In general, I will take students via Kent's Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate program. Typical master's programs are 2 years, and typical PhDs will take 5 years. In our programs, students typically take 2-3 classes per semester during their first two years of study. Some of these courses will be prescribed by the program, and others will be selected in conjunction with your committee, based on students interests, goals, and project.
Each student will complete original research as the core goal of their graduate program. "Research" is dificult to quantify in the context of a grad program at an Ohio public university without using the constructs of western (Eurocentric) academic standards, but generally the expectation is that the quantum we use is a "paper" and a MS student will produce 1-3 papers of research and a PhD student will produce 3-5. Original scientific software, a lucid database interface, or a major extension document might also 'count' as a quantum of research for our purposes.
I expect students to complete an extensive literature review of their topic in their first year of study- this will be the underpinning of all your future research: it is essential you know what's been done in the field previously before you know how you can build on it by addressing your specific problem.
Below is a rough timeline, with approximate order of tasks you'll be expected to complete over the course of your degree program. We defer to the official rules from the program handbook but these are the general milestones with the approximate timing of things that we strive for in my lab.
Offical program checklist here
Choose classes for first semester (summer before you start)
Start literature review
Form advisory committee (by December)
Program of study form
Take classes
Design research (write proposal and submit to committee by April)
Complete literature review
Begin experiments/data collection
Proposal presentation to committee
Thesis topic form (near end of first year)
Summer of research
Complete classes
Continue research/data collection
Write up first experiment/product
Host a committee meeting to update your committee
Design, deploy second and subsequent experiments
Update literature review
Write thesis
Complete defense and oral examination
Make revisions and submit final thesis
Submit all program forms
Offical program checklist here
Choose classes for first semester (summer before you start)
Start literature review
Form advisory committee (by December)
Program of study form
Take classes
Design research (write proposal and submit to committee by April)
Complete literature review
Begin experiments/data collection
First summer of research
Complete classes
Continue research/data collection
Write up first experiment/product
Host a committee meeting to update your committee
Design, deploy second experiments
Candidacy exam (by end of spring semester)
Second summer of research
Write prospectus
Host a committee meeting to update your committee
Present prospectus (by end of fall)
Continue research
Update literature review
Host a committee meeting to update your committee
Begin writing dissertation
Continue research
Complete research
Host a committee meeting to update your committee
Write dissertation
Submit papers/products
Complete defense and oral examination
Make revisions and submit final dissertation
Submit all program forms