The LNAC Server is responsible for handling communication and incoming requests from the clients. It is the main core of the application and has a lot of features.
The LNAC Server is responsible for almost everything:
- Basic communication handling (Sending and Receiving messages to/from clients)
- Basic Storage API (Can receive, upload and delete Files existing in the script folder on the folder)
- Parsing and Handling
Direct Messages
between clients
LocalNetAppChat.Server [options]
--listenOn The IP Address the server should start litening on (e.g localhost)
--port The port the server should connect to (default: 5000)
--https Whether to start the server as HTTPS or HTTP server
--key An Authentication password that the client should send along the requests to be able to perform tasks. (default: 1234)
– Start the server with the default settings
$ LocalNetAppChat.Server
- Start the server in HTTPS mode
$ LocalNetAppChat.Server --https
- Start the server with different ip and port and custom key
$ LocalNetAppChat.Server --listenOn "" --port "54822" --https --key "HeythereGithubExample"