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jCrowdSimulator is a crowd simulation library and user interface written in Java. It implements the Social Force Model of Helbing et al. (2005) / Helbing et al. 1995. It supports the ESRI Shape Format and the OGC Well Known Text Format, which can be used to define crowds (point data) and associated routes (point data) they should follow as well as obstacles (point/line/polygon data) that the agents of the crowd try to avoid. Geometry data is handled using JTS / GeoTools libraries.


  • Multiple crowds, each having an individual route can be simulated simultaneously
  • Point/Line/Polygon data can be used to define obstacles
  • The outline of crowds can be computed
  • Resulting forces within the simulation can be visualised
  • The simulation library may be used independently from the user interface


The current version of jCrowdSimulator can be downloaded here:

  • Executable jar file jCrowdSimulator.jar. This is a runnable jar file that can be directly executed, if a Java Virtual Machine / JDK (mininum 1.8.0) is installed.
  • Executable exe file for Windows jCrowdSimulator.exe. Since currently no JDK is delivered with the application, the executable can only be run, if a Java Virtual Machine / JDK (minimum 1.8.0) is installed.

Sample data to test the application is provided.


Follow this introduction video to see, how the application can be used.

jCrowdSimulator youtube intro


  • Use +/- buttons on the keyboard or the scrool wheel on the mouse to zoom in/out
  • Use the arrow buttons (top, left, down, right) on the keyboard to move the map


Both, the simulation library and the user interface are under LGPL v3. Thus, they can be used and further developed. Forking and contributing is welcome.


The initial version of this software has been developed at Fraunhofer IVI, Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems, Dresden during the project TARGET, which received funding from the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme (grant number 653350).


If you use this software in scientific contexts, please cite:

  • Meinert, A., Hahmann, S., Brausewetter, P. & Kopf, S. (2019): Simulation von Menschenmengen im urbanen Umfeld mit OpenStreetMap-Daten. vol. 32, iss. 1, pp. 17–29. (English title: Crowd simulation in urban areas with openstreetmap data)

  • Access to article (free access starting 4/2020):

  • Author version (i.e. pre-print): pre-print.pdf


s t e f a n . h a h m a n n (at) i v i . f r a u n h o f e r . d e (without the whitespaces).

Fraunhofer IVI

TARGET project

TARGET project