We carried out a user testing session on 17.1.18 to discover how real users interact with the YiMovi website and to fully understand what the priorities should be for the upcoming 2 week sprint*. This document contains a review of the 5 tasks that each of our users carried out, a prioritised list of recommended updates and our suggested changed for the upcoming sprint*.
*Sprint dates: 29th Jan - 9th Feb
For each of the 5 tasks we had specific hypothesis to test. Throughout the user testing we aimed to either submiss or accept our hypotheses as well as take on any additional feedback that came up from the users.
"First, I would like you to look at the home page and tell me what you think of it. What strikes you about it? What do you think? Please don’t click on anything yet"
- Users will understand what the site is about from the homepage
- Users will feel confident in navigating through the top genres
- The users liked the layout and found the modules easy to navigate and understand
- The users felt that the homepage doesn't tell you exactly what the site is for without scrolling all the way to the 'about' section
- The users liked the use of images
- The users felt that the chinese script should be bigger
- The users would like a button to change the language
- The users would like a way to navigate the site
- The users would like the main and sub header to indicate more about cinema or films
- The users would like a search box
- The uses were often confused by the word 'genre' and 'sinophone'
- The users found the colours uncomplimentary, in particular in the 'browse..' section
- The users felt the 'About us' section was unintuitive - the left align and positioning
- The users found the main image too large
- The users felt the text is too large
Please navigate to the film “Woman, Demon, Human” and view all pictures in the image gallery.
- Users will struggle to find a specific movie without a navbar or search functionality
- Users will not understand how to view all the images
- Users understand how to find images
- The users felt that the site would benefit from search bar to help find specific films
- The user needs to be an easier way to see move between pictures or they need to move automatically between images
- The user suggested that there's possibly no need for an image gallery if there are video clips (mentioned once)
- The users thought the list of genres etc at top should be at the bottom. Film & Pictures should be there.
- The users felt that the left align is inconsistent with the rest of the site
- The users found that the video shouldn't autoplay
- The users found the layout clear
- The users need a navigation tool on the specific film pages. i.e. to get to discussion points
- The users would like the subsection lists should be alphabetically ordered. Currently genre/theme pages are not ordered
- The user would like text explaining more about the images
- The user would like the list of films to be collapsable so you don't need to scroll through them all
- The users felt that the English had errors and needs proof reading
- The users felt that the breadcrumbs should be larger
- The users found the Romanised Chinese (Pinyin) is confusing as it looks like it's the English
"Please go to the genre Psychological Drama. Navigate to the full list of films in this genre."
- sers will spend over 20 seconds working out how to navigate from an individual film's page to a separate view
- Users will go back to the home page to achieve this task
- Most users took a while to be able to locate the genre list
- Most users found it easier to navigate back to the home page than to directly click on the "Psychological Drama" link displayed on the page
- When they did, they were confused as to how it was sorted
- Some users were confused as to the difference between a "genre" and a "theme"
- Some users found the process of navigating the site easier as they became more familiar with the UI
- Most users were confused by the ambiguous videos, some of which were clips and some of which were entire feature films
- The users found the inconsistency of pictures being shown strange
"Look at films by the director Zhang Yuan. Select a film of your choice and look at the points for discussion."
- Users understand how to navigate to a specific director from the home page
- User understands how to find list of directors easily form other parts of the website other than the homepage
- User understand how to find a specific film under a specific director
- User understand how to select a film once they are on the list of films
- User understand how to get to the points of discussion part of the film page
- User easily expand the 'more info' part of the 'points of discussion' in order to read more
- User expected to click the name of the director at the top of a specific film in order to see all the movies.
- Some users found the director and film quite easily by browsing from the homepage to 'directors' and then the film. alphabetical order seems to be clear and made sense to them.
- User suggested that there would be a secondary navigation menu within the film page so that they can access the right content (in this case, 'points of discussion') without having to scroll so much up and down in order to find what is relevant to them.
- User found that not having links to the various sections of the film page is making it harder and annoying them to get to the relevant section.
- user felt that 'points of discussion' would only be useful for academic people who are learning Chinese humanities and not just the general public or even a students. user found that some of the sections don't seem to relate to the film itself.
- user thought that perhaps the films and images are taking too much space on the page. this means user needs to scroll up and down quite a lot to get to the relevant part of the page.
- User suggested that 'films' then could be smaller and perhaps on the same row, so that you can quickly click through them without scrolling up and down.
- User wasn't sure what the external links were about and suggested a short description of links for each of the links suggested.
- user suggested that the text is too much to one side and could be filling the screen more across
- user didn't go to the director tab and didn't see it at all.
- user wondered if they wanted to watch the whole film, how and where might they find them?
- Film page: user tried to click on the title of the section in order to expand it and didn't see the 'see more' section. the title is coloured in such a way that makes the user think it's clickable.
- user suggested that the video clip shouldn't be on the top, perhaps the images. User felt they shouldn't have to scroll through so much visual content in order to get to the relevant content about the film.
- The user found it confusing that the summary button on nav bar doesn't go anywhere
- The user found that they would like example answers to the discussion questions
"Please go to the online contact form and send an enquiry asking what films are going to be added this year."
- Users will be able to find the contact page
- Users will feel confident in leaving a message
- Users did not have much trouble finding the contact form, they naturally expected it to be at the bottom of the page
- Users often thought that the contact form would be in the "About Us" section. They often found it weird that this section was not clickable
- Although most users expected the contact details to be at the bottom one thought there could be a link at the top of the page
- Users did not feel confident that the contact page will give a response
- Users wanted more information on the contact page such as who the message will be sent to and when they can expect to hear back and that their details would be safe and not shared
- Some users asked where they could leave comments, ratings and evaluations on the films (they thought this might be the point of the contact form)
- Some users did not have placeholder text in the form so did not know what to input.
- The user felt that the send button should be on the left
- The user struggled with the form error message and did not recieve error message when they didn't include an email address
- The users don't like the colours chosen
- The wifi for Chinese students is often slower and so they struggle to load videos and pictures
We found the user testing incredibly useful to discover the pain points of the YiMovi website which will help us improve the site during the 2 week sprint. We have ordered the problems in order of priority, based on:
- The number of people who mentioned the issue
- The amount of frustration the issue caused
- The time spent overcoming the issue
High priority 🔴
- A search bar on the home page
- A navbar on the home page
- A way to navigate more easily around specific film pages
- Maintain consistency in layout - less alignment to the left on all pages
- Reduce space that films are using on the page
- Provide more information on the contact page to give the users a sense of trust and understanding as well as error messages
- Reword/remove genre
- Adjust the font hierarchy
- Adjust the colour scheme
- Make summary tab on navbar more meaningful and reposition
- The purpose of the site should be clear without having to go to about section
Mid Priority 💛
- Sort all pages alphabetically
- A button to change language to chinese (already part of sprint)
- Allow users to easily move between images/ automate the transitions
- List of genres should be at the end of page on specific film pages
- Guide users to full film if not available on YiMovi
- Synopsis for each film
- Resources and images should have helpful copy explaining what they are for
- Fill blank images
- Include names of form fields not just placeholder text
- The about us section should be addressed on an independent page
Low Priority 🍏
- Increase size of chinese script
- Improve copy in header
- Proof read the copy
- Explain the purpose of each subheading. i.e. Points for Discussion
- Make the name of director clickable to show all their films
- Allow users to leave evaluations and ratings of films in the contact form
- Provide examples of answers for points of discussion
Bugs 🐛
- The inconsistent changes on "See more" of parts of the individual film pages. i.e. font changes and turning content into a list
- The autoplay on the films
- Contact form is broken
We will spend Monday 29th reviewing the code base and assessing what additional features we can incorporate into the sprint. We will then discuss on Tuesday 30th your thoughts and align on the Sprint plan.