All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
adheres to Semantic Versioning.
1.4.12 (04/19/2018)
- Move selection inversion logic from
for multiple selection buttons - Break otherButtons retain cycle
1.4.11 (10/09/2017)
- Fix disconnected action responders in Swift example.
1.4.10 (10/09/2017)
- Update Swift example file to use Swift 4.
1.4.9 (07/24/2016)
- Added animation for button selection.
1.4.8 (04/10/2016)
- Added example for using with Swift.
- Made APIs more Swift friendly.
1.4.7 (04/02/2016)
- Added support for RTL interface layout.
- Updated API comments.
1.4.6 (01/31/2016)
- Added support for Carthage.
- Updated example project.
- Organized folder structure.
- Added change log.