To configure features in addition to the set defaults use the variable icinga2_features
Icinga 2 features can be added with their attributes as described in the Icinga 2 documentation. Documentation Icinga 2 Features
A few other features can have more attributes to configure the feature itself, like the API feature.
Current supported features:
- Feature API
- Feature Command
- Feature CompatLog
- Feature ElasticSearch
- Feature GelfWriter
- Feature Graphite
- Feature IcingaDB
- Feature IDO
- Feature InfluxDB
- Feature InfluxDB2
- Feature Livestatus
- Feature mainlog
- Feature notification
- Feature perfdata
- name: checker
- name: mainlog
- name: graphite
host: localhost
port: 3000
- name: api
ca_host: none
force_newcert: false
- name: NodeName
- name: ZoneName
- NodeName