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Axel Huebl edited this page Mar 18, 2014 · 28 revisions

You are here: Home > PIConGPU User Documentation > ParaView

This is a short introduction for the post processing of our data.


Let us assume you created our output with libSplash using the --hdf5.period <N> output flags.

Afterwards, run our small script that analyses your outputs meta data and creates an xdmf file for it:

python -t <PATH-to-your-run>/simOutput/h5

Prepare Tunnels

Assuming your cluster looks more or less like this:

       |               ~
*big-bad-internet*     ~ [ClusterNode001] [ClusterNode002]
       |               ~ [ClusterNode003] [ClusterNode004]
       V               ~ [ClusterNode005] [ClusterNodeXYZ]
  [LOGIN-NODE]         ~~~~~~~ some more firewall'n ~~~~~~~~
       |                       ^
~~~~FIREWALL~~~~              /
       |                  *batch system*
       \_->  [HEAD-NODE] ---/