This repository was developed on Ubuntu 18.04 ROS Melodic OpenCV 3.2.0 with contrib
ROS Melodic installation
Run the following commands in the terminal.
cd opencv_setup && sudo bash # clone and add submodules to git
sudo bash # build and install opencv with contrib
Run the following commands in the terminal.
sudo apt install python-pip -y
sudo pip install numpy
sudo apt install libsuitesparse-dev -y
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev -y
#pip install cvxopt
sudo apt install cvxopt -y
sudo apt install libarmadillo-dev -y
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev -y
sudo apt install python-cvxopt -y
sudo apt install ros-melodic-image-transport ros-melodic-camera-info-manager -y
sudo apt install ros-melodic-tf ros-melodic-tf2 ros-melodic-eigen-conversions -y
sudo apt install ros-melodic-tf2-geometry-msgs ros-melodic-geometry-msgs -y
sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev -y
# install python modules
pip install filterpy
For Raspberry Pi OS ros_install_generator and wstool was used rather than apt install.
Run the following commands in the terminal.
#cd ~/QVPose_catkin_ws
#source src/profile.bashrc
Run the following commands in the terminal.
cd ~/QVPose/catkin_ws
sudo rm -rf devel build install # or cleanWS
catkin_make -DCATKIN_BLACKLIST_PACKAGES="utari_sba_pkg" # ignore bundle adjustment package
List of packages and corresponding launch commands.
This package contains the code for the QuEst algorithm in several forms and versions.
This is the most commonly used launch file in this package. This launch file start QuEst with no specific input. This will launch QuEst configured for the VbmeData_msg message which is meant for a serialized data flow. Input should be configured in a higher level launch file else where.
This is a depeciated launch file. This launch file with start QuEst with no specific input. This will launch QuEst configured for the FlowMatchList_msg message which is meant for a parallel data flow. Input should be configured in a higher level launch file else where.
This launch file will run QuEst configured for the VbmeData_msg message which is meant for a serialized data flow. A simple image publisher and feature extracter will also be launched to feed input to QuEst.