This example shows how to insert data into a worksheet by using the method cell.InsertData(collection)
Note: The difference between InsertData and InsertTable is that InsertData doesn't insert column names and returns a range. InsertTable will insert the column names and returns a table.
public void Create()
var wb = new XLWorkbook();
var ws = wb.Worksheets.Add("Inserting Data");
// From a list of strings
var listOfStrings = new List<String>();
ws.Cell(1, 1).Value = "From Strings";
ws.Cell(1, 1).AsRange().AddToNamed("Titles");
var rangeWithStrings = ws.Cell(2, 1).InsertData(listOfStrings);
// From a list of arrays
var listOfArr = new List<Int32[]>();
listOfArr.Add(new Int32[] { 1, 2, 3 });
listOfArr.Add(new Int32[] { 1 });
listOfArr.Add(new Int32[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 });
ws.Cell(1, 3).Value = "From Arrays";
ws.Range(1, 3, 1, 8).Merge().AddToNamed("Titles");
var rangeWithArrays = ws.Cell(2, 3).InsertData(listOfArr);
// From a DataTable
var dataTable = GetTable();
ws.Cell(6, 1).Value = "From DataTable";
ws.Range(6, 1, 6, 4).Merge().AddToNamed("Titles");
var rangeWithData = ws.Cell(7, 1).InsertData(dataTable.AsEnumerable());
// From a query
var list = new List<Person>();
list.Add(new Person() { Name = "John", Age = 30, House = "On Elm St." });
list.Add(new Person() { Name = "Mary", Age = 15, House = "On Main St." });
list.Add(new Person() { Name = "Luis", Age = 21, House = "On 23rd St." });
list.Add(new Person() { Name = "Henry", Age = 45, House = "On 5th Ave." });
var people = from p in list
where p.Age >= 21
select new { p.Name, p.House, p.Age };
ws.Cell(6, 6).Value = "From Query";
ws.Range(6, 6, 6, 8).Merge().AddToNamed("Titles");
var rangeWithPeople = ws.Cell(7, 6).InsertData(people.AsEnumerable());
// Prepare the style for the titles
var titlesStyle = wb.Style;
titlesStyle.Font.Bold = true;
titlesStyle.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center;
titlesStyle.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.Cyan;
// Format all titles in one shot
wb.NamedRanges.NamedRange("Titles").Ranges.Style = titlesStyle;
class Person
public String House { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public Int32 Age { get; set; }
private DataTable GetTable()
DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Columns.Add("Dosage", typeof(int));
table.Columns.Add("Drug", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("Patient", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(DateTime));
table.Rows.Add(25, "Indocin", "David", DateTime.Now);
table.Rows.Add(50, "Enebrel", "Sam", DateTime.Now);
table.Rows.Add(10, "Hydralazine", "Christoff", DateTime.Now);
table.Rows.Add(21, "Combivent", "Janet", DateTime.Now);
table.Rows.Add(100, "Dilantin", "Melanie", DateTime.Now);
return table;