GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. This tutorial teaches you GitHub essentials like repositories, branches, commits, and pull requests. GitHub has been acquired by Microsoft. In the long run GitHub will replace Azure DevOps. Azure DevOps has been so far the cloud based de facto standard tool from Microsoft. GitHub Actions are the counterpart of Azure DevOps pipelines. Due to the new strategic shift they will be in focus for the upcoming two sessions.
If you already have a GitHub Account you can use that one. If not create a new one. The steps are as follows;
- Enter in the browser
You should see then a page that looks like the one below.
- Sign up for GitHub Enter a valid EMail address into the EMail field. Any EMail address that you own can be used including the CapGemini one. After having entered the address click the button "Sign up for GitHub".