
- displayName: Run azd version (expect no failure)
- - job: Verify_Installers
- dependsOn: Compress_For_Hosting
- strategy:
- matrix:
- LinuxDockerSh:
- Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- TestShell: pwsh
- TestInstallCommand: >
- ./test-installer-containers.ps1
- -BaseUrl "http://host.docker.internal:8080"
- -Version ''
- -ContainerPrefix '$(docker-mirror-tag-prefix)/'
- -AdditionalRunArgs '--add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway'
- LinuxSh:
- Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- TestShell: bash
- TestInstallCommand: >
- ./test-sh-install.sh "bash" "$BASEURL" "" &&
- ./test-telemetry-functions.sh "telemetry/linux.sh.telemetry.csv" &&
- ./test-sh-install-errors.sh "bash" "$BASEURL" ""
- LinuxPwsh:
- Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- TestShell: pwsh
- TestInstallCommand: >
- ./test-pwsh-xplat-install.ps1
- -BaseUrl $env:BASEURL
- -Version ''
- -InstallShScriptUrl "$($env:BASEURL)/install-azd.sh"
- -UninstallShScriptUrl "$($env:BASEURL)/uninstall-azd.sh";
- ./test-telemetry-functions.ps1 -NonInteractive -Shell pwsh -ExpectedFieldMap telemetry/linux.telemetry.json
- Mac11Sh:
- Pool: Azure Pipelines
- OSVmImage: macOS-11
- TestShell: bash
- TestInstallCommand: >
- ./test-sh-install.sh "bash" "$BASEURL" "" &&
- ./test-telemetry-functions.sh "telemetry/macos11.sh.telemetry.csv" &&
- ./test-sh-install-errors.sh "bash" "$BASEURL" ""
- Mac12Sh:
- Pool: Azure Pipelines
- OSVmImage: macOS-12
- TestShell: bash
- TestInstallCommand: >
- ./test-sh-install.sh "bash" "$BASEURL" "" &&
- ./test-telemetry-functions.sh "telemetry/macos12.sh.telemetry.csv" &&
- ./test-sh-install-errors.sh "bash" "$BASEURL" ""
- Mac12Pwsh:
- Pool: Azure Pipelines
- OSVmImage: macOS-12
- TestShell: pwsh
- # Should also test telemetry functions but cannot because of macOS
- # host limitations in DevOps which do not reproduce on non-DevOps
- # macs. Disabled for now.
- # ./test-telemetry-functions.ps1 -Shell pwsh -ExpectedFieldMap telemetry/macos.telemetry.json
- TestInstallCommand: >
- ./test-pwsh-xplat-install.ps1
- -BaseUrl $env:BASEURL
- -Version ''
- -InstallShScriptUrl "$($env:BASEURL)/install-azd.sh"
- -UninstallShScriptUrl "$($env:BASEURL)/uninstall-azd.sh"
- Mac11Pwsh:
- Pool: Azure Pipelines
- OSVmImage: macOS-11
- TestShell: pwsh
- # Should also test telemetry functions but cannot because of macOS
- # host limitations in DevOps which do not reproduce on non-DevOps
- # macs. Disabled for now.
- # ./test-telemetry-functions.ps1 -Shell pwsh -ExpectedFieldMap telemetry/macos.telemetry.json
- TestInstallCommand: >
- ./test-pwsh-xplat-install.ps1
- -BaseUrl $env:BASEURL
- -Version ''
- -InstallShScriptUrl "$($env:BASEURL)/install-azd.sh"
- -UninstallShScriptUrl "$($env:BASEURL)/uninstall-azd.sh"
- WindowsCmd:
- Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
- OSVmImage: MMS2022
- TestShell: cmd
- TestInstallCommand: cmd /c test-windows-install.cmd %BASEURL%
- WindowsPwsh:
- Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
- OSVmImage: MMS2022
- TestShell: pwsh
- TestInstallCommand: >
- $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
- ./test-win-install.ps1 -BaseUrl $env:BASEURL -Version '';
- ./test-telemetry-functions.ps1 -Shell pwsh -ExpectedFieldMap telemetry/windows.pwsh.telemetry.json
- WindowsPowerShell:
- Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
- OSVmImage: MMS2022
- TestShell: powershell
- TestInstallCommand: >
- $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
- ./test-win-install.ps1 -BaseUrl $env:BASEURL -Version '';
- ./test-telemetry-functions.ps1 -Shell powershell -ExpectedFieldMap telemetry/windows.powershell.telemetry.json
- pool:
- name: $(Pool)
- vmImage: $(OSVmImage)
- variables:
- BaseUrl:
- timeoutInMinutes: 10
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: test-hosting
- path: hosting
- - bash: ls
- workingDirectory: hosting
- - bash: |
- unzip ./azd-darwin-amd64.zip -d ./tmp
- # Ad-hoc signing with "-" identity
- codesign -s - tmp/azd-darwin-amd64
- zip azd-darwin-amd64.zip -j tmp/azd-darwin-amd64
- displayName: Self-sign (Darwin)
- condition: and(succeeded(), contains(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Darwin'))
- workingDirectory: hosting
- - pwsh: |
- $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
- # Generate self-sign cert
- $cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My -Type CodeSigningCert -Subject "azd installer tests code signing"
- # Add as temporary trusted root CA
- try {
- Export-Certificate -Cert $cert -FilePath code_signing.crt
- Import-Certificate -FilePath .\code_signing.crt -Cert Cert:\LocalMachine\Root
- }
- finally {
- Remove-Item -Force .\code_signing.crt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- }
- # Sign the windows binary
- Set-AuthenticodeSignature .\azd-windows-amd64.msi -Certificate $cert
- displayName: Self-sign (Windows)
- condition: and(succeeded(), contains(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Windows'))
- workingDirectory: hosting
- - bash: nohup npx -y http-server &
- displayName: Start server in hosting/ (bash)
- condition: and(succeeded(), not(contains(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Windows')))
- workingDirectory: hosting
- - pwsh: |
- Start-Process npx.cmd `
- -ArgumentList @('-y', 'http-server') `
- -NoNewWindow `
- -PassThru `
- -RedirectStandardOutput ../server.log
- Write-Host "Server started, waiting for server to initialize"
- Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
- displayName: Start server in hosting/ (pwsh)
- condition: and(succeeded(), contains(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Windows'))
- workingDirectory: hosting
- - pwsh: |
- $tmpFile = New-TemporaryFile
- $timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
- while ($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $MAX_ELAPSED_SECONDS) {
- try {
- Write-Host "Downloading file..."
- Invoke-WebRequest `
- $(BaseUrl)/azd-windows-amd64.zip `
- -OutFile $tmpFile `
- throw "Failed downloading file"
- }
- } catch {
- Write-Host "Error downloading file."
- Write-Host $_
- Start-Sleep -Seconds $SLEEP_SECONDS
- continue
- }
- # Exit if the downloaded file size is less than a small threshold
- # this could mean an error in how the files are being served.
- if ((Get-Item $tmpFile).Length -le 100000) {
- Get-Content $tmpFile
- exit 1
- }
- break
- }
- Get-Item $tmpFile | Select-Object -Property Name,Length
- displayName: Verify installer hosting
- - pwsh: $(TestInstallCommand)
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq('pwsh', variables['TestShell']))
- workingDirectory: cli/installer/
- displayName: Test install script (pwsh)
- - powershell: $(TestInstallCommand)
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq('powershell', variables['TestShell']))
- workingDirectory: cli/installer/
- displayName: Test install script (PowerShell)
- - bash: $(TestInstallCommand)
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq('bash', variables['TestShell']))
- workingDirectory: cli/installer/
- displayName: Test install script (bash)
- - task: CmdLine@2
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq('cmd', variables['TestShell']))
- inputs:
- script: $(TestInstallCommand)
- workingDirectory: cli/installer/
- displayName: Test install script (cmd)
- - pwsh: |
- Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\My | ForEach-Object {
- if ($_.Subject -match "azd installer tests code signing") {
- Write-Host "Deleting $($_.PSPath) - $($_.Subject)"
- Remove-Item -Force $_.PSPath
- }
- }
- Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\Root | ForEach-Object {
- if ($_.Subject -match "azd installer tests code signing") {
- Write-Host "Deleting $($_.PSPath) - $($_.Subject)"
- Remove-Item -Force $_.PSPath
- }
- }
- displayName: Clean up self-signed certificates (Windows)
- condition: contains(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Windows')
- workingDirectory: hosting
- - job: Verify_LinuxPackages
- strategy:
- matrix:
- LinuxAMD64:
- Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- Architecture: amd64
- # TODO: When Docker can be installed and run properly on the ARM
- # host this can be used to validate the ARM64 Linux packages.
- # https://github.com/Azure/azure-dev/issues/2617
- # LinuxARM64:
- # Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-arm
- # OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04ARM64
- # Architecture: arm64
- pool:
- name: $(Pool)
- vmImage: $(OSVmImage)
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: linux-packages-$(Architecture)
- path: cli/installer/fpm
- - task: PowerShell@2
- displayName: Verify Linux Packages
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- workingDirectory: cli/installer/fpm
- filePath: eng/scripts/Test-LinuxPackages.ps1
- arguments: -DockerImagePrefix "$(docker-mirror-tag-prefix)/"
- - ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev') }}:
- - stage: PublishCLI
- dependsOn: Sign
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
- or(
- eq('Manual', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- and(
- eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- eq('Manual', variables['Build.Reason'])
- )
- )
- )
- jobs:
- - deployment: Publish_Release
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne('true', variables['Skip.Publish'])
- )
- environment: azure-dev
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- strategy:
- runOnce:
- deploy:
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
- displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
- - pwsh: |
- # Initial upload locations
- $publishUploadLocations = 'release/$(CLI_VERSION);release/latest'
- $isPublishingGa = eng/scripts/Test-ShouldReleasePackageVersion.ps1 `
- -CliVersion '$(CLI_VERSION)'
- if ($isPublishingGa) {
- $publishUploadLocations += ";release/stable"
- }
- Write-Host "Setting StorageUploadLocations to $publishUploadLocations"
- Write-Host "###vso[task.setvariable variable=StorageUploadLocations]$publishUploadLocations"
- displayName: Set StorageUploadLocations
- - pwsh: |
- # Initial tag
- $dockerTags = '$(CLI_VERSION)'
- $isPublishingGa = eng/scripts/Test-ShouldReleasePackageVersion.ps1 `
- -CliVersion '$(CLI_VERSION)'
- if ($isPublishingGa) {
- $dockerTags += ";latest"
- }
- Write-Host "Setting DockerImageTags to $dockerTags"
- Write-Host "###vso[task.setvariable variable=DockerImageTags]$dockerTags"
- displayName: Set DockerImageTags
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli.yml
- parameters:
- CreateGitHubRelease: true
- PublishUploadLocations: $(StorageUploadLocations)
- PublishShield: true
- DockerImageTags: $(DockerImageTags)
- ReleaseSyndicatedDockerContainer: true
- PublishUpdatedDocs: true
- UploadMsi: true
- PublishBrewFormula: true
- PublishArm64Binaries: true
- - deployment: Publish_Choco
- dependsOn: Publish_Release
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne('true', variables['Skip.Publish'])
- )
- environment: azure-dev
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
- strategy:
- runOnce:
- deploy:
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
- displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli-choco.yml
- parameters:
- CliVersion: $(CLI_VERSION)
- - deployment: Publish_WinGet
- dependsOn: Publish_Release
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne('true', variables['Skip.Publish'])
- )
- environment: azure-dev
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
- strategy:
- runOnce:
- deploy:
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
- displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli-winget.yml
- parameters:
- CliVersion: $(CLI_VERSION)
- - deployment: Increment_Version
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne('true', variables['Skip.IncrementVersion'])
- )
- dependsOn: Publish_Release
- environment: azure-dev
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- strategy:
- runOnce:
- deploy:
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Update-CliVersion.ps1
- displayName: Increment CLI version
- - template: /eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/create-pull-request.yml
- parameters:
- PRBranchName: cli-version-increment-$(Build.BuildId)
- CommitMsg: Increment CLI version after release
- PRTitle: Increment CLI version after release
- - stage: PublishVersionTxt
- dependsOn: PublishCLI
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
- or(
- eq('Manual', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- and(
- eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- eq('Manual', variables['Build.Reason'])
- )
- )
- )
- jobs:
- - deployment: Upload_Version_Txt
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne('true', variables['Skip.Publish'])
- )
- environment: azure-dev
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
- strategy:
- runOnce:
- deploy:
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
- displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
- - task: PowerShell@2
- displayName: Set MSI_VERSION
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Get-MsiVersion.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -CliVersion '$(CLI_VERSION)'
- -DevOpsOutput
- - task: PowerShell@2
- displayName: Wait for WinGet package
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Wait-WinGetPackage.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -PackageName 'Microsoft.Azd'
- -PackageVersion '$(MSI_VERSION)'
- - task: PowerShell@2
- displayName: Wait for Choco package
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Wait-ChocoPackage.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -PackageName 'azd'
- -PackageVersion '$(MSI_VERSION)'
- - pwsh: |
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path release
- Write-Output $(CLI_VERSION) | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -FilePath ./release/version.txt
- displayName: Write version.txt file for release
- - pwsh: |
- $isPublishingGa = eng/scripts/Test-ShouldReleasePackageVersion.ps1 `
- -CliVersion '$(CLI_VERSION)'
- $publishUploadLocations = @('release/latest')
- if ($isPublishingGa) {
- $publishUploadLocations += @('release/stable')
- }
- Get-ChildItem release/
- foreach ($folder in $publishUploadLocations) {
- Write-Host "Upload to azd/standalone/$folder"
- az storage blob upload-batch `
- --account-name '$(azdev-storage-account-name)' `
- --account-key '$(azdev-storage-account-key)' `
- --auth-mode key `
- -s release/ `
- -d "azd/standalone/$folder" `
- --overwrite
- Write-Error "Upload failed"
- exit 1
- }
- }
- displayName: Upload version.txt to storage account
- - stage: Publish_Integration
- dependsOn: Sign
- jobs:
- # Only publish Continuous Deployment if this is the public repo
- - ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev') }}:
- - job: Publish_Continuous_Deployment
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
- or(
- in(variables['BuildReasonOverride'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI'),
- and(
- eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI')
- )
- )
- )
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-cli-version-cd.yml
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
- displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli.yml
- parameters:
- CreateGitHubRelease: false
- PublishUploadLocations: release/daily;daily/archive/$(Build.BuildId)-$(Build.SourceVersion)
- PublishShield: false
- DockerImageTags: daily;$(CLI_VERSION)
- UploadMsi: true
- PublishArm64Binaries: true
- - job: Publish_For_PR
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
- or(
- eq('PullRequest', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- and(
- eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')
- )
- )
- )
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- variables:
- ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev') }}:
- storage-account-name: $(azdev-storage-account-name)
- ${{ else }}:
- storage-account-name: $(azdev-storage-account-name-pr)
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - pwsh: |
- $PRNumber = '$(System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber)'
- Write-Host "PR Number override: $($env:PRNUMBEROVERRIDE)"
- $PRNumber = "$($env:PRNUMBEROVERRIDE)"
- }
- Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PRNumber]$PRNumber"
- displayName: Set PR Number Variable
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
- displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli.yml
- parameters:
- CreateGitHubRelease: false
- PublishUploadLocations: pr/$(PRNumber)
- UploadInstaller: true
- UploadMsi: true
- PublishArm64Binaries: true
- ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev') }}:
- PublishContainer: true
- DockerImageTags: pr-$(PRNumber)
- StorageAccountName: $(azdev-storage-account-name)
- StorageAccountKey: $(azdev-storage-account-key)
- ${{ else }}:
- PublishContainer: false
- StorageAccountName: $(azdev-storage-account-name-pr)
- StorageAccountKey: $(azdev-storage-account-key-pr)
- - pwsh: |
- $urlBase = "https://$(storage-account-name).blob.core.windows.net/azd/standalone/pr/$(PRNumber)"
- Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=UrlBase;isOutput=true]$urlBase"
- name: GenerateUrlBase
- displayName: Set UrlBase
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: docs
- path: docs
- - pwsh: |
- $urlBase = "$(GenerateUrlBase.UrlBase)"
- $linuxReleaseUrl = "$urlBase/azd-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
- $linuxReleaseUrlArm64 = "$urlBase/azd-linux-arm64.tar.gz"
- $macosReleaseUrl = "$urlBase/azd-darwin-amd64.zip"
- $macosReleaseUrlArm64 = "$urlBase/azd-darwin-arm64.zip"
- $windowsReleaseUrl = "$urlBase/azd-windows-amd64.zip"
- $msiReleaseUrl = "$urlBase/azd-windows-amd64.msi"
- $refDocContent = Get-Content docs/azd.md -Raw
- $content = @"
- ## Azure Dev CLI Install Instructions
- ### Install scripts
- #### MacOS/Linux
- > May elevate using ``sudo`` on some platforms and configurations
- bash:
- ``````
- curl -fsSL $urlBase/uninstall-azd.sh | bash;
- curl -fsSL $urlBase/install-azd.sh | bash -s -- --base-url $urlBase --version '' --verbose --skip-verify
- ``````
- pwsh:
- ``````
- Invoke-RestMethod '$urlBase/uninstall-azd.ps1' -OutFile uninstall-azd.ps1; ./uninstall-azd.ps1
- Invoke-RestMethod '$urlBase/install-azd.ps1' -OutFile install-azd.ps1; ./install-azd.ps1 -BaseUrl '$urlBase' -Version '' -SkipVerify -Verbose
- ``````
- #### Windows
- PowerShell install
- ``````
- powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass Process; irm '$urlBase/uninstall-azd.ps1' > uninstall-azd.ps1; ./uninstall-azd.ps1;"
- powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass Process; irm '$urlBase/install-azd.ps1' > install-azd.ps1; ./install-azd.ps1 -BaseUrl '$urlBase' -Version '' -SkipVerify -Verbose;"
- ``````
- MSI install
- ``````
- powershell -c "irm '$msiReleaseUrl' -OutFile azd-windows-amd64.msi; msiexec /i azd-windows-amd64.msi /qn"
- ``````
- ### Standalone Binary
- * Linux -
- * x86_64 - $linuxReleaseUrl
- * ARM64 - $linuxReleaseUrlArm64
- * MacOS -
- * x86_64 - $macosReleaseUrl
- * ARM64 - $macosReleaseUrlArm64
- * Windows - $windowsReleaseUrl
- ### MSI
- * $msiReleaseUrl
- ## Documentation
- learn.microsoft.com documentation
- $refDocContent
- "@
- $file = New-TemporaryFile
- Set-Content -Path $file -Value $content
- Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CommentBodyFile]$file"
- displayName: Write body content to temporary file
- - task: PowerShell@2
- displayName: Add PR comment
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: ./eng/scripts/Update-PRComment.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -Repo "$(Build.Repository.Name)"
- -PrNumber $(PRNumber)
- -Tag ""
- -BodyFile $(CommentBodyFile)
- env:
- GH_TOKEN: $(azuresdk-github-pat)
- - ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev') }}:
- - stage: PublishInstallers
- dependsOn: Sign
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
- or(
- eq('Manual', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- and(
- eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- eq('Manual', variables['Build.Reason'])
- )
- )
- )
- jobs:
- - deployment: PublishInstallers
- environment: azure-dev
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
+ template: /eng/pipelines/templates/stages/1es-redirect.yml
+ parameters:
+ stages:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/stages/build-and-test.yml
- strategy:
- runOnce:
- deploy:
- steps:
- - checkout: self
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/stages/code-coverage-upload.yml
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: signed-win
- path: signed-win
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/stages/sign.yml
- - pwsh: |
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path script-release
- Copy-Item signed-win/*.ps1 script-release/
- Copy-Item cli/installer/*.sh script-release/
- displayName: Copy scripts for release upload
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/stages/verify-installers.yml
- - pwsh: |
- az storage blob upload-batch `
- --account-name '$(azdev-storage-account-name)' `
- --account-key '$(azdev-storage-account-key)' `
- --auth-mode key `
- -s script-release/ `
- -d "azd/standalone/installer" `
- --overwrite
- displayName: Upload installer to storage location
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/stages/publish.yml
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/release-vscode.yml b/eng/pipelines/release-vscode.yml
index f376d55163d..dd33af8e9d0 100644
--- a/eng/pipelines/release-vscode.yml
+++ b/eng/pipelines/release-vscode.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
- repositories:
- - repository: azure-sdk-build-tools
- type: git
- name: internal/azure-sdk-build-tools
- ref: refs/tags/azure-sdk-build-tools_20240320.1
# Continuous deployment trigger
@@ -21,315 +14,14 @@ pr:
- ext/vscode
- eng/pipelines/release-vscode.yml
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
- - stage: BuildAndTest
- jobs:
- - job: BuildVscode
- strategy:
- matrix:
- Windows:
- Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
- OSVmImage: MMS2022
- Linux:
- Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- UploadArtifact: true
- Codeql.Enabled: true
- Codeql.SkipTaskAutoInjection: false
- Codeql.BuildIdentifier: vscode_linux
- Mac:
- Pool: Azure Pipelines
- OSVmImage: macOS-11
- pool:
- name: $(Pool)
- vmImage: $(OSVmImage)
- variables:
- NodeVersion: 18.x
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - task: NodeTool@0
- inputs:
- versionSpec: $(NodeVersion)
- - pwsh: |
- npm i -g npm vsce
- npm ci --no-optional
- workingDirectory: ext/vscode
- displayName: Install dependencies
- - pwsh: ./ci-test.ps1
- workingDirectory: ext/vscode
- displayName: Test
- # Sets the version in package.json if this is a Continuous Deployment
- # build.
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-vscode-version.yml
- # Set PACKAGE_ARGS to an empty string so the version number is
- # included in the filename (default behavior)
- - pwsh: |
- $buildReason = '$(Build.Reason)'
- Write-Host "Build reason override: $($env:BUILDREASONOVERRIDE)"
- $buildReason = $env:BUILDREASONOVERRIDE
- }
- $packageArgs = ''
- if ($buildReason -in @('IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI')) {
- Write-Host "CD build detected, using latest configuration for PACKAGE_ARGS"
- $packageArgs = '--out azure-dev-latest.vsix'
- }
- Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PACKAGE_ARGS;]$packageArgs"
- displayName: Set PACKAGE_ARGS
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq('true', variables['UploadArtifact']))
- - pwsh: ./ci-package.ps1 -PackageArguments '$(PACKAGE_ARGS)'
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq('true', variables['UploadArtifact']))
- workingDirectory: ext/vscode
- displayName: Package
- - task: PowerShell@2
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq('true', variables['UploadArtifact']))
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Set-ShieldInfo.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -TemplatePath eng/shields/vscode.json
- -Version "$(VSIX_VERSION)"
- displayName: Set shield info
- - pwsh: |
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path build
- Copy-Item *.vsix build/
- workingDirectory: ext/vscode
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq('true', variables['UploadArtifact']))
- displayName: Copy *.vsix to build for upload
- - publish: eng/shields/vscode.json
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq('true', variables['UploadArtifact']))
- artifact: shield-vscode
- displayName: Upload vscode shield json
- - publish: ext/vscode/build
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq('true', variables['UploadArtifact']))
- artifact: vsix
- - stage: Sign
- dependsOn: BuildAndTest
- jobs:
- - job: Sign
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
- vmImage: MMS2022
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
- inputs:
- artifact: vsix
- path: vsix
- - ${{ if in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI', 'Manual') }}:
- - template: pipelines/steps/azd-vscode-signing.yml@azure-sdk-build-tools
- parameters:
- VsixPath: vsix
- - ${{ else }}:
- - pwsh: Write-Host "Skipping signing. Build reason - $(Build.Reason)"
- displayName: Signing process skipped for non-release build
- - pwsh: |
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path signed
- Copy-Item vsix/ signed/ -Recurse
- displayName: Copy signing outputs
- condition: always()
- # TODO: Replace with https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-tools/blob/main/eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-artifact.yml
- # when the common engsys is imported.
- # https://github.com/Azure/azure-dev/issues/956
- - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
- condition: succeeded()
- displayName: Publish Signed Artifacts
- inputs:
- artifactName: signed
- path: signed/
- - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
- condition: failed()
- displayName: Publish failed Signed Artifacts
- inputs:
- artifactName: signed-FailedAttempt$(System.JobAttempt)
- path: signed/
- - stage: PublishManual
- dependsOn: Sign
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
- or(
- eq('Manual', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- and(
- eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Manual')
- )
- )
- )
- jobs:
- - deployment: Publish_Release
- environment: azure-dev
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- strategy:
- runOnce:
- deploy:
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-vscode-version.yml
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-vscode.yml
- parameters:
- PublishLocations: vscode/release/$(VSIX_VERSION);vscode/release/latest
- TagRepository: true
- UpdateShield: true
- - deployment: Increment_Version
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne('true', variables['Skip.IncrementVersion'])
- )
- dependsOn: Publish_Release
- environment: azure-dev
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- strategy:
- runOnce:
- deploy:
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - task: PowerShell@2
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: eng/scripts/Update-VscodeExtensionVersion.ps1
- displayName: Increment VSCode Extension version
- - template: /eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/create-pull-request.yml
- parameters:
- PRBranchName: vscode-version-increment-$(Build.BuildId)
- CommitMsg: Increment VSCode Extension version after release
- PRTitle: Increment VSCode Extension version after release
- - stage: PublishIntegration
- dependsOn: Sign
- jobs:
- - job: Publish_Continuous_Deployment
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
- or(
- in(variables['BuildReasonOverride'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI'),
- and(
- eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI')
- )
- )
- )
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-vscode-version.yml
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-vscode.yml
- parameters:
- PublishLocations: vscode/release/daily;vscode/daily/archive/$(Build.BuildId)-$(Build.SourceVersion)
- - job: Publish_For_PR
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
- or(
- eq('PullRequest', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- and(
- eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')
- )
- )
- )
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- OSVmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - pwsh: |
- $PRNumber = '$(System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber)'
- Write-Host "PR Number override: $($env:PRNUMBEROVERRIDE)"
- }
- Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PRNumber]$PRNumber"
- displayName: Set PR Number Variable
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-vscode-version.yml
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-vscode.yml
- parameters:
- PublishLocations: vscode/pr/$(PRNumber)
- - pwsh: |
- $downloadUrl = "https://$(azdev-storage-account-name).blob.core.windows.net/azd/vscode/pr/$(PRNumber)/azure-dev-$(VSIX_VERSION).vsix"
+ template: /eng/pipelines/templates/stages/1es-redirect.yml
+ parameters:
+ stages:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-build-and-test.yml
- $content = @"
- ## VSCode Extension Installation Instructions
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-sign.yml
- 1. Download the extension at $downloadUrl
- 2. Extract the extension from the compressed file
- 3. In vscode
- a. Open "Extensions" (Ctrl+Shift+X)
- b. Click the \`...\` menu at top of Extensions sidebar
- c. Click "Install from VSIX"
- d. Select location of downloaded file
- "@
- $file = New-TemporaryFile
- Set-Content -Path $file -Value $content
- Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CommentBodyFile]$file"
- displayName: Write body content to temporary file
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-publish-manual.yml
- - task: PowerShell@2
- displayName: Add PR comment
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: ./eng/scripts/Update-PRComment.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -Repo "azure/azure-dev"
- -PrNumber $(PRNumber)
- -Tag ""
- -BodyFile $(CommentBodyFile)
- env:
- GH_TOKEN: $(azuresdk-github-pat)
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-publish-integration.yml
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/repoman.yml b/eng/pipelines/repoman.yml
index 7e28f2bac4b..001546d96db 100644
--- a/eng/pipelines/repoman.yml
+++ b/eng/pipelines/repoman.yml
@@ -15,168 +15,137 @@ pr:
- templates/
- eng/pipelines/repoman.yml
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
- - name: StagingRemoteName
- value: azure-samples-staging
- - stage: Validation
- jobs:
- - job: Generate_Repos_For_PR
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- or(
- eq(variables['BuildReasonOverride'], 'PullRequest'),
+ template: /eng/pipelines/templates/stages/1es-redirect.yml
+ parameters:
+ stages:
+ - stage: Validation
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ - name: StagingRemoteName
+ value: azure-samples-staging
+ jobs:
+ - job: Generate_Repos_For_PR
+ condition: >-
- eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')
+ succeeded(),
+ or(
+ eq(variables['BuildReasonOverride'], 'PullRequest'),
+ and(
+ eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')
+ )
+ )
- )
- )
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- vmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
+ pool:
+ name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
+ image: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-1espt
+ os: linux
- variables:
- RepoManResultsFile: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/repoman.md
+ variables:
+ RepoManResultsFile: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/repoman.md
- steps:
- - checkout: self
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
- - pwsh: |
- $PRNumber = '$(System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber)'
- Write-Host "PR Number override: $($env:PRNUMBEROVERRIDE)"
- $PRNumber = "$($env:PRNUMBEROVERRIDE)"
- }
- Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PRNumber]$PRNumber"
- displayName: Set PRNumber
+ - pwsh: |
+ $PRNumber = '$(System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber)'
+ Write-Host "PR Number override: $($env:PRNUMBEROVERRIDE)"
+ $PRNumber = "$($env:PRNUMBEROVERRIDE)"
+ }
+ Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PRNumber]$PRNumber"
+ displayName: Set PRNumber
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/repoman-generate.yml
- parameters:
- TargetBranchName: pr/$(PRNumber)
- RemoteName: $(StagingRemoteName)
- ResultsFileLocation: $(RepoManResultsFile)
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/repoman-generate.yml
+ parameters:
+ TargetBranchName: pr/$(PRNumber)
+ RemoteName: $(StagingRemoteName)
+ ResultsFileLocation: $(RepoManResultsFile)
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ name: DetermineChanged
+ displayName: Set repoman changed templates
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: ./eng/scripts/Set-RepomanChangedRepositories.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -ResultsFile $(RepoManResultsFile)
+ -OutputTemplatesVariable "TemplateList"
+ -OutputTemplateBranchVariable "TemplateBranch"
- - task: PowerShell@2
- name: DetermineChanged
- displayName: Set repoman changed templates
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: ./eng/scripts/Set-RepomanChangedRepositories.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -ResultsFile $(RepoManResultsFile)
- -OutputTemplatesVariable "TemplateList"
- -OutputTemplateBranchVariable "TemplateBranch"
- - pwsh: |
- $repomanContent = "No changes detected."
- $repomanOutputFile = "$(RepoManResultsFile)"
- if (Test-Path $repomanOutputFile) {
- $repomanContent = Get-Content $repomanOutputFile -Raw
- }
- $tag =''
- $content = @"
- $tag
- ## Repoman Generation Results
- Repoman pushed changes to remotes for the following projects:
- $repomanContent
- "@
- $file = New-TemporaryFile
- Set-Content -Path $file -Value $content
- Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CommentBodyFile]$file"
- displayName: Set Repoman Content
- - task: PowerShell@2
- displayName: Post PR comment
- inputs:
- pwsh: true
- targetType: filePath
- filePath: ./eng/scripts/Update-PRComment.ps1
- arguments: >-
- -Repo 'azure/azure-dev'
- -PRNumber '$(PRNumber)'
- -BodyFile '$(CommentBodyFile)'
- -Tag ''
- env:
- GH_TOKEN: $(azuresdk-github-pat)
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/run-template-tests.yml
- parameters:
- TemplateList: $[ dependencies.Generate_Repos_For_PR.outputs['DetermineChanged.TemplateList'] ]
- TemplateBranchName: $[ dependencies.Generate_Repos_For_PR.outputs['DetermineChanged.TemplateBranch'] ]
- TemplateListFilter: '^Azure-Samples/todo-.*$'
- JobCondition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- ne(dependencies.Generate_Repos_For_PR.outputs['DetermineChanged.TemplateList'] , '')
- )
- JobDependsOn: Generate_Repos_For_PR
+ - pwsh: |
+ $repomanContent = "No changes detected."
+ $repomanOutputFile = "$(RepoManResultsFile)"
+ if (Test-Path $repomanOutputFile) {
+ $repomanContent = Get-Content $repomanOutputFile -Raw
+ }
- - job: Publish_Staging
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- or(
- in(variables['BuildReasonOverride'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI'),
+ $tag =''
+ $content = @"
+ $tag
+ ## Repoman Generation Results
+ Repoman pushed changes to remotes for the following projects:
+ $repomanContent
+ "@
+ $file = New-TemporaryFile
+ Set-Content -Path $file -Value $content
+ Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CommentBodyFile]$file"
+ displayName: Set Repoman Content
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ displayName: Post PR comment
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: ./eng/scripts/Update-PRComment.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -Repo 'azure/azure-dev'
+ -PRNumber '$(PRNumber)'
+ -BodyFile '$(CommentBodyFile)'
+ -Tag ''
+ env:
+ GH_TOKEN: $(azuresdk-github-pat)
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/run-template-tests.yml
+ parameters:
+ TemplateList: $[ dependencies.Generate_Repos_For_PR.outputs['DetermineChanged.TemplateList'] ]
+ TemplateBranchName: $[ dependencies.Generate_Repos_For_PR.outputs['DetermineChanged.TemplateBranch'] ]
+ TemplateListFilter: '^Azure-Samples/todo-.*$'
+ JobCondition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne(dependencies.Generate_Repos_For_PR.outputs['DetermineChanged.TemplateList'] , '')
+ )
+ JobDependsOn: Generate_Repos_For_PR
+ Pool: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
+ Image: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-1espt
+ - job: Publish_Staging
+ condition: >-
- eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI')
+ succeeded(),
+ or(
+ in(variables['BuildReasonOverride'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI'),
+ and(
+ eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI')
+ )
+ )
- )
- )
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- vmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- - pwsh: |
- $targetBranchName = 'staging'
- Write-Host "Target branch override $($env:TARGETBRANCHNAMEOVERRIDE)"
- }
- Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=TargetBranchName]$targetBranchName"
- displayName: Set TargetBranchName
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/repoman-generate.yml
- parameters:
- TargetBranchName: $(TargetBranchName)
- RemoteName: $(StagingRemoteName)
- - stage: Publish_Repos
- condition: >-
- and(
- succeeded(),
- or(
- eq(variables['BuildReasonOverride'], 'Manual'),
- and(
- eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
- eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Manual')
- )
- )
- )
- jobs:
- - deployment: Publish_Repos
- environment: azure-dev
- pool:
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- vmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
- strategy:
- runOnce:
- deploy:
+ pool:
+ name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
+ image: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-1espt
+ os: linux
- checkout: self
- pwsh: |
- $targetBranchName = ''
+ $targetBranchName = 'staging'
Write-Host "Target branch override $($env:TARGETBRANCHNAMEOVERRIDE)"
@@ -187,4 +156,52 @@ stages:
- template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/repoman-generate.yml
TargetBranchName: $(TargetBranchName)
- RemoteName: azure-samples-main
+ RemoteName: $(StagingRemoteName)
+ - stage: Publish_Repos
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ or(
+ eq(variables['BuildReasonOverride'], 'Manual'),
+ and(
+ eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Manual')
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ jobs:
+ - deployment: Publish_Repos
+ environment: azure-dev
+ pool:
+ name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
+ image: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-1espt
+ os: linux
+ templateContext:
+ inputs:
+ - input: checkout
+ repository: self
+ strategy:
+ runOnce:
+ deploy:
+ steps:
+ - pwsh: |
+ $targetBranchName = ''
+ Write-Host "Target branch override $($env:TARGETBRANCHNAMEOVERRIDE)"
+ }
+ Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=TargetBranchName]$targetBranchName"
+ displayName: Set TargetBranchName
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/repoman-generate.yml
+ parameters:
+ TargetBranchName: $(TargetBranchName)
+ RemoteName: azure-samples-main
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/build-cli.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/build-cli.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a4cf355f34f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/build-cli.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ - name: NameSuffix
+ type: string
+ - name: Pool
+ type: string
+ - name: ImageKey
+ type: string
+ default: image
+ - name: OSVmImage
+ type: string
+ - name: OS
+ type: string
+ - name: Variables
+ type: object
+ default: {}
+ - job: BuildCLI_${{ parameters.NameSuffix }}
+ displayName: BuildCLI ${{ parameters.NameSuffix }}
+ variables:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters.Variables }}
+ pool:
+ name: ${{ parameters.Pool }}
+ ${{ parameters.ImageKey }}: ${{ parameters.OSVmImage }}
+ os: ${{ parameters.OS }}
+ timeoutInMinutes: 180
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/setup-go.yml
+ parameters:
+ Condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.LiveTest'], 'true'))
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-cli-version-cd.yml
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
+ displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliBuildVariables.ps1
+ arguments: -BuildReason $(Build.Reason)
+ displayName: Set CLI build run variables
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: cli/azd/ci-build.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -Version $(CLI_VERSION)
+ -SourceVersion $(Build.SourceVersion)
+ -CodeCoverageEnabled
+ -BuildRecordMode
+ workingDirectory: cli/azd
+ displayName: Build Go Binary (For tests)
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/build-msi.yml
+ parameters:
+ Title: Build Test MSI
+ Condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['BuildTestMsi'], 'true'))
+ # Build the test MSI with the same configuration as the
+ # release MSI (no special upgrade behavior)
+ ShouldBuildForRelease: true
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/install-terraform.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/install-kubectl.yml
+ - task: DockerInstaller@0
+ displayName: Docker Installer
+ condition: and(succeeded(), contains('${{ parameters.OS }}', 'macOS'))
+ inputs:
+ dockerVersion: 17.09.0-ce
+ releaseType: stable
+ # Live testing uses dotnet 8.0.x in the WebApp project deployment
+ - task: UseDotNet@2
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.LiveTest'], 'true'))
+ inputs:
+ version: 8.0.x
+ - bash: dotnet nuget add source --name dotnet8 https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet8/nuget/v3/index.json
+ displayName: Add internal dotnet nuget feed
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/az-login.yml
+ parameters:
+ Condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.LiveTest'], 'true'))
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/azd-login.yml
+ parameters:
+ AzdDirectory: cli/azd
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.LiveTest'], 'true'))
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: cli/azd/ci-test.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -UnitTestCoverageDir './cover-$(AZURE_DEV_CI_OS)/unit'
+ -IntegrationTestCoverageDir './cover-$(AZURE_DEV_CI_OS)/int'
+ workingDirectory: cli/azd
+ displayName: Test Go Binary
+ env:
+ # AZD live test setup variables
+ CI: true
+ AZD_TEST_CLIENT_ID: $(arm-client-id)
+ AZD_TEST_CLIENT_SECRET: $(arm-client-secret)
+ AZD_TEST_TENANT_ID: $(arm-tenant-id)
+ # AZD Live Test: Terraform service principal authentication
+ ARM_CLIENT_ID: $(arm-client-id)
+ ARM_CLIENT_SECRET: $(arm-client-secret)
+ ARM_TENANT_ID: $(arm-tenant-id)
+ # Code Coverage: Generate junit report to publish results
+ GOTESTSUM_JUNITFILE: junitTestReport.xml
+ - task: PublishTestResults@2
+ inputs:
+ testResultsFormat: JUnit
+ testResultsFiles: '**/junitTestReport.xml'
+ testRunTitle: $(Agent.JobName)
+ searchFolder: cli/azd
+ publishRunAttachments: true
+ displayName: Publish test results
+ condition: succeededOrFailed()
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: cli/azd/ci-build.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -Version $(CLI_VERSION)
+ -SourceVersion $(Build.SourceVersion)
+ workingDirectory: cli/azd
+ displayName: Build Go Binary
+ - pwsh: |
+ Write-Host "Move-Item $(BuildOutputName) $(BuildTarget)"
+ Move-Item $(BuildOutputName) $(BuildTarget)
+ workingDirectory: cli/azd
+ displayName: Rename binaries
+ - bash: chmod +x $(BuildTarget)
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['SetExecutableBit'], 'true'))
+ workingDirectory: cli/azd
+ displayName: Set executable bit for non-Windows binaries
+ - pwsh: |
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/build-output -Force
+ Copy-Item $(BuildTarget) $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/build-output
+ workingDirectory: cli/azd
+ displayName: Copy binary to artifact staging directory
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/build-linux-packages.yml
+ parameters:
+ Condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['BuildLinuxPackages'], 'true'))
+ - pwsh: New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/shield -Force
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['SetShieldInfo'], 'true'))
+ displayName: Create shield artifact directory
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['SetShieldInfo'], 'true'))
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Set-ShieldInfo.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -TemplatePath eng/shields/standalone.json
+ -OutputPath $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/shield/standalone.json
+ -Version "$(CLI_VERSION)"
+ displayName: Set shield info
+ templateContext:
+ outputs:
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: cli/azd/cover-$(AZURE_DEV_CI_OS)
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.LiveTest'], 'true'))
+ artifact: cover-$(AZURE_DEV_CI_OS)
+ displayName: Upload code coverage
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/shield
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['SetShieldInfo'], 'true'))
+ artifact: shield-standalone
+ displayName: Upload standalone shield json
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/build-output
+ artifact: $(BuildTarget)
+ condition: always()
+ displayName: Upload azd binary to artifact store
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: cli/installer/windows/bin/Release
+ artifact: test-msi
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['BuildTestMsi'], 'true'))
+ displayName: Upload test MSI
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: cli/installer/fpm/artifact
+ artifact: linux-packages-amd64
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['BuildLinuxPackages'], 'true'))
+ displayName: Upload linux packages to artifact store
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/cross-build-cli.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/cross-build-cli.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7c56719a4d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/cross-build-cli.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ - name: NameSuffix
+ type: string
+ - name: Pool
+ type: string
+ - name: ImageKey
+ type: string
+ default: image
+ - name: OSVmImage
+ type: string
+ - name: OS
+ type: string
+ - name: Variables
+ type: object
+ default: {}
+ - name: PreBuildSteps
+ type: stepList
+ default: []
+ - name: HostArchitecture
+ type: string
+ - job: CrossBuildCLI_${{ parameters.NameSuffix }}
+ displayName: CrossBuildCLI ${{ parameters.NameSuffix }}
+ variables:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters.Variables }}
+ pool:
+ name: ${{ parameters.Pool }}
+ ${{ parameters.ImageKey }}: ${{ parameters.OSVmImage }}
+ os: ${{ parameters.OS }}
+ hostArchitecture: ${{ parameters.HostArchitecture }}
+ timeoutInMinutes: 20
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/setup-go.yml
+ parameters:
+ Condition: false
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-cli-version-cd.yml
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
+ displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
+ - ${{ parameters.PreBuildSteps }}
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: cli/azd/ci-build.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -Version $(CLI_VERSION)
+ -SourceVersion $(Build.SourceVersion)
+ workingDirectory: cli/azd
+ displayName: Build Go Binary (cross compile)
+ - pwsh: file azd
+ workingDirectory: cli/azd
+ displayName: Get file info
+ - pwsh: Move-Item $(BuildOutputName) $(BuildTarget)
+ workingDirectory: cli/azd
+ displayName: Rename binaries
+ - bash: chmod +x $(BuildTarget)
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['SetExecutableBit'], 'true'))
+ workingDirectory: cli/azd
+ displayName: Set executable bit for non-Windows binaries
+ - pwsh: |
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/build-output -Force
+ Copy-Item $(BuildTarget) $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/build-output
+ workingDirectory: cli/azd
+ displayName: Copy binary to artifact staging directory
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/build-linux-packages.yml
+ parameters:
+ Architecture: arm64
+ Condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['BuildLinuxPackages'], 'true'))
+ templateContext:
+ outputs:
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/build-output
+ artifact: $(BuildTarget)
+ condition: always()
+ displayName: Upload azd binary to artifact store
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: cli/installer/fpm/artifact
+ artifact: linux-packages-arm64
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['BuildLinuxPackages'], 'true'))
+ displayName: Upload linux packages to artifact store
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/run-template-tests.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/run-template-tests.yml
index 3147b87b3d6..cb5bfed4497 100644
--- a/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/run-template-tests.yml
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/run-template-tests.yml
@@ -53,13 +53,23 @@ parameters:
type: boolean
default: false
+- name: Pool
+ type: string
+ default: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
+# Image name (compliant image required for 1ES pipelines that release)
+- name: Image
+ type: string
+ default: MMSUbuntu20.04
- job: TemplateTest_CreateMatrix
condition: ${{ parameters.JobCondition }}
dependsOn: ${{ parameters.JobDependsOn }}
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- vmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
+ name: ${{ parameters.Pool }}
+ image: ${{ parameters.Image }}
+ os: linux
- name: AzdVersion
@@ -109,8 +119,9 @@ jobs:
maxParallel: 10
- name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
- vmImage: MMSUbuntu20.04
+ name: ${{ parameters.Pool }}
+ image: ${{ parameters.Image }}
+ os: linux
- checkout: self
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/verify-installers.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/verify-installers.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b9b14bacc00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/verify-installers.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ - name: NameSuffix
+ type: string
+ - name: Pool
+ type: string
+ - name: ImageKey
+ type: string
+ default: image
+ - name: OSVmImage
+ type: string
+ - name: OS
+ type: string
+ - name: Variables
+ type: object
+ default: {}
+ - job: Verify_Installers_${{ parameters.NameSuffix }}
+ displayName: Verify_Installers ${{ parameters.NameSuffix }}
+ dependsOn: Compress_For_Hosting
+ pool:
+ name: ${{ parameters.Pool }}
+ ${{ parameters.ImageKey }}: ${{ parameters.OSVmImage }}
+ os: ${{ parameters.OS }}
+ variables:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters.Variables }}
+ BaseUrl:
+ timeoutInMinutes: 10
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: test-hosting
+ path: hosting
+ - bash: ls
+ workingDirectory: hosting
+ - bash: |
+ unzip ./azd-darwin-amd64.zip -d ./tmp
+ # Ad-hoc signing with "-" identity
+ codesign -s - tmp/azd-darwin-amd64
+ zip azd-darwin-amd64.zip -j tmp/azd-darwin-amd64
+ displayName: Self-sign (Darwin)
+ condition: and(succeeded(), contains(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Darwin'))
+ workingDirectory: hosting
+ - pwsh: |
+ $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
+ # Generate self-sign cert
+ $cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My -Type CodeSigningCert -Subject "azd installer tests code signing"
+ # Add as temporary trusted root CA
+ try {
+ Export-Certificate -Cert $cert -FilePath code_signing.crt
+ Import-Certificate -FilePath .\code_signing.crt -Cert Cert:\LocalMachine\Root
+ }
+ finally {
+ Remove-Item -Force .\code_signing.crt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ }
+ # Sign the windows binary
+ Set-AuthenticodeSignature .\azd-windows-amd64.msi -Certificate $cert
+ displayName: Self-sign (Windows)
+ condition: and(succeeded(), contains(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Windows'))
+ workingDirectory: hosting
+ - bash: nohup npx -y http-server &
+ displayName: Start server in hosting/ (bash)
+ condition: and(succeeded(), not(contains(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Windows')))
+ workingDirectory: hosting
+ - pwsh: |
+ Start-Process npx.cmd `
+ -ArgumentList @('-y', 'http-server') `
+ -NoNewWindow `
+ -PassThru `
+ -RedirectStandardOutput ../server.log
+ Write-Host "Server started, waiting for server to initialize"
+ Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
+ displayName: Start server in hosting/ (pwsh)
+ condition: and(succeeded(), contains(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Windows'))
+ workingDirectory: hosting
+ - pwsh: |
+ $tmpFile = New-TemporaryFile
+ $timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
+ while ($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $MAX_ELAPSED_SECONDS) {
+ try {
+ Write-Host "Downloading file..."
+ Invoke-WebRequest `
+ $(BaseUrl)/azd-windows-amd64.zip `
+ -OutFile $tmpFile `
+ throw "Failed downloading file"
+ }
+ } catch {
+ Write-Host "Error downloading file."
+ Write-Host $_
+ Start-Sleep -Seconds $SLEEP_SECONDS
+ continue
+ }
+ # Exit if the downloaded file size is less than a small threshold
+ # this could mean an error in how the files are being served.
+ if ((Get-Item $tmpFile).Length -le 100000) {
+ Get-Content $tmpFile
+ exit 1
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ Get-Item $tmpFile | Select-Object -Property Name,Length
+ displayName: Verify installer hosting
+ - pwsh: $(TestInstallCommand)
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq('pwsh', variables['TestShell']))
+ workingDirectory: cli/installer/
+ displayName: Test install script (pwsh)
+ - powershell: $(TestInstallCommand)
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq('powershell', variables['TestShell']))
+ workingDirectory: cli/installer/
+ displayName: Test install script (PowerShell)
+ - bash: $(TestInstallCommand)
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq('bash', variables['TestShell']))
+ workingDirectory: cli/installer/
+ displayName: Test install script (bash)
+ - task: CmdLine@2
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq('cmd', variables['TestShell']))
+ inputs:
+ script: $(TestInstallCommand)
+ workingDirectory: cli/installer/
+ displayName: Test install script (cmd)
+ - pwsh: |
+ Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\My | ForEach-Object {
+ if ($_.Subject -match "azd installer tests code signing") {
+ Write-Host "Deleting $($_.PSPath) - $($_.Subject)"
+ Remove-Item -Force $_.PSPath
+ }
+ }
+ Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\Root | ForEach-Object {
+ if ($_.Subject -match "azd installer tests code signing") {
+ Write-Host "Deleting $($_.PSPath) - $($_.Subject)"
+ Remove-Item -Force $_.PSPath
+ }
+ }
+ displayName: Clean up self-signed certificates (Windows)
+ condition: contains(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Windows')
+ workingDirectory: hosting
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/vscode-build.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/vscode-build.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e5f29e097b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/vscode-build.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ - name: NameSuffix
+ type: string
+ - name: Pool
+ type: string
+ - name: ImageKey
+ type: string
+ default: image
+ - name: OSVmImage
+ type: string
+ - name: OS
+ type: string
+ - name: Variables
+ type: object
+ default: {}
+ - job: BuildVscode_${{ parameters.NameSuffix }}
+ displayName: BuildVscode ${{ parameters.NameSuffix }}
+ pool:
+ name: ${{ parameters.Pool }}
+ ${{ parameters.ImageKey }}: ${{ parameters.OSVmImage }}
+ os: ${{ parameters.OS }}
+ variables:
+ NodeVersion: 18.x
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters.Variables }}
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - task: NodeTool@0
+ inputs:
+ versionSpec: $(NodeVersion)
+ - pwsh: |
+ npm i -g npm vsce
+ npm ci --no-optional
+ workingDirectory: ext/vscode
+ displayName: Install dependencies
+ - pwsh: ./ci-test.ps1
+ workingDirectory: ext/vscode
+ displayName: Test
+ # Sets the version in package.json if this is a Continuous Deployment
+ # build.
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-vscode-version.yml
+ # Set PACKAGE_ARGS to an empty string so the version number is
+ # included in the filename (default behavior)
+ - pwsh: |
+ $buildReason = '$(Build.Reason)'
+ Write-Host "Build reason override: $($env:BUILDREASONOVERRIDE)"
+ $buildReason = $env:BUILDREASONOVERRIDE
+ }
+ $packageArgs = ''
+ if ($buildReason -in @('IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI')) {
+ Write-Host "CD build detected, using latest configuration for PACKAGE_ARGS"
+ $packageArgs = '--out azure-dev-latest.vsix'
+ }
+ Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PACKAGE_ARGS;]$packageArgs"
+ displayName: Set PACKAGE_ARGS
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq('true', variables['UploadArtifact']))
+ - pwsh: ./ci-package.ps1 -PackageArguments '$(PACKAGE_ARGS)'
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq('true', variables['UploadArtifact']))
+ workingDirectory: ext/vscode
+ displayName: Package
+ - pwsh: New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/shield -Force
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq('true', variables['UploadArtifact']))
+ displayName: Create shield artifact directory
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq('true', variables['UploadArtifact']))
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Set-ShieldInfo.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -TemplatePath eng/shields/vscode.json
+ -OutputPath $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/shield/standalone.json
+ -Version "$(VSIX_VERSION)"
+ displayName: Set shield info
+ - pwsh: |
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path build
+ Copy-Item *.vsix build/
+ workingDirectory: ext/vscode
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq('true', variables['UploadArtifact']))
+ displayName: Copy *.vsix to build for upload
+ templateContext:
+ outputs:
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/shield
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq('true', variables['UploadArtifact']))
+ artifact: shield-vscode
+ displayName: Upload vscode shield json
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: ext/vscode/build
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq('true', variables['UploadArtifact']))
+ artifact: vsix
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/1es-redirect.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/1es-redirect.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..745aa0e8cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/1es-redirect.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ repositories:
+ - repository: 1ESPipelineTemplates
+ type: git
+ name: 1ESPipelineTemplates/1ESPipelineTemplates
+ ref: refs/tags/release
+ - repository: azure-sdk-build-tools
+ type: git
+ name: internal/azure-sdk-build-tools
+ ref: refs/tags/azure-sdk-build-tools_20230829.1
+- name: stages
+ type: stageList
+ default: []
+- name: Use1ESOfficial
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ ${{ if and(parameters.Use1ESOfficial, eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'internal')) }}:
+ template: v1/1ES.Official.PipelineTemplate.yml@1ESPipelineTemplates
+ ${{ else }}:
+ template: v1/1ES.Unofficial.PipelineTemplate.yml@1ESPipelineTemplates
+ parameters:
+ settings:
+ skipBuildTagsForGitHubPullRequests: true
+ sdl:
+ credscan:
+ suppressionsFile: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/CredScanSuppression.json
+ sourceRepositoriesToScan:
+ exclude:
+ - repository: azure-sdk-build-tools
+ sourceAnalysisPool:
+ name: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
+ image: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-1espt
+ os: windows
+ psscriptanalyzer:
+ compiled: true
+ break: true
+ policy: M365
+ stages: ${{ parameters.stages }}
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/build-and-test.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/build-and-test.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9c8de745b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/build-and-test.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+ - name: BuildMatrix
+ type: object
+ default:
+ Windows:
+ OS: windows
+ ImageKey: image
+ Variables:
+ BuildTarget: azd-windows-amd64.exe
+ BuildOutputName: azd.exe
+ BuildTestMsi: true
+ Codeql.Enabled: true
+ Codeql.SkipTaskAutoInjection: false
+ Codeql.BuildIdentifier: cli_windows
+ Linux:
+ Pool: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ OS: linux
+ ImageKey: image
+ Variables:
+ BuildTarget: azd-linux-amd64
+ BuildOutputName: azd
+ SetExecutableBit: true
+ SetShieldInfo: true
+ BuildLinuxPackages: true
+ Codeql.Enabled: true
+ Codeql.SkipTaskAutoInjection: false
+ Codeql.BuildIdentifier: cli_linux
+ Mac:
+ Pool: Azure Pipelines
+ OS: macOS
+ ImageKey: vmImage
+ Variables:
+ BuildTarget: azd-darwin-amd64
+ BuildOutputName: azd
+ MacLocalSign: false
+ SetExecutableBit: true
+ # CodeQL on macOS not supported by the Azure DevOps task as-of current.
+ # Codeql.BuildIdentifier: cli_darwin
+ - name: CrossBuildMatrix
+ type: object
+ default:
+ # Compliant image name required
+ LinuxARM64:
+ OS: linux
+ ImageKey: image
+ HostArchitecture: Arm64
+ PreBuildSteps:
+ - pwsh: sudo tdnf install -y build-essential
+ displayName: Install build-essential
+ Variables:
+ BuildTarget: azd-linux-arm64
+ BuildOutputName: azd
+ SetExecutableBit: true
+ GOOS: linux
+ GOARCH: arm64
+ BuildLinuxPackages: true
+ MacARM64:
+ Pool: Azure Pipelines
+ OS: macOS
+ ImageKey: vmImage
+ HostArchitecture: x86_64
+ PreBuildSteps: []
+ Variables:
+ BuildTarget: azd-darwin-arm64
+ BuildOutputName: azd
+ SetExecutableBit: true
+ GOOS: darwin
+ GOARCH: arm64
+ # CGO_ENABLED is required on MacOS to cross-compile pkg/outil/osversion
+ - stage: BuildAndTest
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
+ jobs:
+ - ${{ each build in parameters.BuildMatrix }}:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/build-cli.yml
+ parameters:
+ NameSuffix: ${{ build.key}}
+ Pool: ${{ build.value.Pool }}
+ ImageKey: ${{ build.value.ImageKey }}
+ OSVmImage: ${{ build.value.OSVmImage }}
+ OS: ${{ build.value.OS }}
+ Variables: ${{ build.value.Variables }}
+ # This is separated today because Skip.LiveTest is a queue-time variable
+ # and cannot be set in a matrix entry.
+ - ${{ each build in parameters.CrossBuildMatrix }}:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/cross-build-cli.yml
+ parameters:
+ NameSuffix: ${{ build.key}}
+ Pool: ${{ build.value.Pool }}
+ ImageKey: ${{ build.value.ImageKey }}
+ OSVmImage: ${{ build.value.OSVmImage }}
+ OS: ${{ build.value.OS }}
+ PreBuildSteps: ${{ build.value.PreBuildSteps }}
+ HostArchitecture: ${{ build.value.HostArchitecture }}
+ Variables: ${{ build.value.Variables }}
+ - job: MergeLinuxPackages
+ pool:
+ name: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ image: $(LINUXVMIMAGE)
+ os: linux
+ dependsOn:
+ - ${{ each build in parameters.CrossBuildMatrix }}:
+ - CrossBuildCLI_${{ build.key }}
+ - ${{ each build in parameters.BuildMatrix }}:
+ - BuildCLI_${{ build.key }}
+ steps:
+ - download: current
+ artifact: linux-packages-amd64
+ displayName: Download linux-packages-amd64
+ - download: current
+ artifact: linux-packages-arm64
+ displayName: Download linux-packages-arm64
+ # Merge the folders
+ - pwsh: |
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path linux-packages
+ Get-ChildItem $(Pipeline.Workspace)/linux-packages-amd64 -Exclude '_manifest' | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item $_ linux-packages }
+ Get-ChildItem $(Pipeline.Workspace)/linux-packages-arm64 -Exclude '_manifest' | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item $_ linux-packages }
+ displayName: Merge linux packages
+ templateContext:
+ outputs:
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: linux-packages
+ artifact: linux-packages
+ displayName: Publish merged linux packages
+ - job: ValidateCrossCompile
+ dependsOn:
+ - ${{ each build in parameters.CrossBuildMatrix }}:
+ - CrossBuildCLI_${{ build.key }}
+ pool:
+ os: linux
+ timeoutInMinutes: 5
+ steps:
+ - checkout: none
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: azd-linux-arm64
+ targetPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+ - bash: pwd && ls && chmod +x ./azd-linux-arm64 && ./azd-linux-arm64 version
+ displayName: azd version
+ - job: GenerateReleaseArtifacts
+ pool:
+ name: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ image: $(LINUXVMIMAGE)
+ os: linux
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/setup-go.yml
+ # Install scripts
+ - pwsh: |
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path installer
+ Copy-Item cli/installer/*install-azd.ps1 installer/
+ displayName: Copy installer scripts (*.ps1) for artifact upload
+ # CLI ref docs
+ - pwsh: New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path docs
+ workingDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace)
+ displayName: Create docs artifact folder
+ - pwsh: go run docgen.go
+ workingDirectory: cli/azd/docs
+ displayName: Generate CLI documentation
+ - pwsh: Copy-Item $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/cli/azd/docs/md/* docs/ -Recurse
+ workingDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace)
+ displayName: Copy CLI docs for pipeline artifact staging
+ # azure.yaml.json schema docs
+ - task: UsePythonVersion@0
+ inputs:
+ versionSpec: 3.x
+ - pwsh: pip install jsonschema2md
+ displayName: Install jsonschema2md
+ - pwsh: jsonschema2md schemas/v1.0/azure.yaml.json $(Pipeline.Workspace)/docs/azure.yaml.schema.md
+ displayName: Generate azure.yaml schema
+ # Upload docs for CLI ref and azure.yaml schema
+ - pwsh: Get-ChildItem .
+ workingDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/docs
+ displayName: Show doc artifacts to publish
+ templateContext:
+ outputs:
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: installer
+ artifact: install-pwsh
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/docs/
+ artifact: docs
+ displayName: Upload generated documentation
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/code-coverage-upload.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/code-coverage-upload.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bd83748fc68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/code-coverage-upload.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+- stage: CodeCoverage_Upload
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.LiveTest'], 'true'))
+ dependsOn: BuildAndTest
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
+ jobs:
+ - job: Upload
+ pool:
+ name: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ image: $(LINUXVMIMAGE)
+ os: linux
+ steps:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/setup-go.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/download-artifacts.yml
+ parameters:
+ Artifacts:
+ - cover-win
+ - cover-lin
+ - cover-mac
+ - pwsh: |
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path cover
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path cover-int
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path cover-unit
+ $unitCoverage = (Get-ChildItem cover-*/unit).FullName -join ","
+ $integrationCoverage = (Get-ChildItem cover-*/int).FullName -join ","
+ # Merge unit test coverage across platforms
+ go tool covdata merge -i="$unitCoverage" -o cover-unit
+ if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
+ # Merge integration test coverage across platforms
+ go tool covdata merge -i="$integrationCoverage" -o cover-int
+ if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
+ # Merge unit and integration code coverage
+ go tool covdata merge -i="cover-unit,cover-int" -o cover
+ if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
+ # Convert to text format
+ go tool covdata textfmt -i=cover -o cover.out
+ if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
+ go install github.com/axw/gocov/gocov@latest
+ if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
+ go install github.com/AlekSi/gocov-xml@latest
+ if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
+ ~/go/bin/gocov convert cover.out | ~/go/bin/gocov-xml > coverage.xml
+ if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }
+ displayName: Merge code coverage files
+ - task: PublishCodeCoverageResults@1
+ inputs:
+ codeCoverageTool: Cobertura
+ summaryFileLocation: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/**/coverage.xml'
+ displayName: Publish Code Coverage to DevOps
+ templateContext:
+ outputs:
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: cover-unit
+ artifact: cover-unit
+ displayName: Upload unit test code coverage
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ path: cover-int
+ artifact: cover-int
+ displayName: Upload integration test code coverage
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/publish.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/publish.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c8ac132452a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/publish.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+ - ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev') }}:
+ - stage: PublishCLI
+ dependsOn: Sign
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
+ or(
+ eq('Manual', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ and(
+ eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ eq('Manual', variables['Build.Reason'])
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ jobs:
+ - deployment: Publish_Release
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne('true', variables['Skip.Publish'])
+ )
+ environment: azure-dev
+ pool:
+ name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
+ image: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-1espt
+ os: linux
+ templateContext:
+ inputs:
+ - input: checkout
+ repository: self
+ strategy:
+ runOnce:
+ deploy:
+ steps:
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
+ displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
+ - pwsh: |
+ # Initial upload locations
+ $publishUploadLocations = 'release/$(CLI_VERSION);release/latest'
+ $isPublishingGa = eng/scripts/Test-ShouldReleasePackageVersion.ps1 `
+ -CliVersion '$(CLI_VERSION)'
+ if ($isPublishingGa) {
+ $publishUploadLocations += ";release/stable"
+ }
+ Write-Host "Setting StorageUploadLocations to $publishUploadLocations"
+ Write-Host "###vso[task.setvariable variable=StorageUploadLocations]$publishUploadLocations"
+ displayName: Set StorageUploadLocations
+ - pwsh: |
+ # Initial tag
+ $dockerTags = '$(CLI_VERSION)'
+ $isPublishingGa = eng/scripts/Test-ShouldReleasePackageVersion.ps1 `
+ -CliVersion '$(CLI_VERSION)'
+ if ($isPublishingGa) {
+ $dockerTags += ";latest"
+ }
+ Write-Host "Setting DockerImageTags to $dockerTags"
+ Write-Host "###vso[task.setvariable variable=DockerImageTags]$dockerTags"
+ displayName: Set DockerImageTags
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli.yml
+ parameters:
+ CreateGitHubRelease: true
+ PublishUploadLocations: $(StorageUploadLocations)
+ PublishShield: true
+ DockerImageTags: $(DockerImageTags)
+ ReleaseSyndicatedDockerContainer: true
+ PublishUpdatedDocs: true
+ UploadMsi: true
+ PublishBrewFormula: true
+ PublishArm64Binaries: true
+ - deployment: Publish_Choco
+ dependsOn: Publish_Release
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne('true', variables['Skip.Publish'])
+ )
+ environment: azure-dev
+ pool:
+ name: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
+ image: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-1espt
+ os: windows
+ templateContext:
+ inputs:
+ - input: checkout
+ repository: self
+ strategy:
+ runOnce:
+ deploy:
+ steps:
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
+ displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli-choco.yml
+ parameters:
+ CliVersion: $(CLI_VERSION)
+ - deployment: Publish_WinGet
+ dependsOn: Publish_Release
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne('true', variables['Skip.Publish'])
+ )
+ environment: azure-dev
+ pool:
+ name: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
+ image: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-1espt
+ os: windows
+ templateContext:
+ inputs:
+ - input: checkout
+ repository: self
+ strategy:
+ runOnce:
+ deploy:
+ steps:
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
+ displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli-winget.yml
+ parameters:
+ CliVersion: $(CLI_VERSION)
+ - deployment: Increment_Version
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne('true', variables['Skip.IncrementVersion'])
+ )
+ dependsOn: Publish_Release
+ environment: azure-dev
+ pool:
+ name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
+ image: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-1espt
+ os: linux
+ templateContext:
+ inputs:
+ - input: checkout
+ repository: self
+ strategy:
+ runOnce:
+ deploy:
+ steps:
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Update-CliVersion.ps1
+ displayName: Increment CLI version
+ - template: /eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/create-pull-request.yml
+ parameters:
+ PRBranchName: cli-version-increment-$(Build.BuildId)
+ CommitMsg: Increment CLI version after release
+ PRTitle: Increment CLI version after release
+ - stage: PublishVersionTxt
+ dependsOn: PublishCLI
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
+ or(
+ eq('Manual', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ and(
+ eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ eq('Manual', variables['Build.Reason'])
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ jobs:
+ - deployment: Upload_Version_Txt
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne('true', variables['Skip.Publish'])
+ )
+ environment: azure-dev
+ pool:
+ name: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
+ image: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-1espt
+ os: windows
+ templateContext:
+ inputs:
+ - input: checkout
+ repository: self
+ strategy:
+ runOnce:
+ deploy:
+ steps:
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
+ displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ displayName: Set MSI_VERSION
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Get-MsiVersion.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -CliVersion '$(CLI_VERSION)'
+ -DevOpsOutput
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ displayName: Wait for WinGet package
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Wait-WinGetPackage.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -PackageName 'Microsoft.Azd'
+ -PackageVersion '$(MSI_VERSION)'
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ displayName: Wait for Choco package
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Wait-ChocoPackage.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -PackageName 'azd'
+ -PackageVersion '$(MSI_VERSION)'
+ - pwsh: |
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path release
+ Write-Output $(CLI_VERSION) | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -FilePath ./release/version.txt
+ displayName: Write version.txt file for release
+ - pwsh: |
+ $isPublishingGa = eng/scripts/Test-ShouldReleasePackageVersion.ps1 `
+ -CliVersion '$(CLI_VERSION)'
+ $publishUploadLocations = @('release/latest')
+ if ($isPublishingGa) {
+ $publishUploadLocations += @('release/stable')
+ }
+ Get-ChildItem release/
+ foreach ($folder in $publishUploadLocations) {
+ Write-Host "Upload to azd/standalone/$folder"
+ az storage blob upload-batch `
+ --account-name '$(azdev-storage-account-name)' `
+ --account-key '$(azdev-storage-account-key)' `
+ --auth-mode key `
+ -s release/ `
+ -d "azd/standalone/$folder" `
+ --overwrite
+ Write-Error "Upload failed"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ }
+ displayName: Upload version.txt to storage account
+ - stage: Publish_Integration
+ dependsOn: Sign
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ jobs:
+ # Only publish Continuous Deployment if this is the public repo
+ - ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev') }}:
+ - job: Publish_Continuous_Deployment
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
+ or(
+ in(variables['BuildReasonOverride'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI'),
+ and(
+ eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI')
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ pool:
+ name: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ image: $(LINUXVMIMAGE)
+ os: linux
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-cli-version-cd.yml
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
+ displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli.yml
+ parameters:
+ CreateGitHubRelease: false
+ PublishUploadLocations: release/daily;daily/archive/$(Build.BuildId)-$(Build.SourceVersion)
+ PublishShield: false
+ DockerImageTags: daily;$(CLI_VERSION)
+ UploadMsi: true
+ PublishArm64Binaries: true
+ - job: Publish_For_PR
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
+ or(
+ eq('PullRequest', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ and(
+ eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ pool:
+ name: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ image: $(LINUXVMIMAGE)
+ os: linux
+ variables:
+ ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev') }}:
+ storage-account-name: $(azdev-storage-account-name)
+ ${{ else }}:
+ storage-account-name: $(azdev-storage-account-name-pr)
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - pwsh: |
+ $PRNumber = '$(System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber)'
+ Write-Host "PR Number override: $($env:PRNUMBEROVERRIDE)"
+ $PRNumber = "$($env:PRNUMBEROVERRIDE)"
+ }
+ Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PRNumber]$PRNumber"
+ displayName: Set PR Number Variable
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
+ displayName: Set CLI_VERSION
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli.yml
+ parameters:
+ CreateGitHubRelease: false
+ PublishUploadLocations: pr/$(PRNumber)
+ UploadInstaller: true
+ UploadMsi: true
+ PublishArm64Binaries: true
+ ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev') }}:
+ PublishContainer: true
+ DockerImageTags: pr-$(PRNumber)
+ StorageAccountName: $(azdev-storage-account-name)
+ StorageAccountKey: $(azdev-storage-account-key)
+ ${{ else }}:
+ PublishContainer: false
+ StorageAccountName: $(azdev-storage-account-name-pr)
+ StorageAccountKey: $(azdev-storage-account-key-pr)
+ - pwsh: |
+ $urlBase = "https://$(storage-account-name).blob.core.windows.net/azd/standalone/pr/$(PRNumber)"
+ Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=UrlBase;isOutput=true]$urlBase"
+ name: GenerateUrlBase
+ displayName: Set UrlBase
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: docs
+ path: docs
+ - pwsh: |
+ $urlBase = "$(GenerateUrlBase.UrlBase)"
+ $linuxReleaseUrl = "$urlBase/azd-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
+ $linuxReleaseUrlArm64 = "$urlBase/azd-linux-arm64.tar.gz"
+ $macosReleaseUrl = "$urlBase/azd-darwin-amd64.zip"
+ $macosReleaseUrlArm64 = "$urlBase/azd-darwin-arm64.zip"
+ $windowsReleaseUrl = "$urlBase/azd-windows-amd64.zip"
+ $msiReleaseUrl = "$urlBase/azd-windows-amd64.msi"
+ $refDocContent = Get-Content docs/azd.md -Raw
+ $content = @"
+ ## Azure Dev CLI Install Instructions
+ ### Install scripts
+ #### MacOS/Linux
+ > May elevate using ``sudo`` on some platforms and configurations
+ bash:
+ ``````
+ curl -fsSL $urlBase/uninstall-azd.sh | bash;
+ curl -fsSL $urlBase/install-azd.sh | bash -s -- --base-url $urlBase --version '' --verbose --skip-verify
+ ``````
+ pwsh:
+ ``````
+ Invoke-RestMethod '$urlBase/uninstall-azd.ps1' -OutFile uninstall-azd.ps1; ./uninstall-azd.ps1
+ Invoke-RestMethod '$urlBase/install-azd.ps1' -OutFile install-azd.ps1; ./install-azd.ps1 -BaseUrl '$urlBase' -Version '' -SkipVerify -Verbose
+ ``````
+ #### Windows
+ PowerShell install
+ ``````
+ powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass Process; irm '$urlBase/uninstall-azd.ps1' > uninstall-azd.ps1; ./uninstall-azd.ps1;"
+ powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass Process; irm '$urlBase/install-azd.ps1' > install-azd.ps1; ./install-azd.ps1 -BaseUrl '$urlBase' -Version '' -SkipVerify -Verbose;"
+ ``````
+ MSI install
+ ``````
+ powershell -c "irm '$msiReleaseUrl' -OutFile azd-windows-amd64.msi; msiexec /i azd-windows-amd64.msi /qn"
+ ``````
+ ### Standalone Binary
+ * Linux -
+ * x86_64 - $linuxReleaseUrl
+ * ARM64 - $linuxReleaseUrlArm64
+ * MacOS -
+ * x86_64 - $macosReleaseUrl
+ * ARM64 - $macosReleaseUrlArm64
+ * Windows - $windowsReleaseUrl
+ ### MSI
+ * $msiReleaseUrl
+ ## Documentation
+ learn.microsoft.com documentation
+ $refDocContent
+ "@
+ $file = New-TemporaryFile
+ Set-Content -Path $file -Value $content
+ Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CommentBodyFile]$file"
+ displayName: Write body content to temporary file
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ displayName: Add PR comment
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: ./eng/scripts/Update-PRComment.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -Repo "$(Build.Repository.Name)"
+ -PrNumber $(PRNumber)
+ -Tag ""
+ -BodyFile $(CommentBodyFile)
+ env:
+ GH_TOKEN: $(azuresdk-github-pat)
+ - ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev') }}:
+ - stage: PublishInstallers
+ dependsOn: Sign
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
+ or(
+ eq('Manual', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ and(
+ eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ eq('Manual', variables['Build.Reason'])
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ jobs:
+ - deployment: PublishInstallers
+ environment: azure-dev
+ pool:
+ name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
+ image: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-1espt
+ os: linux
+ templateContext:
+ inputs:
+ - input: checkout
+ repository: self
+ strategy:
+ runOnce:
+ deploy:
+ steps:
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: signed-win
+ path: signed-win
+ - pwsh: |
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path script-release
+ Copy-Item signed-win/*.ps1 script-release/
+ Copy-Item cli/installer/*.sh script-release/
+ displayName: Copy scripts for release upload
+ - pwsh: |
+ az storage blob upload-batch `
+ --account-name '$(azdev-storage-account-name)' `
+ --account-key '$(azdev-storage-account-key)' `
+ --auth-mode key `
+ -s script-release/ `
+ -d "azd/standalone/installer" `
+ --overwrite
+ displayName: Upload installer to storage location
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/sign.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/sign.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4c866909e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/sign.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+ - stage: Sign
+ dependsOn: BuildAndTest
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
+ jobs:
+ - job: SignMac
+ pool:
+ name: $(WINDOWSPOOL)
+ os: windows
+ steps:
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: azd-darwin-amd64
+ path: mac-artifacts
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: azd-darwin-arm64
+ path: mac-artifacts
+ - pwsh: |
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path mac
+ Compress-Archive `
+ -Path mac-artifacts/azd-darwin-amd64 `
+ -DestinationPath mac/azd-darwin-amd64.zip
+ Compress-Archive `
+ -Path mac-artifacts/azd-darwin-arm64 `
+ -DestinationPath mac/azd-darwin-arm64.zip
+ displayName: Package mac binary for signing
+ - ${{ if and(in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI', 'Manual'), eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev')) }}:
+ - template: pipelines/steps/azd-cli-mac-signing.yml@azure-sdk-build-tools
+ parameters:
+ MacPath: mac
+ - ${{ else }}:
+ - pwsh: Write-Host "Skipping signing. Build reason - $(Build.Reason)"
+ displayName: Signing process skipped for non-release build
+ - pwsh: |
+ Expand-Archive -Path mac/azd-darwin-amd64.zip -DestinationPath mac/
+ Expand-Archive -Path mac/azd-darwin-arm64.zip -DestinationPath mac/
+ Remove-Item mac/azd-darwin-amd64.zip
+ Remove-Item mac/azd-darwin-arm64.zip
+ displayName: Extract azd-darwin-amd64 from zip and remove zip
+ - pwsh: |
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path signed-mac
+ Copy-Item mac/* signed-mac/ -Recurse
+ displayName: Copy signing outputs
+ condition: always()
+ # TODO: Replace with https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-tools/blob/main/eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-artifact.yml
+ # when the common engsys is imported.
+ # https://github.com/Azure/azure-dev/issues/956
+ - task: 1ES.PublishPipelineArtifact@1
+ condition: succeeded()
+ displayName: Publish Signed Artifacts
+ inputs:
+ artifactName: signed-mac
+ path: signed-mac/
+ - task: 1ES.PublishPipelineArtifact@1
+ condition: failed()
+ displayName: Publish failed Signed Artifacts
+ inputs:
+ artifactName: signed-mac-FailedAttempt$(System.JobAttempt)
+ path: signed-mac/
+ - job: SignWindows
+ pool:
+ name: $(WINDOWSPOOL)
+ os: windows
+ steps:
+ # Checkout required to build MSI
+ - checkout: self
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: azd-windows-amd64.exe
+ path: win
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: install-pwsh
+ path: installer
+ - pwsh: Copy-Item installer/*.ps1 win
+ displayName: Copy install scripts to win/
+ - ${{ if and(in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI', 'Manual'), eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev')) }}:
+ - template: pipelines/steps/azd-cli-win-signing.yml@azure-sdk-build-tools
+ parameters:
+ WinPath: win
+ WinPattern: '**'
+ - ${{ else }}:
+ - pwsh: Write-Host "Skipping signing. Build reason - $(Build.Reason)"
+ displayName: Signing process skipped for non-release build
+ - pwsh: |
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path signed-win
+ Copy-Item win/* signed-win/ -Recurse
+ Copy-Item win/azd-windows-amd64.exe cli/azd/azd.exe
+ displayName: Copy signing outputs for publishing and MSI build
+ condition: always()
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Set-CliVersionVariable.ps1
+ displayName: Set CLI_VERSION for MSI build
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/build-msi.yml
+ parameters:
+ Title: Build Release MSI
+ # Only build for release in a manual (releasing) build. Otherwise
+ # the package version will be 0.1.0 with upgrade logic that allows
+ # it to be installed over any previously installed version.
+ ShouldBuildForRelease: ${{ eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Manual') }}
+ - ${{ if and(in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI', 'Manual'), eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev')) }}:
+ - template: pipelines/steps/azd-cli-win-signing.yml@azure-sdk-build-tools
+ parameters:
+ WinPath: cli/installer/windows/bin/Release
+ WinPattern: '*.msi'
+ - ${{ else }}:
+ - pwsh: Write-Host "Skipping signing. Build reason - $(Build.Reason)"
+ displayName: Signing process skipped for non-release build
+ - pwsh: Copy-Item cli/installer/windows/bin/Release/* signed-win/
+ displayName: Copy MSI for publishing
+ # TODO: Replace with https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-tools/blob/main/eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-artifact.yml
+ # when the common engsys is imported.
+ # https://github.com/Azure/azure-dev/issues/956
+ - task: 1ES.PublishPipelineArtifact@1
+ condition: succeeded()
+ displayName: Publish Signed Artifacts
+ inputs:
+ artifactName: signed-win
+ path: signed-win/
+ - task: 1ES.PublishPipelineArtifact@1
+ condition: failed()
+ displayName: Publish failed Signed Artifacts
+ inputs:
+ artifactName: signed-win-FailedAttempt$(System.JobAttempt)
+ path: signed-win/
+ - job: SignLinux
+ pool:
+ name: $(WINDOWSPOOL)
+ os: windows
+ steps:
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: linux-packages
+ path: linux
+ - ${{ if and(in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI', 'Manual'), eq(variables['Build.Repository.Name'], 'Azure/azure-dev')) }}:
+ - template: pipelines/steps/azd-cli-linux-signing.yml@azure-sdk-build-tools
+ parameters:
+ LinuxPath: linux
+ - ${{ else }}:
+ - pwsh: Write-Host "Skipping signing. Build reason - $(Build.Reason)"
+ displayName: Signing process skipped for non-release build
+ - pwsh: |
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path signed-linux
+ Copy-Item linux/* signed-linux/ -Recurse
+ displayName: Copy signing outputs
+ condition: always()
+ - task: 1ES.PublishPipelineArtifact@1
+ condition: succeeded()
+ displayName: Publish Signed Artifacts
+ inputs:
+ artifactName: signed-linux
+ path: signed-linux/
+ - task: 1ES.PublishPipelineArtifact@1
+ condition: failed()
+ displayName: Publish failed Signed Artifacts
+ inputs:
+ artifactName: signed-linux-FailedAttempt$(System.JobAttempt)
+ path: signed-linux/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/verify-installers.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/verify-installers.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b4b8d232e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/verify-installers.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+- name: VerifyMatrix
+ type: object
+ default:
+ LinuxDockerSh:
+ Pool: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ ImageKey: image
+ OS: linux
+ Variables:
+ TestShell: pwsh
+ TestInstallCommand: >-
+ ./test-installer-containers.ps1
+ -BaseUrl "http://host.docker.internal:8080"
+ -Version ''
+ -ContainerPrefix '$(docker-mirror-tag-prefix)/'
+ -AdditionalRunArgs '--add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway'
+ LinuxSh:
+ Pool: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ ImageKey: image
+ OS: linux
+ Variables:
+ TestShell: bash
+ TestInstallCommand: >-
+ ./test-sh-install.sh "bash" "$BASEURL" "" &&
+ ./test-telemetry-functions.sh "telemetry/linux.sh.telemetry.csv" &&
+ ./test-sh-install-errors.sh "bash" "$BASEURL" ""
+ LinuxPwsh:
+ Pool: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ ImageKey: image
+ OS: linux
+ Variables:
+ TestShell: pwsh
+ TestInstallCommand: >-
+ ./test-pwsh-xplat-install.ps1
+ -BaseUrl $env:BASEURL
+ -Version ''
+ -InstallShScriptUrl "$($env:BASEURL)/install-azd.sh"
+ -UninstallShScriptUrl "$($env:BASEURL)/uninstall-azd.sh";
+ ./test-telemetry-functions.ps1 -NonInteractive -Shell pwsh -ExpectedFieldMap telemetry/linux.telemetry.json
+ Mac11Sh:
+ Pool: Azure Pipelines
+ ImageKey: vmImage
+ OS: macOS
+ Variables:
+ TestShell: bash
+ TestInstallCommand: >-
+ ./test-sh-install.sh "bash" "$BASEURL" "" &&
+ ./test-telemetry-functions.sh "telemetry/macos11.sh.telemetry.csv" &&
+ ./test-sh-install-errors.sh "bash" "$BASEURL" ""
+ Mac12Sh:
+ Pool: Azure Pipelines
+ OSVmImage: $(MACVMIMAGE12)
+ ImageKey: vmImage
+ OS: macOS
+ Variables:
+ TestShell: bash
+ TestInstallCommand: >-
+ ./test-sh-install.sh "bash" "$BASEURL" "" &&
+ ./test-telemetry-functions.sh "telemetry/macos12.sh.telemetry.csv" &&
+ ./test-sh-install-errors.sh "bash" "$BASEURL" ""
+ Mac12Pwsh:
+ Pool: Azure Pipelines
+ OSVmImage: $(MACVMIMAGE12)
+ ImageKey: vmImage
+ OS: macOS
+ Variables:
+ TestShell: pwsh
+ # Should also test telemetry functions but cannot because of macOS
+ # host limitations in DevOps which do not reproduce on non-DevOps
+ # macs. Disabled for now.
+ # ./test-telemetry-functions.ps1 -Shell pwsh -ExpectedFieldMap telemetry/macos.telemetry.json
+ TestInstallCommand: >-
+ ./test-pwsh-xplat-install.ps1
+ -BaseUrl $env:BASEURL
+ -Version ''
+ -InstallShScriptUrl "$($env:BASEURL)/install-azd.sh"
+ -UninstallShScriptUrl "$($env:BASEURL)/uninstall-azd.sh"
+ Mac11Pwsh:
+ Pool: Azure Pipelines
+ ImageKey: vmImage
+ OS: macOS
+ Variables:
+ TestShell: pwsh
+ # Should also test telemetry functions but cannot because of macOS
+ # host limitations in DevOps which do not reproduce on non-DevOps
+ # macs. Disabled for now.
+ # ./test-telemetry-functions.ps1 -Shell pwsh -ExpectedFieldMap telemetry/macos.telemetry.json
+ TestInstallCommand: >-
+ ./test-pwsh-xplat-install.ps1
+ -BaseUrl $env:BASEURL
+ -Version ''
+ -InstallShScriptUrl "$($env:BASEURL)/install-azd.sh"
+ -UninstallShScriptUrl "$($env:BASEURL)/uninstall-azd.sh"
+ WindowsCmd:
+ ImageKey: image
+ OS: windows
+ Variables:
+ TestShell: cmd
+ TestInstallCommand: cmd /c test-windows-install.cmd %BASEURL%
+ WindowsPwsh:
+ ImageKey: image
+ OS:
+ Variables:
+ TestShell: pwsh
+ TestInstallCommand: >-
+ $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
+ ./test-win-install.ps1 -BaseUrl $env:BASEURL -Version '';
+ ./test-telemetry-functions.ps1 -Shell pwsh -ExpectedFieldMap telemetry/windows.pwsh.telemetry.json
+ WindowsPowerShell:
+ ImageKey: image
+ OS: windows
+ Variables:
+ TestShell: powershell
+ TestInstallCommand: >-
+ $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
+ ./test-win-install.ps1 -BaseUrl $env:BASEURL -Version '';
+ ./test-telemetry-functions.ps1 -Shell powershell -ExpectedFieldMap telemetry/windows.powershell.telemetry.json
+- name: LinuxPackageMatrix
+ type: object
+ default:
+ LinuxAMD64:
+ Pool: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ HostArchitecture: amd64
+ OS: linux
+ Variables:
+ Architecture: amd64
+ # TODO: When Docker can be installed and run properly on the ARM
+ # host this can be used to validate the ARM64 Linux packages.
+ # https://github.com/Azure/azure-dev/issues/2617
+ # LinuxARM64:
+ # HostArchitecture: arm64
+ # OS: linux
+ # Variables:
+ # Architecture: arm64
+ - stage: Verify_Installers
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Skip.VerifyInstallers'], 'true'))
+ dependsOn: BuildAndTest
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
+ jobs:
+ - job: Compress_For_Hosting
+ pool:
+ name: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ image: $(LINUXVMIMAGE)
+ os: linux
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: azd-windows-amd64.exe
+ path: azd-windows-amd64.exe
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: azd-linux-amd64
+ path: azd-linux-amd64
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: azd-darwin-amd64
+ path: azd-darwin-amd64
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: test-msi
+ path: msi
+ - pwsh: |
+ Write-Host "Moving downloaded files to hosting folder"
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path hosting
+ Write-Host "Compressing artifacts as if publishing"
+ zip hosting/azd-windows-amd64.zip -j azd-windows-amd64.exe/azd-windows-amd64.exe
+ chmod +x azd-darwin-amd64/azd-darwin-amd64
+ zip hosting/azd-darwin-amd64.zip -j azd-darwin-amd64/azd-darwin-amd64
+ chmod +x azd-linux-amd64/azd-linux-amd64
+ tar -C azd-linux-amd64 -cvzf hosting/azd-linux-amd64.tar.gz azd-linux-amd64
+ Copy-Item msi/azd-windows-amd64.msi hosting/
+ Copy-Item cli/installer/*stall-azd.* hosting/
+ Get-ChildItem hosting/ -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name,Size
+ displayName: Move folders to hosting location
+ - task: 1ES.PublishPipelineArtifact@1
+ inputs:
+ targetPath: hosting
+ artifact: test-hosting
+ - job: Verify_MSI
+ dependsOn: Compress_For_Hosting
+ pool:
+ name: $(WINDOWSPOOL)
+ os: windows
+ variables:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ PerUser:
+ PerMachine: $false
+ AllUsers:
+ PerMachine: $true
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: test-msi
+ path: msi
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: cli/installer/windows/test-win-msi.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -PerMachine:$(PerMachine)
+ -MsiPath msi/azd-windows-amd64.msi
+ # Do not exit on first Write-Error, write all messages and let the
+ # script handle exiting with an error status.
+ errorActionPreference: continue
+ displayName: Test MSI
+ - ${{ each build in parameters.VerifyMatrix }}:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/verify-installers.yml
+ parameters:
+ NameSuffix: ${{ build.key}}
+ Pool: ${{ build.value.Pool }}
+ ImageKey: ${{ build.value.ImageKey }}
+ OSVmImage: ${{ build.value.OSVmImage }}
+ OS: ${{ build.value.OS }}
+ Variables: ${{ build.value.Variables }}
+ - job: Verify_Mac_InstallOver
+ dependsOn: Compress_For_Hosting
+ pool:
+ name: Azure Pipelines
+ vmImage: $(MACVMIMAGE12)
+ os: macOS
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - bash: ./install-azd.sh --version daily --verbose
+ displayName: Install "daily" version
+ workingDirectory: cli/installer/
+ - pwsh: azd version
+ displayName: Run azd version
+ - bash: ./install-azd.sh --version latest --verbose
+ displayName: Install "latest" version
+ workingDirectory: cli/installer/
+ - pwsh: azd version
+ displayName: Run azd version (expect no failure)
+ - ${{ each build in parameters.LinuxPackageMatrix }}:
+ - job: Verify_LinuxPackages_${{ build.key }}
+ displayName: Verify_LinuxPackages ${{ build.key }}
+ pool:
+ name: ${{ build.value.Pool}}
+ image: ${{ build.value.OSVmImage }}
+ os: ${{ build.value.OS }}
+ hostArchitecture: ${{ build.value.HostArchitecture }}
+ variables:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ build.value.Variables }}
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: linux-packages-$(Architecture)
+ path: cli/installer/fpm
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ displayName: Verify Linux Packages
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ workingDirectory: cli/installer/fpm
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Test-LinuxPackages.ps1
+ arguments: -DockerImagePrefix "$(docker-mirror-tag-prefix)/"
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-build-and-test.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-build-and-test.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..89bcd8bc164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-build-and-test.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ - name: BuildMatrix
+ type: object
+ default:
+ Windows:
+ ImageKey: image
+ OS: windows
+ Variables: {}
+ Linux:
+ Pool: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ ImageKey: image
+ OS: linux
+ Variables:
+ UploadArtifact: 'true'
+ Codeql.Enabled: true
+ Codeql.SkipTaskAutoInjection: false
+ Codeql.BuildIdentifier: vscode_linux
+ Mac:
+ Pool: Azure Pipelines
+ ImageKey: vmImage
+ OS: macOS
+ Variables: {}
+ - stage: BuildAndTest
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
+ jobs:
+ - ${{ each build in parameters.BuildMatrix }}:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/vscode-build.yml
+ parameters:
+ NameSuffix: ${{ build.key }}
+ Pool: ${{ build.value.Pool }}
+ ImageKey: ${{ build.value.ImageKey }}
+ OSVmImage: ${{ build.value.OSVmImage }}
+ OS: ${{ build.value.OS }}
+ Variables: ${{ build.value.Variables }}
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-publish-integration.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-publish-integration.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c2a42eef190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-publish-integration.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ - stage: PublishIntegration
+ dependsOn: Sign
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
+ jobs:
+ - job: Publish_Continuous_Deployment
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
+ or(
+ in(variables['BuildReasonOverride'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI'),
+ and(
+ eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI')
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ pool:
+ name: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ image: $(LINUXVMIMAGE)
+ os: linux
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-vscode-version.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-vscode.yml
+ parameters:
+ PublishLocations: vscode/release/daily;vscode/daily/archive/$(Build.BuildId)-$(Build.SourceVersion)
+ - job: Publish_For_PR
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
+ or(
+ eq('PullRequest', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ and(
+ eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ pool:
+ name: $(LINUXPOOL)
+ image: $(LINUXVMIMAGE)
+ os: linux
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - pwsh: |
+ $PRNumber = '$(System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber)'
+ Write-Host "PR Number override: $($env:PRNUMBEROVERRIDE)"
+ }
+ Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PRNumber]$PRNumber"
+ displayName: Set PR Number Variable
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-vscode-version.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-vscode.yml
+ parameters:
+ PublishLocations: vscode/pr/$(PRNumber)
+ - pwsh: |
+ $downloadUrl = "https://$(azdev-storage-account-name).blob.core.windows.net/azd/vscode/pr/$(PRNumber)/azure-dev-$(VSIX_VERSION).vsix"
+ $content = @"
+ ## VSCode Extension Installation Instructions
+ 1. Download the extension at $downloadUrl
+ 2. Extract the extension from the compressed file
+ 3. In vscode
+ a. Open "Extensions" (Ctrl+Shift+X)
+ b. Click the \`...\` menu at top of Extensions sidebar
+ c. Click "Install from VSIX"
+ d. Select location of downloaded file
+ "@
+ $file = New-TemporaryFile
+ Set-Content -Path $file -Value $content
+ Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CommentBodyFile]$file"
+ displayName: Write body content to temporary file
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ displayName: Add PR comment
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: ./eng/scripts/Update-PRComment.ps1
+ arguments: >-
+ -Repo "azure/azure-dev"
+ -PrNumber $(PRNumber)
+ -Tag ""
+ -BodyFile $(CommentBodyFile)
+ env:
+ GH_TOKEN: $(azuresdk-github-pat)
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-publish-manual.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-publish-manual.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..866dbb9e13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-publish-manual.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ - stage: PublishManual
+ dependsOn: Sign
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne(variables['Skip.Release'], 'true'),
+ or(
+ eq('Manual', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ and(
+ eq('', variables['BuildReasonOverride']),
+ eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Manual')
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
+ jobs:
+ - deployment: Publish_Release
+ environment: azure-dev
+ pool:
+ name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
+ image: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-1espt
+ os: linux
+ templateContext:
+ inputs:
+ - input: checkout
+ repository: self
+ strategy:
+ runOnce:
+ deploy:
+ steps:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/set-vscode-version.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-vscode.yml
+ parameters:
+ PublishLocations: vscode/release/$(VSIX_VERSION);vscode/release/latest
+ TagRepository: true
+ UpdateShield: true
+ - deployment: Increment_Version
+ condition: >-
+ and(
+ succeeded(),
+ ne('true', variables['Skip.IncrementVersion'])
+ )
+ dependsOn: Publish_Release
+ environment: azure-dev
+ pool:
+ name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
+ image: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-1espt
+ os: linux
+ templateContext:
+ inputs:
+ - input: checkout
+ repository: self
+ strategy:
+ runOnce:
+ deploy:
+ steps:
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ inputs:
+ pwsh: true
+ targetType: filePath
+ filePath: eng/scripts/Update-VscodeExtensionVersion.ps1
+ displayName: Increment VSCode Extension version
+ - template: /eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/create-pull-request.yml
+ parameters:
+ PRBranchName: vscode-version-increment-$(Build.BuildId)
+ CommitMsg: Increment VSCode Extension version after release
+ PRTitle: Increment VSCode Extension version after release
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-sign.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-sign.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fee8d2193b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/vscode-sign.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ - stage: Sign
+ dependsOn: BuildAndTest
+ variables:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
+ jobs:
+ - job: Sign
+ pool:
+ name: $(WINDOWSPOOL)
+ os: windows
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+ inputs:
+ artifact: vsix
+ path: vsix
+ - ${{ if in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI', 'BatchedCI', 'Manual') }}:
+ - template: pipelines/steps/azd-vscode-signing.yml@azure-sdk-build-tools
+ parameters:
+ VsixPath: vsix
+ - ${{ else }}:
+ - pwsh: Write-Host "Skipping signing. Build reason - $(Build.Reason)"
+ displayName: Signing process skipped for non-release build
+ - pwsh: |
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path signed
+ Copy-Item vsix/ signed/ -Recurse
+ displayName: Copy signing outputs
+ condition: always()
+ templateContext:
+ outputs:
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ condition: succeeded()
+ displayName: Publish Signed Artifacts
+ artifact: signed
+ path: signed/
+ - output: pipelineArtifact
+ condition: failed()
+ displayName: Publish failed Signed Artifacts
+ artifact: signed-FailedAttempt$(System.JobAttempt)
+ path: signed/
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli-choco.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli-choco.yml
index 8364123dc3c..d4ccc874456 100644
--- a/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli-choco.yml
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli-choco.yml
@@ -48,9 +48,11 @@ steps:
-Version $(MSI_VERSION)
-Tag 'azure-dev-cli_${{ parameters.CliVersion }}'
- - publish: cli/installer/choco/azd.$(MSI_VERSION).nupkg
- artifact: choco-package
+ - task: 1ES.PublishPipelineArtifact@1
displayName: Publish Choco Package Artifact
+ inputs:
+ targetPath: cli/installer/choco/azd.$(MSI_VERSION).nupkg
+ artifact: choco-package
- pwsh: |
# Defense in depth: Legacy argument passing may be needed here
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli-winget.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli-winget.yml
index 4bdd3fce661..fd7e9de8930 100644
--- a/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli-winget.yml
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli-winget.yml
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ steps:
-GitHubToken ${{ parameters.GitHubToken }}
- - publish: winget
- artifact: WinGetManifest
+ - task: 1ES.PublishPipelineArtifact@1
displayName: Upload updated WinGet manifest
+ inputs:
+ targetPath: winget
+ artifact: WinGetManifest
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli.yml
index f85011b3c34..05656802feb 100644
--- a/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli.yml
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-cli.yml
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ steps:
displayName: Verify and set GitHub Release Tag
+ # TODO: Docker stuff should be handled as per: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-tools/commit/2623b00fc5b660d48e2301977602ddd8f934ac4a
- ${{ if eq('true', parameters.PublishContainer) }}:
- pwsh: |
docker login `
@@ -204,8 +205,10 @@ steps:
displayName: Upload release to storage account
- - publish: release
- artifact: UploadedReleaseArtifacts
+ - task: 1ES.PublishPipelineArtifact@1
+ inputs:
+ targetPath: release
+ artifact: UploadedReleaseArtifacts
- ${{ if eq('true', parameters.PublishShield) }}:
- template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-shield.yml
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/setup-go.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/setup-go.yml
index a0899dbd06f..f4057506701 100644
--- a/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/setup-go.yml
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/setup-go.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,32 @@ parameters:
Condition: succeeded()
+ - pwsh: |
+ if (!$IsWindows -and (arch) -in @('arm64', 'aarch64')) {
+ Write-Host "Circumventing GoTool@0 because it does not support ARM64"
+ $tempDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()
+ $os = 'darwin'
+ if ($IsLinux) {
+ $os = 'linux'
+ }
+ $goFile = "go${{ parameters.GoVersion }}.$os-arm64.tar.gz"
+ curl -L https://golang.google.cn/dl/$goFile -o "$tempDir/$goFile"
+ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "$tempDir/$goFile"
+ Write-Host "go version"
+ /usr/local/go/bin/go version
+ echo "##vso[task.prependpath]/usr/local/go/bin"
+ Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=DEFAULT_GO_SETUP]false"
+ } else {
+ Write-Host "Use tools"
+ Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=DEFAULT_GO_SETUP]true"
+ }
+ displayName: Setup Go (ARM64)
- task: GoTool@0
+ condition: eq(variables['DEFAULT_GO_SETUP'], 'true')
version: ${{ parameters.GoVersion }}
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af8871eff3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/variables/image.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Default pool image selection. Set as variable so we can override at pipeline level
+ - name: LINUXPOOL
+ value: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general
+ value: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-arm
+ value: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-general
+ - name: MACPOOL
+ value: Azure Pipelines
+ value: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-1espt
+ value: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2204-1espt
+ value: azsdk-pool-mms-mariner-2-arm-1espt
+ value: azsdk-pool-mms-win-2022-1espt
+ - name: MACVMIMAGE
+ value: macos-11
+ - name: MACVMIMAGE12
+ value: macos-12
+ # Values required for pool.os field in 1es pipeline templates. Variable form
+ # cannot be used, instead those values must be written directly into pool.os.
+ - name: LINUXOS
+ value: linux
+ - name: WINDOWSOS
+ value: windows
+ - name: MACOS
+ value: macOS