As a team working on a data science project, we are committed to creating a collaborative and respectful environment that values open communication, teamwork, and inclusion. To achieve this, we have developed the following code of conduct:
We recognize that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process, and we encourage everyone to feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes. We also value giving credit where credit is due, and expect everyone to acknowledge the contributions of their teammates.
We are committed to working together as a team, and to supporting each other in achieving our shared goals. We expect everyone to be respectful of each other's time and schedules, and to prioritize their commitments to the project.
We value an open meritocracy where everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the project based on their skills and abilities. We also value open communication, and encourage everyone to speak up and share their ideas and opinions.
We recognize that collaboration and asking for help are important parts of the learning process, and we encourage everyone to work together and to seek help when needed.
Unacceptable behavior includes any form of harassment, discrimination, or disrespect by lack of engagement in the project. This includes, but is not limited to, making derogatory comments, using offensive language, belittling others, failing to do your part as a teammate in the project, or not communicating effectively. In addition, we expect everyone to be respectful of each other's time and schedules, and to prioritize their commitments to the project.
Consequences for unacceptable behavior may include having to do more work in the next milestone, loss of marks for teamwork, loss of marks for peer review, reporting the issue to the professor or the university's authorities, or other appropriate disciplinary measures as per the university's policies and procedures.
Reporting and dealing with unacceptable behavior will be based on the guidelines set forth by the University of British Columbia. If anyone experiences or witnesses unacceptable behavior, they should first bring it to the attention of the offending party, if possible. If this is not possible or does not resolve the issue, the person should bring it to the attention of the professor or teaching assistant, who will work with the university to address the issue according to the university's policies and procedures. All reports of unacceptable behavior will be taken seriously and will be handled with discretion and respect for everyone involved.
We believe that by adhering to this code of conduct, we can create a positive and supportive environment for everyone involved in the project, and work collaboratively to achieve our shared goals.