- Get into the mongo terminal by typing in the shell
. - Load the .js file from the pathfile using the command
load("file path of archivoCargaDatosESTRUCTURADO.js")
- set the database with
use inversionesDB
You can do such querys as:
- Get the investments with the most operations. Copy the text into the shell and press enter
db.inversiones.aggregate({$unwind: "$operaciones"}, {$group: {_id: "$nombre", cantOperaciones: {$sum:1}}}, {$sort: {cantOperaciones: -1}}, {$limit: 1})
- Get the adviser with the most recommendations for a determined investment. Copy the text into the shell and press enter
db.inversiones.aggregate({$match: {nombre: "Apple"}}, {$unwind: "$operaciones"}, {$group: {_id: "$operaciones.asesor.nombre", cantRecomendaciones: {$sum:1}}}, {$sort: {cantRecomendaciones: -1}}, {$limit: 1})
- this will specifically search in the investments of "Apple", you can also do this with any other investment by declaring a variable with the name of the investments you want to get.
- set the input
var inversion = "[anyInvestmentYouWant]"
- Copy the text into the shell and press enter
db.inversiones.aggregate({$match: {nombre: inversion}}, {$unwind: "$operaciones"}, {$group: {_id: "$operaciones.asesor.nombre", cantRecomendaciones: {$sum:1}}}, {$sort: {cantRecomendaciones: -1}}, {$limit: 1})