First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉
This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
If you find a bug, please open an issue on the issue tracker. Please provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the bug.
If you have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue on the issue tracker. Please provide as much detail as possible, including a clear and concise description of the feature.
If you're interested in contributing code, please open an issue or pull request on the issue tracker/pull requests. If you are looking for code to contribute but don't know what yet, great! Check out the issue tracker and look for issues that are tagged towards your interests!
This project follows the Rust Code Style guide and follows Conventional Commits for commit messages.
To contribute to this project, you will need to have the following installed:
By contributing to this project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the MIT License.