Please add the following information.
- What do you want to achieve / What is the purpose?
- Which version of SortGraphQL are you using (if relevant)?
- What is the configuration of SortGraphQL (if relevant)?
- What was the expected output?
- What was the actual output?
All suggestions are always taken into consideration.
The ones that are implemented will take a little time, as this project is done during spare time.
Some suggestions will be rejected. Common reasons for rejected issues:
- The underlying frameworks do not support the feature
- The change is to big (e.g. changing the underlying frameworks 😋)
- The change is outside the scope of the plugin (e.g. can be solved by another plugin)
- The issuer does not reply to questions
The best way to provide a suggestion is to create a pull request
Yes, please send me pull requests! They are the best! It shows that you are interested in spending your time for a feature, rather than just spending my time.
The following is likely to happen:
- I will accept the new feature
- I will make changes to your code to fit my mindset how the plugin works
- You will make changes to your code to create the optimal feature
- I will demand 100% test coverage. That includes both unit tests and integration test
- We will have conversations about the best design for the functionality and how to name things
- Before the release, you will do the final acceptance tests for the feature. After all, you are the customer