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ProSnippets Content

Uma Harano edited this page Jun 26, 2018 · 22 revisions
Language:              C#  
Subject:               Content  
Contributor:           ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <[email protected]>  
Organization:          esri,  
Date:                  6/25/2018  
ArcGIS Pro:            2.2  
Visual Studio:         2015, 2017  
.NET Target Framework: 4.6.1  

New project

//Create an empty project. The project will be created in the default folder
//It will be named MyProject1, MyProject2, or similar...
await Project.CreateAsync();

New project with specified name

//Settings used to create a new project
CreateProjectSettings projectSettings = new CreateProjectSettings()
  //Sets the name of the project that will be created
  Name = @"C:\Data\MyProject1\MyProject1.aprx"
//Create the new project
await Project.CreateAsync(projectSettings);

New project using a particular template

//Settings used to create a new project
CreateProjectSettings projectSettings = new CreateProjectSettings()
  //Sets the project template that will be used to create the new project
  TemplatePath = @"C:\Data\MyProject1\CustomTemplate.aptx"
//Create the new project
await Project.CreateAsync(projectSettings);

Open project

//Opens an existing project or project package
await Project.OpenAsync(@"C:\Data\MyProject1\MyProject1.aprx");

Current project

//Gets the current project
var project = Project.Current;

Get location of current project

//Gets the location of the current project; that is, the path to the current project file (*.aprx)  
string projectPath = Project.Current.URI;

Get the project's default gdb path

var projGDBPath = Project.Current.DefaultGeodatabasePath;

Save project

//Saves the project
await Project.Current.SaveAsync();

SaveAs project

//Saves a copy of the current project file (*.aprx) to the specified location with the specified file name, 
//then opens the new project file
await Project.Current.SaveAsAsync(@"C:\Data\MyProject1\MyNewProject1.aprx");

Close project

//A project cannot be closed using the ArcGIS Pro API. 
//A project is only closed when another project is opened, a new one is created, or the application is shutdown.

Adds item to the current project

//Adding a folder connection
string folderPath = "@C:\\myDataFolder";
var folder = await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
  //Create the folder connection project item
  var item = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(folderPath) as IProjectItem;
  //If it is succesfully added to the project, return it otherwise null
  return Project.Current.AddItem(item) ? item as FolderConnectionProjectItem : null;

//Adding a Geodatabase:
string gdbPath = "@C:\\myDataFolder\\myData.gdb";
var newlyAddedGDB = await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
  //Create the File GDB project item
  var item = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(gdbPath) as IProjectItem;
  //If it is succesfully added to the project, return it otherwise null
  return Project.Current.AddItem(item) ? item as GDBProjectItem : null;

How to add a new map to a project

await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Note: see also MapFactory in ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping
  var map = MapFactory.Instance.CreateMap("New Map", MapType.Map, MapViewingMode.Map, Basemap.Oceans);

Check if project needs to be saved

//The project's dirty state indicates changes made to the project have not yet been saved. 
bool isProjectDirty = Project.Current.IsDirty;

Get all the project items

IEnumerable<Item> allProjectItems = Project.Current.GetItems<Item>();
foreach (var pi in allProjectItems)
  //Do Something 

Gets all the "MapProjectItems"

IEnumerable<MapProjectItem> newMapItemsContainer = project.GetItems<MapProjectItem>();

await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  foreach (var mp in newMapItemsContainer)
    //Do Something with the map. For Example:
    Map myMap = mp.GetMap();

Gets a specific "MapProjectItem"

MapProjectItem mapProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("EuropeMap"));

Gets all the "StyleProjectItems"

IEnumerable<StyleProjectItem> newStyleItemsContainer = null;
newStyleItemsContainer = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>();
foreach (var styleItem in newStyleItemsContainer)
  //Do Something with the style.

Gets a specific "StyleProjectItem"

var container = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>();
StyleProjectItem testStyle = container.FirstOrDefault(style => (style.Name == "ArcGIS 3D"));
StyleItem cone = null;
if (testStyle != null)
  cone = testStyle.LookupItem(StyleItemType.PointSymbol, "Cone_Volume_3");

Gets all the "GDBProjectItems"

IEnumerable<GDBProjectItem> newGDBItemsContainer = null;
newGDBItemsContainer = Project.Current.GetItems<GDBProjectItem>();
foreach (var GDBItem in newGDBItemsContainer)
  //Do Something with the GDB.

Gets a specific "GDBProjectItem"

GDBProjectItem GDBProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<GDBProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("myGDB"));

Gets all the "ServerConnectionProjectItem"

IEnumerable<ServerConnectionProjectItem> newServerConnections = null;
newServerConnections = project.GetItems<ServerConnectionProjectItem>();
foreach (var serverItem in newServerConnections)
  //Do Something with the server connection.

Gets a specific "ServerConnectionProjectItem"

ServerConnectionProjectItem serverProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<ServerConnectionProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("myServer"));

Gets all folder connections in a project

//Gets all the folder connections in the current project
var projectFolders = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>();
foreach (var FolderItem in projectFolders)
  //Do Something with the Folder connection.

Gets a specific folder connection

//Gets a specific folder connection in the current project
FolderConnectionProjectItem myProjectFolder = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(folderPI => folderPI.Name.Equals("myDataFolder"));

Remove a specific folder connection

// Remove a folder connection from a project; the folder stored on the local disk or the network is not deleted
FolderConnectionProjectItem folderToRemove = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(myfolder => myfolder.Name.Equals("PlantSpecies"));
if (folderToRemove != null)
  Project.Current.RemoveItem(folderToRemove as IProjectItem);

Gets a specific "LayoutProjectItem"

LayoutProjectItem layoutProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("myLayout"));

Gets all layouts in a project:

//Gets all the layouts in the current project
var projectLayouts = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>();
foreach (var layoutItem in projectLayouts)
  //Do Something with the layout

Gets a specific "GeoprocessingProjectItem"

GeoprocessingProjectItem GPProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<GeoprocessingProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("myToolbox"));

Gets all GeoprocessingProjectItems in a project:

//Gets all the GeoprocessingProjectItem in the current project
var GPItems = Project.Current.GetItems<GeoprocessingProjectItem>();
foreach (var tbx in GPItems)
  //Do Something with the toolbox

Search project for a specific item

List<Item> _mxd = new List<Item>();
//Gets all the folder connections in the current project
var allFoldersItem = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>();
if (allFoldersItem != null)
  //iterate through all the FolderConnectionProjectItems found
  foreach (var folderItem in allFoldersItem)
    //Search for mxd files in that folder connection and add it to the List<T>
    //Note:ArcGIS Pro automatically creates and dynamically updates a searchable index as you build and work with projects. 
    //Items are indexed when they are added to a project.
    //The first time a folder or database is indexed, indexing may take a while if it contains a large number of items. 
    //While the index is being created, searches will not return any results.

Get The Default Project Folder

var defaultProjectPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(

Get Item Categories

// Get the ItemCategories with which an item is associated
Item gdb = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(@"E:\CurrentProject\RegionalPolling\polldata.gdb");
List<ItemCategory> gdbItemCategories = gdb.ItemCategories;

Using Item Categories

// Browse items using an ItemCategory as a filter
IEnumerable<Item> gdbContents = gdb.GetItems();
IEnumerable<Item> filteredGDBContents1 = gdbContents.Where(item => item.ItemCategories.OfType<ItemCategoryDataSet>().Any());
IEnumerable<Item> filteredGDBContents2 = new ItemCategoryDataSet().Items(gdbContents);

Method to Return The Default Template Folder

public static string GetDefaultTemplateFolder()
  string dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
  string root = dir.Split(new string[] { @"\bin" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];
  return System.IO.Path.Combine(root, @"Resources\ProjectTemplates");

Get The List of Installed Templates

public static Task<List<string>> GetDefaultTemplatesAsync()
  return Task.Run(() =>
    string templatesDir = GetDefaultTemplateFolder();
        Directory.GetFiles(templatesDir, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
            .Where(f => f.EndsWith(".ppkx") || f.EndsWith(".aptx")).ToList();

Create Project With Template

var templates = await GetDefaultTemplatesAsync();
var projectFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(

CreateProjectSettings ps = new CreateProjectSettings()
  Name = "MyProject",
  LocationPath = projectFolder,
  TemplatePath = templates[2]//2D "Map" template

var project = await Project.CreateAsync(ps);

Select project containers (for use with SelectItemAsync)

//Use Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers
var folderContainer = Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers.First(c => c.Path == "FolderConnection");
var gdbContainer = Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers.First(c => c.Path == "GDB");
var mapContainer = Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers.First(c => c.Path == "Map");
var layoutContainer = Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers.First(c => c.Path == "Layout");
var toolboxContainer = Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers.First(c => c.Path == "GP");

//or...use Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer

folderContainer = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("FolderConnection");
gdbContainer = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("GDB");
mapContainer = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("Map");
layoutContainer = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("Layout");
toolboxContainer = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("GP");

ProjectItem: Get an Item or Find an Item

//GetItems searches project content
var map = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "Map1");
var layout = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "Layout1");
var folders = Project.Current.GetItems<FolderConnectionProjectItem>();
var style = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "ArcGIS 3D");

//Find item uses a catalog path. The path can be to a file or dataset
var fcPath = @"C:\Pro\CommunitySampleData\Interacting with Maps\Interacting with Maps.gdb\Crimes";
var pdfPath = @"C:\Temp\Layout1.pdf";
var imgPath = @"C:\Temp\AddinDesktop16.png";

var fc = Project.Current.FindItem(fcPath);
var pdf = Project.Current.FindItem(pdfPath);
var img = Project.Current.FindItem(imgPath);

Select an item in the Catalog pane

//Get the catalog pane
ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.IProjectWindow projectWindow = Project.GetCatalogPane();
//or get the active catalog view...
//ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.IProjectWindow projectWindow = Project.GetActiveCatalogWindow();

//eg Find a toolbox in the project
string gpName = "Interacting with Maps.tbx";
var toolbox = Project.Current.GetItems<GeoprocessingProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(tbx => tbx.Name == gpName);
//Select it under Toolboxes
projectWindow.SelectItemAsync(toolbox, true, true, null);//null selects it in the first container - optionally await
//Note: Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("GP") would get toolbox container...

//assume toolbox is also under Folders container. Select it under Folders instead of Toolboxes
var foldersContainer = Project.Current.ProjectItemContainers.First(c => c.Path == "FolderConnection");
//We must specify the container because Folders comes second (after Toolboxes)
projectWindow.SelectItemAsync(toolbox, true, true, foldersContainer);//optionally await

//Find a map and select it
var mapItem = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "Map");
//Map only occurs under "Maps" so the container need not be specified
projectWindow.SelectItemAsync(mapItem, true, false, null);

Item: Get its IMetadata interface

Item gdbItem = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(@"C:\projectAlpha\GDBs\regionFive.gdb");
IMetadata gdbMetadataItem = gdbItem as IMetadata;

Item: Get an item's metadata: GetXML

string gdbXMLMetadataXmlAsString = string.Empty;
gdbXMLMetadataXmlAsString = await QueuedTask.Run(() => gdbMetadataItem.GetXml());
//check metadata was returned
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gdbXMLMetadataXmlAsString))
  //use the metadata

Item: Set the metadata of an item: SetXML

await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  var xml = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"E:\Data\Metadata\MetadataForFeatClass.xml");
  //Will throw InvalidOperationException if the metadata cannot be changed
  //so check "CanEdit" first
  if (featureClassMetadataItem.CanEdit())

Item: Check the metadata can be edited: CanEdit

bool canEdit1;
//Call CanEdit before calling SetXml
await QueuedTask.Run(() => canEdit1 = metadataItemToCheck.CanEdit());

Item: Updates metadata with the current properties of the item: Synchronize

string syncedMetadataXml = string.Empty;
await QueuedTask.Run(() => syncedMetadataXml = metadataItemToSync.Synchronize());

Item: Copy metadata from the source item's metadata: CopyMetadataFromItem

Item featureClassItem = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(@"C:\projectAlpha\GDBs\regionFive.gdb\SourceFeatureClass");
await QueuedTask.Run(() => metadataItemImport.CopyMetadataFromItem(featureClassItem));

Item: Updates metadata with the imported metadata - the input path can be the path to an item with metadata, or a URI to a XML file: ImportMetadata

await QueuedTask.Run(() => metadataItemImport.ImportMetadata(@"E:\YellowStone.gdb\MyDataset\MyFeatureClass", MDImportExportOption.esriCurrentMetadataStyle));

Item: export the metadata of the currently selected item: ExportMetadata

await QueuedTask.Run(() => metadataItemExport.ExportMetadata(@"E:\Temp\OutputXML.xml",  MDImportExportOption.esriCurrentMetadataStyle, MDExportRemovalOption.esriExportExactCopy));

Item: Save the metadata of the current item as XML: SaveMetadataAsXML

await QueuedTask.Run(() => metadataItemToSaveAsXML.SaveMetadataAsXML(@"E:\Temp\OutputXML.xml", MDSaveAsXMLOption.esriExactCopy));

Item: Save the metadata of the current item as HTML: SaveMetadataAsHTML

await QueuedTask.Run(() => metadataItemToSaveAsHTML.SaveMetadataAsHTML(@"E:\Temp\OutputHTML.htm", MDSaveAsHTMLOption.esriCurrentMetadataStyle));

Item: Save the metadata of the current item using customized XSLT: SaveMetadataAsUsingCustomXSLT

await QueuedTask.Run(() => metadataItemToSaveAsUsingCustomXSLT.SaveMetadataAsUsingCustomXSLT(@"E:\Data\Metadata\CustomXSLT.xsl", @"E:\Temp\OutputXMLCustom.xml"));

Item: Upgrade the metadata of the current item: UpgradeMetadata

var fgdcItem = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(@"C:\projectAlpha\GDBs\testData.gdb");
await QueuedTask.Run(() => fgdcItem.UpgradeMetadata(MDUpgradeOption.esriUpgradeFgdcCsdgm));


ProSnippets: Content

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