This suggested content is provided as an example of what the Implementer may consider for inclusion within a Guide for App Use, to be included within the “Truth Loop” App. The information provided in this document does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice. Instead, the information and content provided herein is for informational purposed only. The “Implementer” is solely responsible for obtaining advice of competent legal counsel as to the identification and interpretation of any relevant laws and regulations that may affect the Implementer and any actions that the Implementer may take to comply with such laws and regulations.
"Truth Loop" is an easy-to-use web/mobile platform that stores and curates relevant policies, regulations, and legislation (PR&L) to help the Black community better understand the PR&L that might affect them most. Truth Loop clarifies and simplifies PR&L, increases the community's legal awareness, and provides a platform to gather video testimonials and responses that can be shared among community members and with policymakers legislators, advocacy groups and other interested parties. In these video testimonials, community members can share their experiences around how policies have impacted them or how proposed policies could impact them.
It is suggested that at the outset of making use of the App, a Guide to App Use is clearly made available to the creator of the video testimonials and responses content, and is easy to access. It may be prudent to ensure that the creator of content reads the guide by asking for a tick-box that they are indeed aware of it, and have actually read the guidance.
It is suggested that a Guide to App Use may feature guidance on practices such as:
- NO IMAGES of CHILDREN – Any images of children, including their personal information, should not be included within any video testimonial created;
- IMAGES of THIRD PARTIES via CONSENT ONLY – Any images of third parties, including personal information, are generally to be avoided. However, if images of third parties are to be included, the creator of the content shall first acquire the consent of each third party, preferably in writing;
- LEAN LANGUAGE – Whilst it is expected that the content will reflect the passion of the creator, the audio portion of the content should avoid foul, abusive, or offensive language. In addition any language that may be deemed or categorised as hate speech should be avoided;
- RESPECT LOCATION RESTRICTIONS – Whilst the creation of content may include whatever images deemed appropriate, the creator of content should respect any restrictions that may be imposed by local laws or ordinances, which may prohibit filming in certain spaces or locations;
- PERMISSIONS to FILM - It is the responsibility of the creator of content to ensure any consents or permissions to film have been acquired in advance of the uploading of content;
- RESPECTFUL IMAGES – Whilst it may be difficult to avoid controversial images given the offensive nature of some already made public, each creator of content should aim to create respectful images regarding those who appear within the content, as well as any other images being created and uploaded;
- VOID PERSONAL RISK – Each creator of content should not put themselves at personal risk of harm or injury while in the process of filming, creating or uploading the video testimonials and responses;
- AVOID ACCUSATIONS – The creator of content should avoid making accusations directed at individuals or third parties that may provoke defamation claims, or could be used by anonymous people to espouse hate speech. Such statements could undermine the objectives of the App;
- MONITORING of CONTENT – Upon uploading the video testimonials and responses, the content will not be monitored, consistent with the right of freedom of speech. However, if any claim is made later that shows the content is inconsistent with the guidance, or the objectives of the App, or is created in bad faith, then the content may be removed by the implementer;
- DATA SHARING – If the creator of content wishes to share any of the images or data with third parties, e.g. via social media, it is the responsibility of the creator to ensure that whatever rights and consents are needed have been obtained;
- ACCESS to IMAGES and DATA – The creator of content understands that the purpose of sharing the content includes allowing legislators, policymakers, community members, advocacy groups and other interested parties to access the images and data uploaded;
- PRIVACY NOTICE - A notice informing the creator of the purpose of the processing of their personal information (PI), as well as their rights as a data subject, is to be provided by the implementer, who will be acting as the controller of the PI data. The creator should be advised to read and review the Privacy Notice to ensure that they understand the processing of their PI data.