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Helm Chart for DocSpring Enterprise

This repository contains a Helm chart for deploying DocSpring Enterprise in a Kubernetes cluster.


Clone the Helm Chart Repo

git clone
cd docspring_helm_chart

Copy values.example.yaml to values.yaml

cp values.example.yaml values.yaml

Create Docker Hub Authentication Secret

kubectl create secret docker-registry dockerhub-secret \
  --docker-server= \
  --docker-username="<your-username>" \
  --docker-password="<your-password>" \

Verify DockerHub credentials and Ensure Application Can Boot

./ ./bin/smoke_test

Generate Secrets

# Generate secret for SECRET_KEY_BASE
openssl rand -hex 64

openssl rand -hex 32

Set these environment variables in the sharedEnv section in values.yaml.

Configure Other Environment Variables

Update the other environment variables for sharedEnv, and for the web and worker services in values.yaml.

  • Set DOMAIN_NAME to the hostname where the application will be accessible.
  • Set DATABASE_URL to your Postgres connection string
  • Set REDIS_URL to your Redis connection string

You will also need to configure a file storage service such as AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or MinIO.

Install the Helm Chart

helm install docspring-enterprise . --values values.yaml

Check Pod Status

kubectl get pods -A

Set Up Database

./ rake db:prepare

Set up SSL

We have not included configuration for cert-manager in this Helm chart. You can use cert-manager to set up SSL for your domain.


helm upgrade docspring-enterprise . --values values.yaml


helm uninstall docspring-enterprise


  • Check Helm chart for errors: helm lint
  • Inspect generated manifests: helm template . --values values.yaml
  • Validate with Kubernetes dry run: helm template . --values values.yaml | kubectl apply --dry-run=client -f -
  • Use --force flag to update helm chart while testing: helm upgrade --force docspring-enterprise . --values values.yaml

Access the web service locally

Add this entry to /etc/hosts:     docspring-enterprise.localhost

Update values.yaml:

  • Comment out FORCE_SSL: "true" (we have not configured SSL locally.)
  • Set PUBLIC_PORT to 4001

Then upgrade the Helm chart.

Use kubectl port-forward to access the service locally:

kubectl port-forward svc/docspring-enterprise 4001:4001

Check that everything is working:

curl http://docspring-enterprise.localhost:4001/health

Then visit http://docspring-enterprise.localhost:4001 in your browser.