Following are the list of different entity types along with its API call:
This functionality calls the TextDetection class to detect textual entities.
Example 1:
message='i want to order chinese from mainland china and pizza from domminos' entity_name='restaurant' structured_value=None fallback_value=None bot_message=None
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_text output = get_text(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message) print output
The above can also be done from within the Docker container's shell. Setup is in docker.md file.
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/text/?message=i%20want%20to%20order%20chinese%20from%20%20mainland%20china%20and%20pizza%20from%20domminos&entity_name=restaurant&structured_value=&fallback_value=None&bot_message='
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "mainland china", "entity_value": { "value": "Mainland China" } }, { "detection": "message", "original_text": "dominos", "entity_value": { "value": "Domino's Pizza" } } ] }
Example 2:
message = 'i wanted to watch movie' entity_name = 'movie' structured_value = 'inferno' fallback_value = None bot_message = None
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_text output = get_text(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/text/?message=i%20wanted%20to%20watch%20movie&entity_name=movie&structured_value=inferno&fallback_value=None&bot_message='
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "structure_value_verified", "original_text": "inferno", "entity_value": { "value": "Inferno" } } ] }
This functionality calls the PhoneDetector class to detect textual entities.
Example 1:
message = 'my contact number is 9049961794' entity_name = 'phone_number' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_phone_number output = get_phone_number(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/phone_number/?message=my%20contact%20number%20is%209049961794&entity_name=phone_number&structured_value=&fallback_value=None&bot_message='
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "9049961794", "entity_value": { "value": "9049961794" } } ] }
Example 2:
message = 'Please call me' entity_name = 'phone_number' structured_value = None fallback_value = '9049961794' bot_message = None
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_phone_number output = get_phone_number(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/phone_number/?message=Please%20call%20me&entity_name=phone_number&structured_value=&fallback_value=9049961794&bot_message='
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "fallback_value", "original_text": "9049961794", "entity_value": { "value": "9049961794" } } ] }
This functionality calls the EmailDetector class to detect email ids.
Example 1:
message = 'my email id is [email protected]' entity_name = 'email' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_email output = get_email(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value,fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/email/?message=my%20email%20id%20is%20apurv.nagvenkar%40gmail.com&entity_name=email&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message='
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "[email protected]", "entity_value": { "value": "[email protected]" } } ] }
Example 2:
message = 'send me to my email' entity_name = 'email' structured_value = None fallback_value = '[email protected]' bot_message = None
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_email output = get_email(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value,fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/email/?message=send%20me%20to%20my%20email&entity_name=email&structured_value=&[email protected]&bot_message='
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "fallback_value", "original_text": "[email protected]", "entity_value": { "value": "[email protected]" } } ] }
This functionality calls the CityDetector class to detect cities along with its attributes.
Example 1:
message = 'i want to go to mummbai' entity_name = 'city' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_city output = get_city(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value,fallback_value=fallback_value,bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/city/?message=i%20want%20to%20go%20to%20mummbai&entity_name=city&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message='
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "mummbai", "entity_value": { "to": true, "via": false, "from": false, "value": "Mumbai", "normal": false } } ] }
Example 2:
message = "I want to book a flight from delhhi to mumbai" entity_name = 'city' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_city output = get_city(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value,fallback_value=fallback_value,bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:*
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/city/?message=I%20want%20to%20book%20a%20flight%20from%20delhhi%20to%20mumbai&entity_name=city&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message='
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "delhhi", "entity_value": { "to": false, "via": false, "from": true, "value": "New Delhi", "normal": false } }, { "detection": "message", "original_text": "mumbai", "entity_value": { "to": true, "via": false, "from": false, "value": "Mumbai", "normal": false } } ] }
Example 3:
message = "mummbai" entity_name = 'city' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = "Please help me departure city?"
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/city/?message=mummbai&entity_name=city&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message=Please%20help%20me%20departure%20city%3F'
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "mummbai", "entity_value": { "to": false, "via": false, "from": true, "value": "Mumbai", "normal": false } } ] }
This functionality calls the PNRDetector class to detect pnr.
Example 1:
message = 'check my pnr status for 2141215305.' entity_name = 'train_pnr' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_pnr output = get_pnr(message=message, entity_name=entity_name,structured_value=structured_value,fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/pnr/?message=check%20my%20pnr%20status%20for%202141215305.&entity_name=pnr&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message='
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "2141215305", "entity_value": { "value": "2141215305" } } ] }
This functionality calls the NumberDetector class to detect numerals.
Example 1:
message = "I want to purchase 30 units of mobile and 40 units of Television" entity_name = 'number_of_unit' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None min_digit = 1 max_digit = 2
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_number output = get_number(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message, min_digit=min_digit, max_digit=max_digit) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/number/?message=I%20want%20to%20purchase%2030%20units%20of%20mobile%20and%2040%20units%20of%20Television&entity_name=number_of_unit&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message=&min_number_digits=1&max_number_digits=2'
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "30", "entity_value": { "value": "30" } }, { "detection": "message", "original_text": "40", "entity_value": { "value": "40" } } ] }
Example 2:
message = "I want to reserve a table for 3 people" entity_name = 'number_of_people' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None min_digit = 1 max_digit = 2
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_number output = get_number(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message, min_digit=min_digit, max_digit=max_digit) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/number/?message=I%20want%20to%20reserve%20a%20table%20for%203%20people&entity_name=number_of_people&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message=&min_number_digits=1&max_number_digits=2'
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "for 3 people", "entity_value": { "value": "3" } } ] }
This functionality calls the TimeDetector class to detect time.
Example 1:
Use the timezone parameter to pass your current timezone to time detection
message = "John arrived at the bus stop at 13:50 hrs, expecting the bus to be there in 15 mins. \ But the bus was scheduled for 12:30 pm" entity_name = 'time' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None timezone = 'UTC'
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_time output = get_time(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message, timezone=timezone) print output
CURL command:*
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/time/?message=John%20arrived%20at%20the%20bus%20stop%20at%2013%3A50%20hrs%2C%20expecting%20the%20bus%20to%20be%20there%20in%2015%20mins.%20But%20the%20bus%20was%20scheduled%20for%2012%3A30%20pm&entity_name=time&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message=&timezone=UTC'
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "12:30 pm", "entity_value": { "mm": 30, "hh": 12, "nn": "pm" } }, { "detection": "message", "original_text": "in 15 mins", "entity_value": { "mm": "15", "hh": 0, "nn": "df" } }, { "detection": "message", "original_text": "13:50", "entity_value": { "mm": 50, "hh": 13, "nn": "hrs" } } ] }
This functionality calls the TimeDetector class to detect time with range.
Example 1:
Use the timezone parameter to pass your current timezone to time detection
message = 'Set a drink water reminder for tomorrow from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM' entity_name = 'time_with_range' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None timezone = 'UTC'
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_time_with_range output = get_time_with_range(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message, timezone=timezone) print output
CURL command:*
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/time_with_range/?message=Set+a+drink+water+reminder+for+tomorrow+from+7%3A00+AM+to+6%3A00+PM&entity_name=time_with_range&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message=&timezone=UTC'
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "7:00 am to 6:00 pm", "entity_value": { "mm": 0, "hh": 7, "range": "start", "nn": "am", "time_type": null }, "language": "en" }, { "detection": "message", "original_text": "7:00 am to 6:00 pm", "entity_value": { "mm": 0, "hh": 6, "range": "end", "nn": "pm", "time_type": null }, "language": "en" } ] }
This functionality calls the DateDetector class to detect date.
Example 1:
Use the timezone parameter to pass your current timezone to date detection
message = "set me reminder on 23rd december" entity_name = 'date' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None timezone='UTC'
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_date output = get_date(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value,bot_message=bot_message, timezone=timezone) print output
CURL command:*
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/date/?message=set%20me%20reminder%20on%2023rd%20december&entity_name=date&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message=%timezone=UTC'
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "23rd december", "entity_value": { "end_range": false, "from": false, "normal": true, "value": { "mm": 12, "yy": 2017, "dd": 23, "type": "date" }, "to": false, "start_range": false } } ] }
Example 2:
message = "set me reminder day after tomorrow" entity_name = 'date' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None timezone='UTC'
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/date/?message=set%20me%20reminder%20day%20after%20tomorrow&entity_name=date&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message=&timezone=UTC'
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "day after tomorrow", "entity_value": { "end_range": false, "from": false, "normal": true, "value": { "mm": 8, "yy": 2017, "dd": 24, "type": "day_after" }, "to": false, "start_range": false } } ] }
This functionality calls the BudgetDetector class to detect budget.
Example 1:
message = "shirts between 2000 to 3000" entity_name = 'budget' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_budget output = get_budget(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value,fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/budget/?message=shirts%20between%202000%20to%203000&entity_name=budget&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message='
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "2000 to 3000", "entity_value": { "max_budget": 3000, "type": "normal_budget", "min_budget": 2000 } } ] }
This functionality calls the ShoppingSizeDetector class to detect cloth size. For example, Large, small, 34, etc.
Example 1:
message = "I want to buy Large shirt and jeans of 36 waist" entity_name = 'shopping_clothes_size' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_shopping_size output = get_shopping_size(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/shopping_size/?message=I%20want%20to%20buy%20Large%20shirt%20and%20jeans%20of%2036%20waist&entity_name=shopping_clothes_size&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message='
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "large", "entity_value": { "value": "L" } }, { "detection": "message", "original_text": "36", "entity_value": { "value": "36" } } ] }
This functionality calls the PassengerDetector class to detect passenger count.
Example 1:
message = 'Can you please help me to book tickets for 3 people' entity_name = 'no_of_adults' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_passenger_count output = get_passenger_count(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/passenger_count/?message=Can+you+please+help+me+to+book+tickets+for+3+people&entity_name=no_of_adults&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message='
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "3", "entity_value": { "value": "3" }, "language": "en" } ] }
This functionality calls the TextDetector class to detect location.
Example 1:
message = 'atm in andheri west' entity_name = 'locality_list' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = None
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_location output = get_location(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/location/?message=atm+in+andheri+west&entity_name=locality_list&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message='
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "andheri west", "entity_value": { "value": "Andheri West" }, "language": "en" } ] }
This functionality calls the NameDetector class to detect Name entities.
Example 1:
message = 'my name is yash doshi' entity_name = 'person_name' structured_value = None fallback_value = 'Guest' bot_message = 'what is your name ?'
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_person_name output = get_person_name(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/person_name/?message=my%20name%20is%yash%20doshi&entity_name=person_name&structured_value=&fallback_value=Guest&bot_message=what%20is%your%20name%20?'
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "yash doshi", "entity_value": { "first_name": "yash", "last_name": "doshi", "middle_name": null } } ] }
Example 2:
message = '' entity_name = 'person_name' structured_value = None fallback_value = 'sagar nimesh dedhia' bot_message = 'what is your name ?'
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_person_name output = get_person_name(message=message, entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value, fallback_value=fallback_value, bot_message=bot_message) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/person_name/?message=&entity_name=person_name&structured_value=&fallback_value=sagar%20nimesh%20dedhia&bot_message=what%20is%your%20name%20?'
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "fallback_value", "original_text": "sagar nimesh dedhia", "entity_value": { "first_name": "sagar" "last_name": "dedhia" "middle_name": "nimesh" } } ] }
This functionality calls the RegexDetector class to detect entities that abide by the specified regex.
- The regex pattern provided must be escaped if you are not passing in a raw string (marked by 'r' in Python)
- Errors in compiling the provided pattern are not handled and will result in an exception
- chatbot_ner also uses re.UNICODE flag by default for detection. This can be overridden by using re_flags argument in the constructor
- If you are using groups, only 0th group will be returned. Sub grouping is not supported at the moment
Example 1:
message = '123456 is my otp' entity_name = 'regex_test_otp' structured_value = None fallback_value = None bot_message = 'enter the otp' regex = '\\d{4,6}'
from ner_v1.chatbot.entity_detection import get_regex output = get_regex(message=message,entity_name=entity_name, structured_value=structured_value,fallback_value=fallback_value,bot_message=bot_message, pattern=regex) print output
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/regex/?message=123456%20is%20my%otp&entity_name=regex&structured_value=&fallback_value=&bot_message=enter%20the%otp%20®ex=\d{4,6}'
CURL Output:
{ "data": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "123456", "entity_value": "123456" } ] }
This functionality tags the message with the entity name and also identifies the entity values.
Example 1:
entities = ['date','time','restaurant'] message = "Reserve me a table today at 6:30pm at Mainland China and on Monday at 7:00pm at Barbeque Nation"
CURL command:
URL='localhost' PORT=8081
curl -i 'http://'$URL':'$PORT'/v1/ner/?entities=\[%22date%22,%22time%22,%22restaurant%22\]&message=Reserve%20me%20a%20table%20today%20at%206:30pm%20at%20Mainland%20China%20and%20on%20Monday%20at%207:00pm%20at%20Barbeque%20Nation'
CURL Output:
{ "data": { "tag": "reserve me a table __date__ at __time__ at __restaurant__ and on __date__ at __time__ at __restaurant__", "entity_data": { "date": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "monday", "entity_value": { "mm": 3, "yy": 2017, "dd": 27, "type": "day_within_one_week" } }, { "detection": "message", "original_text": "today", "entity_value": { "mm": 3, "yy": 2017, "dd": 21, "type": "today" } } ], "time": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "6:30pm", "entity_value": { "mm": 30, "hh": 6, "nn": "pm" } }, { "detection": "message", "original_text": "7:00pm", "entity_value": { "mm": 0, "hh": 7, "nn": "pm" } } ], "restaurant": [ { "detection": "message", "original_text": "barbeque nation", "entity_value": { "value": "Barbeque Nation" } }, { "detection": "message", "original_text": "mainland china", "entity_value": { "value": "Mainland China" } } ] } } }