+ All Medicaid and CHIP state plan amendments (SPAs), except
+ Medicaid SPA submissions processed in the Medicaid & CHIP
+ Program System portal (MACPro), must be submitted in OneMac.
Starting [month,date,year,] Medicaid Model Data Lab (MMDL) no longer accepts new submissions for these SPAs, including:
+ -
+ Medicaid Alternative Benefit Plan (ABP)
+ -
+ Medicaid Premiums & Cost Sharing
+ -
+ CHIP Eligibility
- >
+ Pending SPAs submitted in MMDL before [month, day, year,] including those on RAI (request for additional information) status,
+ will continue to be processed through MMDL.
Templates and implementation guides for OneMac SPAs can be downloaded from the respective FAQ:
+ {[
+ { href: "#abp-spa-templates", text: "Where can I download Medicaid Alternative Benefit Plan (ABP) SPA templates?" },
+ { href: "#abp-implementation-guides-spa", text: "Where can I download Medicaid Alternative Benefit Plan (ABP) SPA implementation guides?" },
+ { href: "#mpc-spa-templates", text: "Where can I download Medicaid Premiums and Cost Sharing (MPC) SPA templates?" },
+ { href: "#mpc-spa-implementation-guides", text: "Where can I download Medicaid Premiums and Cost Sharing (MPC) SPA implementation guides?" },
+ { href: "#chip-spa-templates", text: "Where can I download CHIP eligibility SPA templates?" },
+ { href: "#chip-spa-implentation-guides", text: "Where can I download CHIP eligibility SPA implementation guides?" }
+ ].map(({ href, text }) => (
+ -
+ {
+ e.preventDefault(); // Prevent default anchor link behavior
+ const targetElement = document.getElementById(href.substring(1)); // Remove '#' from href
+ if (targetElement) {
+ targetElement.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' });
+ // Find the button inside the section that controls the dropdown
+ const buttonElement = targetElement.querySelector('button');
+ if (buttonElement) {
+ // Simulate a click to open the section
+ buttonElement.click();
+ }
+ }
+ }}
+ >
+ {text}
+ ))}
For more information, refer to CMCS Information Bulletin #25-TBD.
@@ -698,7 +742,7 @@ export const oneMACFAQContent: FAQContent[] = [
anchorText: "abp-spa-templates",
question: "Where can I download Medicaid Alternative Benefit Plan (ABP) SPA templates?",
answerJSX: (