Manual changes are necessary after using Poikilos' (fork of shannoncruey's) csharp-to-python. The shim functions below were implemented manually in and the latest versions of them can be found there until they are implemented here.
- add them to
The output of
using System;
public class Program
public static void Main()
decimal x = 0.1m;
decimal y = 0.2m;
decimal z = 0.32m;
decimal retraction = 3m;
// Console.Write(z.ToString("#0.0000 ").PadLeft(8));
Console.Write(z.ToString("##0.0").PadLeft(4)); // Having more #'s does nothing even though RetractionTestTowersGCodeGenerator does it :(
// (# means only if present)
Console.WriteLine("x=\""+"{0,5:##0.0}"+"\"", x);
decimal a = 1.0m;
Console.WriteLine("a=\"" + a.ToString("##0.#####") + "\"");
decimal b = 1.123456m;
Console.WriteLine("b=\"" + b.ToString("##0.#####") + "\"");
decimal d = decimal.Parse("1");
Console.WriteLine("d=\"" + d.ToString() + "\"");
z=" 0.3"
x=" 0.1"
- convert enumerables
- convert iterators
- See
yield break
(Notraise StopIteration
, which now creates aRuntimeError
as of PEP 479)
- Classes within classes should be outside of classes.
- Bare calls to methods or access to members which are part of the class or object should specify
is first param of@classmethod
) orself
- C#-like names of imports (such as System) should be commented or removed
should be "round(x)"s.ToLowerInvariant()
ands.ToLower(Char, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
should bes.lower()
should bel[-1]
should bes.rjust(4)
(Specifying the opposite side provides same chirality as original.)s.PadRight(4)
should bes.ljust(4)
(Specifying the opposite side provides same chirality as original.)||
should beor
should beand
if (command.Command == "G0") or (command.Command == "G1":
should beif (command.Command == "G0") or (command.Command == "G1"):
if command.HasParameter('Z':
should beif command.HasParameter('Z'):
should bes in "0123456789"
should be
def IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s): if s is None: return True if len(s) == 0: return True return str.isspace(s) IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)
should be
def StreamLine(stream, line): stream.write(line + "\n") StreamLine(stream, line)
- ```
line = reader.ReadLine()
if line is None:
should be
line = stream.readline()
if not line:
line = line.rstrip()
Main(string[] args)
in program should be
def Main(cls, args):
and the following is still necessary (args in C# doesn't include
if name == "main":
- `char.IsWhiteSpace(i, 1)` should be
def IsWhiteSpace(*args): ''' Sequential arguments: 1st (args[0]) -- String to check as a whole or as a character 2nd (args[1]) -- If present, the second param is the index in args[0] to check and no other parts of args[0] will be checked. ''' if len(args) == 1: return str.isspace(args[0]) elif len(args) == 2: return str.isspace(args[0][args[1]]) raise ValueError("IsWhiteSpace only takes (charStr)" " or (str, index)") IsWhiteSpace(i, 1)
- `true` should be `True`
- `false` should be `False`
- `z.ToString("#0.0")` should be `"{:.1f}".format(z)`
(Always refactor when `ToString` has a param.)
- `(int)v` should be `int(v)`
- `curvePoints.Count(point => point.Z >= z)` should be `sum(1 for point in curvePoints if point.Z >= z)`
- generate a class instead of returning an anonymous class
`static (Extent X, Extent Y, Extent Z) MeasureGCode(TextReader stream)`
should be
def MeasureGCode(stream):
class AnonymousClass:
result = AnonymousClass()
result.X = Extent()
result.Y = Extent()
result.Z = Extent()
return result
- Do not use Console:
- `Console.Write(` should be `sys.stdout.write`
- `Console.WriteLine(` should be `print(`
- `Console.Error.Write(` should be `sys.stderr.write`
- `Console.Error.WriteLine(s)` should be
def error(line): sys.stderr.write(line + "\n") error(s)
- `$"Retraction {retraction:0.00000} at Z {z:#0.0}"`
(has `ValueError: Alternate form (#) not allowed in float format specifier`,
`ValueError: Precision not allowed in integer format specifier`)
should be
`"Retraction {retraction:0.5f} at Z {z:.5f}".format(retraction=retraction, z=z)`
(does show leading 0 for z < 1)
- `print("Will write output to: {0}", outputFileName)` should be
`print("Will write output to: {0}".format(outputFileName))`
- `decimal.Parse(` should be `float(`
- `Console.WriteLine(":X {0,5:##0.0} {1,5:##0.0} {2,5:##0.0};", a, b, c)`
should be
`print("X {0: >5.1f} {1: >5.1f} {2: >5.1f}".format(a, b, c))`
- see `String.Format` for more details
- `String.Format` and `x.ToString(fmt)`:
- The ## is meaningless (only shows the number if present) even though RetractionTestTowersGCodeGenerator uses it :(
- Python behaviors:
- `d`: decimal
- `f`: fixed (fixed length)
- `<` / `>`: align (left/right)
- what precedes `>` is the padding character
- what comes next is the number of spaces total to ensure for the length.
- See string format documentation at
- `n.ToString(##0.#####)`
should be (requires to be copied to dest)
from fxshim import optionalD optionalD(5).format(n)
- Remove operations in string interpolation:
$"=> Retract by {lastE - e} at Z {z}"
should be
s = "=> Retract by {lastE - e} at Z {z}".format( lastE=lastE, z=z, e=e, ) '''
s = "=> Retract by {0} at Z {z}".format( lastE - e, e=e, )
- Constants ending with `m` or `M` (decimal specifier) should only need
to end with `.0` if not already there before the letter.
- `List<T> l = new List<T>()` should be `l = []`
- types before parameters should not be present at all
- `using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileName))`
should be
`with open(fileName, 'r') as reader:`
- `using (var writer = new StreamWriter(fileName))`
should be
`with open(fileName, 'w') as writer:`
- Streams should be disposed when they go out of scope.
`extents = Program.MeasureGCode(Program.GetTemplateReader())`
should be
reader = Program.GetTemplateReader()
extents = Program.MeasureGCode(reader)
where `Program.GetTemplateReader` returns an open file.
- `Add` should be `append`
- `decimal.MinValue` should be `sys.float_info.min`
- `decimal.MaxValue` should be `sys.float_info.max`
- `some_generator(param).ToArray()` should be
- `HashTable<T>` should become `set`
- calls to its `Add` method should become `add`
- calls to `set1.Count()` method should become `len(set1)`
const decimal FirstTowerZ = 2.1m
should be
FirstTowerZ = 2.1
or maybe (messy since all times it is accessed that would have to change to a call)
_FirstTowerZ = 2.1
def get_FirstTowerZ():
return Program._FirstTowerZ
but NOT the following, since must be accessible without an instance
(a const is always static in C#)
''' @property def FirstTowerZ(self): return 2.1
def FirstTowerZ(self, new_FirstTowerZ):
Prevent changing FirstTowerZ in Python 3.
# if new_price > 0 and isinstance(new_price, float):
# self._FirstTowerZ = new_FirstTowerZ
raise RuntimeError("FirstTowerZ cannot be changed.")
- The following additional changes are necessary:
new CurvePoint()
PointType = CurvePointType.SameValueUntil,
Z = FirstTowerZ,
Retraction = 2m,
should be curvePoints.append( CurvePoint( PointType = CurvePointType.SameValueUntil, Z = FirstTowerZ, Retraction = 2.0, ) ) and the constructor must use kwargs to deal with this situation.
x.Length should be len(x)
stream.NewLine should be os.linesep
for (i = 0; i < len(command); i++)
should be
for i in range(len(command)):
HOWEVER: other languages tend to edit i, which doesn't stick in the next iteration in Python (so use while instead, but avoid issues with the continue
for (decimal z = 17.0m; z >= FirstTowerZ - GraphRowHeight; z -= GraphRowHeight) should be z = 17.0 while z >= FirstTowerZ - GraphRowHeight: . . . z -= GraphRowHeight
- but avoid issues with the
statement! For example, fix as: i = -1 while i + 1 < 10: i += 1 print(i) - don't forget to specify the class name for static variables
Path.GetFullPath should be os.path.abspath
if (command.Command == "G0") or (command.Command == "G1": should be if (command.Command == "G0") or (command.Command == "G1"):
static TranslateGCode() should be @staticmethod def TranslateGCode():
- `l.Sort((left, right) => left.Z.CompareTo(right.Z))` should be
`l = sorted(l)`
- However, sorting by lambda is totally unavailable in Python so you
must override `__lt__` in the class from which elements of `l` are