# Reload some libraries in case you are restarting partway through
# also store the initial graphic options in a variable
# so we can reset them at any time
pardefaults <- par()
Now we need to read two data files, one with the point events and one with the study area. These are here and here. Load the sf
library for handling spatial data.
and use it to load the data:
ak <- st_read("ak-tb.geojson")
tb <- st_read("ak-tb-cases.geojson")
Check that things line up OK by mapping them using tmap
tm_shape(ak) +
tm_polygons() +
tm_shape(tb) +
For PPA we really need to be working in a projected coordinate system that uses real spatial units (like metres, even better kilometres), not latitude-longitude.
By now you should recognise these as 'unprojected' lat-lon, which is no good to us. We should instead use the New Zealand Transverse Mercator. We get the proj4 string for this from an appropriate source, such as epsg.io/2193, and use it to transform the two layers. I have modified the projection to make the units km (the units
setting) rather than metres as this seems to have a dramatic effect on how well spatstat
runs. It also makes it easier to interpret results meaningfully.
nztm <- '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=173 +k=0.9996 +x_0=1600 +y_0=10000 +datum=WGS84 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=km'
ak <- st_transform(ak, nztm)
tb <- st_transform(tb, nztm)
Now we should check that things still line up OK.
tm_shape(ak) +
tm_polygons() +
tm_shape(tb) +
OK. So much for the spatial data. spatstat
works in its own little world and performs PPA on ppp
objects, which have two components, a set of (x, y) points, and a study area or 'window'.
This is quite a fiddly business, which never seems to get any easier (every time I do it, I have to look it up in help). We need some conversion functions as_Spatial
from the sf
package, to convert from sf
objects to sp
objects and then some more in the maptools
package to get from those to spatstat
objects. We will also use a (short) dplyr
pipeline to do the conversion. So first load maptools
and dplyr
If maptools
doesn't load, then make sure it is installed and try again. Now we use as.ppp
to make a point pattern from the geometry of the tb
data set.
tb.pp <- tb$geometry %>% # the geometry is all we need
as("Spatial") %>% # this converts to sp geometry
as.ppp() # this is a maptools function to convert to spatstat ppp
and plot it to take a look:
That's better than nothing, but ideally we want to use the land area for the study area. Again, we use a conversion function from maptools
tb.pp$window <- ak %>%
st_union() %>% # combine all the polygons into a single shape
as("Spatial") %>% # convert to sp
as.owin() # convert to spatstat owin
Now let's take a look:
plot(tb.pp, add = T)
If we were doing a lot of this kind of analysis starting with lat-lon datasets, then we would build a function from some of the elements above to automate all these steps. In this case, since we are only running the analysis once for this lab, I will leave that as an exercise for the reader...