after having successfully generated a geometry csv file with the FABulous project, you're ready to import it into the UI:
Go to File > Open
and select the geometry csv file of the fabric you want to display.
CAREFUL: Be sure not to select the fabric csv file. The geometry csv file has to be created explicitly, which can be done in the FABulous Shell with the commands
gen_fabric # only needed once to generate matrix.csv files
This will create a <fabric_name>_geometry.csv
Alternatively, the whole FABulous flow can be triggered by
This will create the same <fabric_name>_geometry.csv
after having generated a fasm file for a user design, you're ready to import it into the UI:
Go to File > Select FASM
and select the fasm file for the user design you want to display.
Nets can be selected in the Netlist
DISCLAIMER: Be aware that this feature is still experimental.
You can search for elements of the fabric by using the search menu at the bottom. By the way, you can also enter regular expressions there. For more information about the format of accepted regular expressions, refer to Oracle Docs.
You can also navigate through the fabric in the Fabric Elements
By clicking on elements which are specified by HDL code (like bels), you
can explore their respective HDL code in the HDL Code
Clicking on a port of a switch matrix will show its programmable connections. Be sure to properly click on the port itself, not the wire on top. Also note that the matrix.csv files must be generated for this feature. This is done in the FABulous shell (see above).
By right-clicking a wire, a color to highlight it with can be selected. Be aware that this is not available for the programmable connections inside a switch matrix.