- [mzuther] implement basic functionality
- [rdoursenaud] port to python 3 and pyside 2
- [rdoursenaud] cleanup code and make it PEP008 compliant
- [rdoursenaud] port latex documentation to Sphinx
- [rdoursenaud] standard Python repository layout
- [rdoursenaud] write pytest unit tests only looking at the protocol docs
- [rdoursenaud] properly handle invalid config file
- [rdoursenaud] disallow start if MIDI ports are not set in the GUI
- [rdoursenaud] don't freeze GUI while "Waiting for MIDI input from host..."
- [rdoursenaud] port from pygame to rtmidi
- [rdoursenaud] create virtualports using rtmidi for supported platforms (And remove MIDI Yoke references)
- [rdoursenaud] create windows virtualports using pytemidi (Requires Loop Midi to be installed)
- [rdoursenaud] explore if using mido could be beneficial
- [rdoursenaud] add a nice icon
- [rdoursenaud] reduce and restore from systray using QSystemTrayIcon or pystray
- [rdoursenaud] add setup.py
- [rdoursenaud] create Microsoft Windows binary using pyinstaller?
- [rdoursenaud] update documentation
- [rdoursenaud] publish documentation to readthedocs.org
- [rdoursenaud] release version 2.0