title | layout |
Full List |
index |
This page lists all dependencies by showing all services affected by outages of infrastructure components.
Additionally, this page detects dependency cycles in the infrastructure data. In such a case, the following error will occur:
Liquid Exception: Liquid error (line xx): Nesting too deep in fulllist.md
A complete graph of all dependencies you can find [HERE]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link network.md %})!
{% for coll in site.collections %}
{% if coll.label != 'posts' %}
{% for item in coll.docs %} {% capture headline %}Outage of {{ item.title }} affects:{% endcapture %}
{%- capture list_affected %}{% include list_affected.html affected=item.id %}{% endcapture %} {%- assign array_affected = list_affected | split: ";" %} {%- include render_affected.html affected_services=array_affected headline=headline %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}