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In most developing countries, there is a large sector of the economy that is called the informal sector or the unorganised sector. Employment in the informal labour market plays an important role in most developing economies. The informal sector consists of the self-employed and informal wage labour including Artisans, petty traders, labourers, electricians, plumbers, small business people, and non-agricultural casual workers.
Seeing the rise in unemployment across various countries due to increasing population, competition and COVID-19 we came across an idea of creating a DAO for providing a platform for informal workmen to list and bid for their services and also for people looking for helpers, labours and workmen to get their service easily.
Major issue in this sector is that workmen don’t get the right compensation for their work and also common people looking for better workmen don’t get proper service. People don’t get to know about the nearest labourers, workmen available near them. Our DAO sets out to solve this issue using automation and securing money transfer through blockchain. To get to know about the nearest labourers we have integrated Google Maps in our DAO.
Hiring labourers for as many days you want and getting their service. Labourers can list their services on the site by entering their required details and wallet address and get rewarded for their service. People who want the service can book the number of labours and upto how many days they want to get the service and for that they will have to pay the required rental amount set by the required labour. In this way labourers can bid for their service and get rewarded.
- No middlemen involved in transferring the money. Money is directly transferred to the labourers account.
- Transparent, decentralised and secure made using smart contracts.
- Fully automated for both Labourers: for providing service details, & for People: for the booking of Labourers.
- Smart Contract to transfer money to the respective labourers.
- Using Moralis was a bit challenging for us, as it has some less documentation and materials regarding the feature we were working on and interacting with the smart contracts through react moralis and uploading files through Moralis to IPFS was also a bit challenging for us.
At PaLangCODE, we’re a team of 4 student engineers covering skill-sets from blockchain, front-end dedicated ReactJS. Over the course of the last 1 months we’ve evaluated and built products on 4 different blockchains in search of the right fit for our backend. Our core team has worked together in the future-of-work industry for over 6 months. We’ve all been heads down on building out the core platform. As the solution architect, I personally experimented with MATIC in my spare time and quickly found it a pleasure to use. Having developed in the Moralis SDK for most of my experience and VS Code tooling made it very fast to turn out a usable product.
- Created and tested the smart contract on remix IDE.
- Deployed the smart contracts on the polygon MATIC blockchain network.
- Created Moralis server and started syncing smart contracts events.
- Made a ReactJs app prototype for Landing Page, Profile details page and Bookings page.
- Integrated Google maps API for the location services.
- Modified the UI for better user experience.
Use yarn for installing the required dependencies.
Inside terminal>yarn
To run the app on your local machine, just type yarn start in your terminal of your working directory.