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104 lines (87 loc) · 4.61 KB

File metadata and controls

104 lines (87 loc) · 4.61 KB

General instructions


The available datasets are stored in datasets/${NAME}/datasets.yaml. This file can provide different datasets with different splits, such as default, train, test, validate and sample. Datasets are stored externally and each split has a url that can be used to download the specified split.

If the dataset requires processing it has a Docker or Apptainer containers in the loader directory or script. The entrypoints are set so they take the files downloaded from the url mounted at /input/dataset. For example to build and run Docker based loader:

The example script to load the datasets from the datasets.yamlt hat can be used for testing to load is here: tools/scripts/ It can be used to download and process specific dataset and split or all datasets in the file:

# Load all datasets 
./tools/scripts/ datasets/cosmoflow/datasets.yaml
# Load single dataset
./tools/scripts/ datasets/cosmoflow/datasets.yaml cosmoUniverse_2019_05_4parE_tf_v2_mini
# Load specific split
./tools/scripts/ datasets/cosmoflow/datasets.yaml cosmoUniverse_2019_05_4parE_tf_v2_mini default

For manual loading download the data from the provided URL and if necessary process the downloaded file using docker container:

docker build -t ${DATASET_NAME}-loader
docker run -v ./output:/output -v ${DOWNLOADED_FILE}:/input/dataset ${DATASET_NAME}-loader

or loader script



The containers can provide 3 entry points (apps): train, evaluate, run. This is accomplished through SCIF mechanism (either build-in in Apptainer or through separate module in Docker containers) The datasets, options, model are provided as mounted volumes.

You can test the models using provided test script that will run the model apps using default parameters and train for only two epochs. To run models in different context (such as benchmarking) and change the options you can build and run it using individual commands.

Testing script

To build and test containers using single command you can use the provided test script tools/scripts/ By default It will build both Docker and Apptainer container and run the train app using GPU against provided dataset:

# Test dataset is only used if running evaluate app
Usage: ../tools/scripts/ [--no-apptainer] [--no-docker] [--no-gpu] SURROGATE_DIRECTORY TRAIN_DATASET TEST_DATASET [APPS]
  --no-apptainer  Disable Apptainer
  --no-docker     Disable Docker
  --no-gpu        Disable GPU
  --no-build      Don't rebuild images
  [APPS]          Which apps (train, evaluate, run) to run, default only train

For example to run the nanoconfinement surrogate:

mkdir nanoconfinement_test && cd nanoconfinement_test
# Download the example dataset
../tools/scripts/ ../datasets/nanoconfinement/datasets.yaml 
# Test both docker and apptainer using GPU and run train and evaluate apps
../tools/scripts/ ../models/nanoconfinement nanoconfinement_4050/train/ nanoconfinement_4050/test/ train evaluate

The test script uses the default options for each model and trains them only for two epochs.

Building the model containers

Currently the build step requires additional steps, such as processing the Apptainer template and making common helper scripts available for building the container. To build the containers please use scripts provided for each model and


GPU_SWITCH='--nv' # or '' for CPU workloads
# Training
apptainer run ${GPU_SWITCH} --app ${APP} --bind ${TRAIN_DATASET}:/input/train_dataset --bind ${OUTPUT_DIR}:/output --bind options.yaml:/input/options.yaml ${SURROGATE_NAME}.sif

# Testing
apptainer run ${GPU_SWITCH} --app ${APP} --bind ${TEST_DATASET}:/input/test_dataset --bind ${TRAINED_MODEL} --bind ${OUTPUT_DIR}:/output --bind options.yaml:/input/options.yaml ${SURROGATE_NAME}.sif

# Running trained model
apptainer run ${GPU_SWITCH} --app ${APP} --bind ${INPUT_DATASET}:/input/input_dataset --bind ${TRAINED_MODEL} --bind ${OUTPUT_DIR}:/output --bind options.yaml:/input/options.yaml ${SURROGATE_NAME}.sif


Similarly for Docker. Instead of --bind use --volume and use the following pattern:

GPU_SWITCH='--runtime=nvidia --gpus all' # or '' for CPU workloads