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ProSnippets Content
Uma Harano edited this page Jun 26, 2018
22 revisions
Language: C#
Subject: Content
Contributor: ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <[email protected]>
Organization: esri, http://www.esri.com
Date: 6/25/2018
ArcGIS Pro: 2.2
Visual Studio: 2015, 2017
.NET Target Framework: 4.6.1
//Create an empty project. The project will be created in the default folder
//It will be named MyProject1, MyProject2, or similar...
await Project.CreateAsync();
//Settings used to create a new project
CreateProjectSettings projectSettings = new CreateProjectSettings()
//Sets the name of the project that will be created
Name = @"C:\Data\MyProject1\MyProject1.aprx"
//Create the new project
await Project.CreateAsync(projectSettings);
//Settings used to create a new project
CreateProjectSettings projectSettings = new CreateProjectSettings()
//Sets the project template that will be used to create the new project
TemplatePath = @"C:\Data\MyProject1\CustomTemplate.aptx"
//Create the new project
await Project.CreateAsync(projectSettings);
//Opens an existing project or project package
await Project.OpenAsync(@"C:\Data\MyProject1\MyProject1.aprx");
//Gets the current project
var project = Project.Current;
//Gets the location of the current project; that is, the path to the current project file (*.aprx)
string projectPath = Project.Current.URI;
var projGDBPath = Project.Current.DefaultGeodatabasePath;
//Saves the project
await Project.Current.SaveAsync();
//Saves a copy of the current project file (*.aprx) to the specified location with the specified file name,
//then opens the new project file
await Project.Current.SaveAsAsync(@"C:\Data\MyProject1\MyNewProject1.aprx");
//A project cannot be closed using the ArcGIS Pro API.
//A project is only closed when another project is opened, a new one is created, or the application is shutdown.
//Adding a folder connection
string folderPath = "@C:\\myDataFolder";
var folder = await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
//Create the folder connection project item
var item = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(folderPath) as IProjectItem;
//If it is succesfully added to the project, return it otherwise null
return Project.Current.AddItem(item) ? item as FolderConnectionProjectItem : null;
//Adding a Geodatabase:
string gdbPath = "@C:\\myDataFolder\\myData.gdb";
var newlyAddedGDB = await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
//Create the File GDB project item
var item = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(gdbPath) as IProjectItem;
//If it is succesfully added to the project, return it otherwise null
return Project.Current.AddItem(item) ? item as GDBProjectItem : null;
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Note: see also MapFactory in ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping
var map = MapFactory.Instance.CreateMap("New Map", MapType.Map, MapViewingMode.Map, Basemap.Oceans);
//The project's dirty state indicates changes made to the project have not yet been saved.
bool isProjectDirty = Project.Current.IsDirty;
IEnumerable<Item> allProjectItems = Project.Current.GetItems<Item>();
foreach (var pi in allProjectItems)
//Do Something
IEnumerable<MapProjectItem> newMapItemsContainer = project.GetItems<MapProjectItem>();
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
foreach (var mp in newMapItemsContainer)
//Do Something with the map. For Example:
Map myMap = mp.GetMap();
MapProjectItem mapProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("EuropeMap"));
IEnumerable<StyleProjectItem> newStyleItemsContainer = null;
newStyleItemsContainer = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>();
foreach (var styleItem in newStyleItemsContainer)
//Do Something with the style.
var container = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>();
StyleProjectItem testStyle = container.FirstOrDefault(style => (style.Name == "ArcGIS 3D"));
StyleItem cone = null;
if (testStyle != null)
cone = testStyle.LookupItem(StyleItemType.PointSymbol, "Cone_Volume_3");
IEnumerable<GDBProjectItem> newGDBItemsContainer = null;
newGDBItemsContainer = Project.Current.GetItems<GDBProjectItem>();
foreach (var GDBItem in newGDBItemsContainer)
//Do Something with the GDB.
GDBProjectItem GDBProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<GDBProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("myGDB"));
IEnumerable<ServerConnectionProjectItem> newServerConnections = null;
newServerConnections = project.GetItems<ServerConnectionProjectItem>();
foreach (var serverItem in newServerConnections)
//Do Something with the server connection.
ServerConnectionProjectItem serverProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<ServerConnectionProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("myServer"));
//Gets all the folder connections in the current project
var projectFolders = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>();
foreach (var FolderItem in projectFolders)
//Do Something with the Folder connection.
//Gets a specific folder connection in the current project
FolderConnectionProjectItem myProjectFolder = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(folderPI => folderPI.Name.Equals("myDataFolder"));
// Remove a folder connection from a project; the folder stored on the local disk or the network is not deleted
FolderConnectionProjectItem folderToRemove = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(myfolder => myfolder.Name.Equals("PlantSpecies"));
if (folderToRemove != null)
Project.Current.RemoveItem(folderToRemove as IProjectItem);
LayoutProjectItem layoutProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("myLayout"));
//Gets all the layouts in the current project
var projectLayouts = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>();
foreach (var layoutItem in projectLayouts)
//Do Something with the layout
GeoprocessingProjectItem GPProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<GeoprocessingProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("myToolbox"));
//Gets all the GeoprocessingProjectItem in the current project
var GPItems = Project.Current.GetItems<GeoprocessingProjectItem>();
foreach (var tbx in GPItems)
//Do Something with the toolbox
List<Item> _mxd = new List<Item>();
//Gets all the folder connections in the current project
var allFoldersItem = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>();
if (allFoldersItem != null)
//iterate through all the FolderConnectionProjectItems found
foreach (var folderItem in allFoldersItem)
//Search for mxd files in that folder connection and add it to the List<T>
//Note:ArcGIS Pro automatically creates and dynamically updates a searchable index as you build and work with projects.
//Items are indexed when they are added to a project.
//The first time a folder or database is indexed, indexing may take a while if it contains a large number of items.
//While the index is being created, searches will not return any results.
var defaultProjectPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(
// Get the ItemCategories with which an item is associated
Item gdb = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(@"E:\CurrentProject\RegionalPolling\polldata.gdb");
List<ItemCategory> gdbItemCategories = gdb.ItemCategories;
// Browse items using an ItemCategory as a filter
IEnumerable<Item> gdbContents = gdb.GetItems();
IEnumerable<Item> filteredGDBContents1 = gdbContents.Where(item => item.ItemCategories.OfType<ItemCategoryDataSet>().Any());
IEnumerable<Item> filteredGDBContents2 = new ItemCategoryDataSet().Items(gdbContents);
public static string GetDefaultTemplateFolder()
string dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
string root = dir.Split(new string[] { @"\bin" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];
return System.IO.Path.Combine(root, @"Resources\ProjectTemplates");
public static Task<List<string>> GetDefaultTemplatesAsync()
return Task.Run(() =>
string templatesDir = GetDefaultTemplateFolder();
Directory.GetFiles(templatesDir, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
.Where(f => f.EndsWith(".ppkx") || f.EndsWith(".aptx")).ToList();
var templates = await GetDefaultTemplatesAsync();
var projectFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(
CreateProjectSettings ps = new CreateProjectSettings()
Name = "MyProject",
LocationPath = projectFolder,
TemplatePath = templates[2]//2D "Map" template
var project = await Project.CreateAsync(ps);
//Use Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers
var folderContainer = Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers.First(c => c.Path == "FolderConnection");
var gdbContainer = Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers.First(c => c.Path == "GDB");
var mapContainer = Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers.First(c => c.Path == "Map");
var layoutContainer = Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers.First(c => c.Path == "Layout");
var toolboxContainer = Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers.First(c => c.Path == "GP");
//or...use Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer
folderContainer = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("FolderConnection");
gdbContainer = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("GDB");
mapContainer = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("Map");
layoutContainer = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("Layout");
toolboxContainer = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("GP");
//GetItems searches project content
var map = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "Map1");
var layout = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "Layout1");
var folders = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>();
var style = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "ArcGIS 3D");
//Find item uses a catalog path. The path can be to a file or dataset
var fcPath = @"C:\Pro\CommunitySampleData\Interacting with Maps\Interacting with Maps.gdb\Crimes";
var pdfPath = @"C:\Temp\Layout1.pdf";
var imgPath = @"C:\Temp\AddinDesktop16.png";
var fc = Project.Current.FindItem(fcPath);
var pdf = Project.Current.FindItem(pdfPath);
var img = Project.Current.FindItem(imgPath);
//Get the catalog pane
ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.IProjectWindow projectWindow = Project.GetCatalogPane();
//or get the active catalog view...
//ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.IProjectWindow projectWindow = Project.GetActiveCatalogWindow();
//eg Find a toolbox in the project
string gpName = "Interacting with Maps.tbx";
var toolbox = Project.Current.GetItems<GeoprocessingProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(tbx => tbx.Name == gpName);
//Select it under Toolboxes
projectWindow.SelectItemAsync(toolbox, true, true, null);//null selects it in the first container - optionally await
//Note: Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("GP") would get toolbox container...
//assume toolbox is also under Folders container. Select it under Folders instead of Toolboxes
var foldersContainer = Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers.First(c => c.Path == "FolderConnection");
//We must specify the container because Folders comes second (after Toolboxes)
projectWindow.SelectItemAsync(toolbox, true, true, foldersContainer);//optionally await
//Find a map and select it
var mapItem = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "Map");
//Map only occurs under "Maps" so the container need not be specified
projectWindow.SelectItemAsync(mapItem, true, false, null);
Item gdbItem = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(@"C:\projectAlpha\GDBs\regionFive.gdb");
IMetadata gdbMetadataItem = gdbItem as IMetadata;
string gdbXMLMetadataXmlAsString = string.Empty;
gdbXMLMetadataXmlAsString = await QueuedTask.Run(() => gdbMetadataItem.GetXml());
//check metadata was returned
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gdbXMLMetadataXmlAsString))
//use the metadata
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var xml = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"E:\Data\Metadata\MetadataForFeatClass.xml");
//Will throw InvalidOperationException if the metadata cannot be changed
//so check "CanEdit" first
if (featureClassMetadataItem.CanEdit())
bool canEdit1;
//Call CanEdit before calling SetXml
await QueuedTask.Run(() => canEdit1 = metadataItemToCheck.CanEdit());
string syncedMetadataXml = string.Empty;
await QueuedTask.Run(() => syncedMetadataXml = metadataItemToSync.Synchronize());
Item featureClassItem = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(@"C:\projectAlpha\GDBs\regionFive.gdb\SourceFeatureClass");
await QueuedTask.Run(() => metadataItemImport.CopyMetadataFromItem(featureClassItem));
Item: Updates metadata with the imported metadata - the input path can be the path to an item with metadata, or a URI to a XML file: ImportMetadata
await QueuedTask.Run(() => metadataItemImport.ImportMetadata(@"E:\YellowStone.gdb\MyDataset\MyFeatureClass", MDImportExportOption.esriCurrentMetadataStyle));
await QueuedTask.Run(() => metadataItemExport.ExportMetadata(@"E:\Temp\OutputXML.xml", MDImportExportOption.esriCurrentMetadataStyle, MDExportRemovalOption.esriExportExactCopy));
await QueuedTask.Run(() => metadataItemToSaveAsXML.SaveMetadataAsXML(@"E:\Temp\OutputXML.xml", MDSaveAsXMLOption.esriExactCopy));
await QueuedTask.Run(() => metadataItemToSaveAsHTML.SaveMetadataAsHTML(@"E:\Temp\OutputHTML.htm", MDSaveAsHTMLOption.esriCurrentMetadataStyle));
await QueuedTask.Run(() => metadataItemToSaveAsUsingCustomXSLT.SaveMetadataAsUsingCustomXSLT(@"E:\Data\Metadata\CustomXSLT.xsl", @"E:\Temp\OutputXMLCustom.xml"));
var fgdcItem = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(@"C:\projectAlpha\GDBs\testData.gdb");
await QueuedTask.Run(() => fgdcItem.UpgradeMetadata(MDUpgradeOption.esriUpgradeFgdcCsdgm));
Home | API Reference | Requirements | Download | Samples
Create an empty project
Create a new project with specified name
Create new project using Pro's default settings
New project using a custom template file
Create a project using template available with ArcGIS Pro
Open an existing project
Get the Current project
Get location of current project
Get the project's default gdb path
Save project
Check if project needs to be saved
SaveAs project
Close a project
Add a new map to a project
Get Recent Projects
Clear Recent Projects
Remove a Recent Project
Get Pinned Projects
Clear Pinned Projects
Pin / UnPin Projects
Get Recent Project Templates
Clear Recent Project Templates
Remove a Recent Project Template
Get Pinned Project Templates
Clear Pinned Project Templates
Pin / UnPin Project Templates
Add a folder connection item to the current project
Get all project items
Get all "MapProjectItems" for a project
Get a specific "MapProjectItem"
Get all "StyleProjectItems"
Get a specific "StyleProjectItem"
Get the "Favorite" StyleProjectItem
Get all "GDBProjectItems"
Get a specific "GDBProjectItem"
Get all "ServerConnectionProjectItems"
Get a specific "ServerConnectionProjectItem"
Get all folder connections in a project
Get a specific folder connection
Remove a specific folder connection
Gets a specific "LayoutProjectItem"
Get all layouts in a project
Get a specific "GeoprocessingProjectItem"
Get all GeoprocessingProjectItems in a project
Search project for a specific item
Get the Default Project Folder
Refresh the child item for a folder connection Item
Get Item Categories
Using Item Categories
Create Project with Template
Select project containers - for use with SelectItemAsync
ProjectItem: Get an Item or Find an Item
Select an item in the Catalog pane
Add a Favorite - Folder
Insert a Favorite - Geodatabase path
Add a Favorite - Style project item
Toggle the flag IsAddedToAllNewProjects for a favorite
Get the set of favorites and iterate
Remove All Favorites
Item: Get its IMetadata interface
Item: Get an item's metadata: GetXML
Item: Set the metadata of an item: SetXML
Item: Check the metadata can be edited: CanEdit
Item: Updates metadata with the current properties of the item: Synchronize
Item: Copy metadata from the source item's metadata: CopyMetadataFromItem
Item: Delete certain content from the metadata of the current item: DeleteMetadataContent
Item: Updates metadata with the imported metadata - the input path can be the path to an item with metadata, or a URI to a XML file: ImportMetadata
Item: Updates metadata with the imported metadata: ImportMetadata
Item: export the metadata of the currently selected item: ExportMetadata
Item: export the metadata of the currently selected item: ExportMetadata
Item: Save the metadata of the current item as XML: SaveMetadataAsXML
Item: Save the metadata of the current item as HTML: SaveMetadataAsHTML
Item: Save the metadata of the current item using customized XSLT: SaveMetadataAsUsingCustomXSLT
Item: Upgrade the metadata of the current item: UpgradeMetadata
Get The Full List of All Available Unit Formats
Get The List of Unit Formats for the Current Project
Get A Specific List of Unit Formats for the Current Project
Get The List of Default Formats for the Current Project
Get A Specific Default Unit Format for the Current Project
Set a Specific List of Unit Formats for the Current Project
Set the Defaults for the Project Unit Formats
Update Unit Formats for the Project