Expectations: It takes an average of 1-2 hours to read this documentation and complete this installation.
This Local ISLE Installation creates an un-themed Drupal website and an empty Fedora repository (similar to the Demo installation) but one that you can use to develop and design your Drupal site and Fedora collections with the end goal of deploying to ISLE Staging and Production environments for public use.
This Local ISLE Installation will allow you to locally view this site in your browser with the domain of your choice (Example: "https://yourprojectnamehere.localdomain"), instead of being constrained to the Demo URL ("https://isle.localdomain").
While this installation provides you a brand new local development site, it is not intended as a migration process of a previously existing Islandora site. If you need to build a local environment to migrate a previously existing Islandora site, please use the Local ISLE Installation: Migrate Existing Islandora Site instead.
This document also has directions on how you can save newly created ISLE and Islandora code into a git software repository as a workflow process designed to manage and upgrade the environments throughout the development process from Local to Staging to Production. The ISLE Installation: Environments helps explain the ISLE workflow structure, the associated files, and what values ISLE end users should use for the ".env", "local.env", etc.
Please post questions to the public Islandora ISLE Google group, or subscribe to receive emails. The Glossary defines terms used in this documentation.
This Local ISLE installation is intended for a brand new ISLE site for further Drupal theme development, ingest testing, etc. on a personal computer.
You will be using ISLE version 1.2.0 or higher.
You are using Docker-compose 1.24.0 or higher.
You have git installed on your personal computer.
You have access to a private git repository in Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, etc.
- If you do not, please contact your IT department for git resources, or else create an account with one of the above providers.
- WARNING: Only use Private git repositories given the sensitive nature of the configuration files. DO NOT share these git repositories publicly.
For Microsoft Windows:
- You have installed Git for Windows and will use its provided "Git Bash" as your command line interface; this behaves similarly to LINUX and UNIX environments. Git for Windows also installs "openssl.exe" which will be needed to generate self-signed SSL certs. (Note: PowerShell is not recommended as it is unable to run UNIX commands or execute bash scripts without a moderate degree of customization.)
- Set your text editor to use UNIX style line endings for files. (Text files created on DOS/Windows machines have different line endings than files created on Unix/Linux. DOS uses carriage return and line feed ("\r\n") as a line ending, which Unix uses just line feed ("\n").)
- Windows users may correct
$'\r': command not found
errors by converting Windows-edited files to UNIX, by using the dos2unix application.
- Step 1: Choose a Project Name
- Step 1.5: Edit "/etc/hosts" File
- Step 2: Setup Git Project Repositories
- Step 3: Edit the ".env" File to Point to the Local Environment
- Step 4: Create New Users and Passwords by Editing "local.env" File
- Step 5: Create New Self-Signed Certs for Your Project
- Step 6: Download the ISLE Images
- Step 7: Launch Process
- Step 8: Run Islandora Drupal Site Install Script
- Step 9: Test the Site
- Step 10: Ingest Sample Objects
- Step 11: Check-In the Newly Created Islandora Drupal Site Code Into a Git Repository
Please choose a project name (concatenated, with no spaces) that describes your institution or your collection platform. You will substitute in your preferred project name whenever the documentation refers to "yourprojectnamehere". (Be creative. Some real-life examples include: arminda, dhinitiative, digital, digitalcollections, digitallibrary, unbound, etc.)
Enable the Local ISLE Installation to be viewed locally on a personal computer browser using "yourprojectnamehere" (e.g. "https://yourprojectnamehere.localdomain").
- Please use these instructions to Edit the "/etc/hosts" File.
You will create two new, empty, private git repositories within your git repository hosting service (e.g Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab). Below, we suggest a naming convention that will clearly distinguish your ISLE code from your Islandora code. It's very important to understand that these are two separate code repositories, and not to confuse them.
- Login to your git repository hosting service.
- Create a new private repository for ISLE.
- We suggest you name it:
- (This git repository will hold your ISLE code and your environment-specific customizations. Storing this in a private repository and following the workflow below will save you a lot of time and confusion.)
- We suggest you name it:
- Create a new private repository for Islandora Drupal.
- We suggest you name it:
- (This git repository will hold your Islandora Drupal code and your site specific customizations. Storing this in a private repository and following the workflow below will save you a lot of time and confusion.)
- We suggest you name it:
Note: This documentation will walk you through using git on the command line.
You will open a terminal and use the command line to clone your newly created (and empty) ISLE project from your git repository hosting service to your personal computer:
Open a
(Windows: openGit Bash
) -
Use the "cd" command to navigate to a directory where you want to locate your new ISLE project. (We recommend using the default user home directory. You may choose a different location, but it must not be a protected folder such as system or root directory.)
- Example (Mac):
cd ~
- Example (Windows):
cd /c/Users/somebody/
- Example (Mac):
Clone your new ISLE project to your personal computer:
- Example:
git clone https://yourgitproviderhere.com/yourinstitutionhere/yourprojectnamehere-isle.git
- Example:
Note: It is OKAY if you see this warning message: "warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository."
Navigate to the new directory created by the above clone operation:
- Example:
cd yourprojectnamehere-isle
- Example:
Add the ICG ISLE git repository as a git upstream:
git remote add icg-upstream https://github.com/Islandora-Collaboration-Group/ISLE.git
View your connections to remote git repositories:
git remote -v
You should now see the following:
icg-upstream https://github.com/Islandora-Collaboration-Group/ISLE.git (fetch)
icg-upstream https://github.com/Islandora-Collaboration-Group/ISLE.git (push)
origin https://yourgitproviderhere.com/yourinstitutionhere/yourprojectnamehere-isle.git (fetch)
origin https://yourgitproviderhere.com/yourinstitutionhere/yourprojectnamehere-isle.git (push)
Run a git fetch
git fetch icg-upstream
Pull down the ICG ISLE "main" branch into your local project's "main" branch
git pull icg-upstream main
View the ISLE code you now have in this directory:
ls -lha
Push this code to your online git provider ISLE
git push -u origin main
- This will take 2-5 minutes depending on your internet speed.
You now have the current ISLE project code checked into git as a foundation to make changes on specific to your local and project needs. You'll use this git "icg-upstream" process in the future to pull updates and new releases from the main ISLE project.
Navigate to your ISLE project directory.
Copy the sample.env to .env. By default, the Demo environment is setup. You will need to edit this file to match the correct environment. Please note that the .env is no longer tracked by git as of ISLE version 1.5. Instructions below involving git are for ISLE versions below 1.5. However the settings recommended below for the environment can still be followed as needed.
cp sample.env .env
Open the ".env" file in a text editor.
Change only the following lines in the ".env" file so that the resulting values look like the following: Please note: the following below is an example not actual values you should use. Use one word to describe your project and follow the conventions below accordingly
leave default setting ofld
as is. Do not change.COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.local.yml
Save and close the file.
Open the "local.env" file in a text editor.
Find each comment that begins with:
# Replace this comment with a ...
and follow the commented instructions to edit the passwords, database and user names.-
Review carefully as some comments request that you replace with
...26 alpha-numeric characters
while others request that you create an...easy to read but short database name
. -
In many cases the username is already pre-populated. If it doesn't have a comment directing you to change or add a value after the
, then don't change it.
For Microsoft Windows:
- Find the following line:
- In the above line, delete the first two characters (
) so as to uncomment the line. It should now look like this:COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1
- Find the following line:
Once finished, save and close the file.
Open the "config/apache/settings_php/settings.local.php" file in a text editor.
- Find the first comment that begins with:
# ISLE Configuration
and follow the commented instructions to edit the database, username and password. - Find the second comment that begins with:
# ISLE Configuration
and follow the instructions to edit the Drupal hash salt. - Once finished, save and close the file.
- Find the first comment that begins with:
Open the appropriate file in a text editor:
- For Mac/Ubuntu/CentOS/etc: "./scripts/proxy/ssl-certs/local.sh"
- For Microsoft Windows: "./scripts/proxy/ssl-certs/local-windows-only.sh"
Follow the in-line instructions to add your project's name to the appropriate areas.
- Once finished, save and close the file.
Using the same open terminal: navigate to "/pathto/yourprojectnamehere/scripts/proxy/ssl-certs/"
cd ./scripts/proxy/ssl-certs/
Change the permissions on the script to make it executable
- For Mac/Ubuntu/CentOS/etc:
chmod +x local.sh
- For Microsoft Windows:
chmod +x local-windows-only.sh
- For Mac/Ubuntu/CentOS/etc:
Run the following command to generate new self-signed SSL keys using your "yourprojectnamehere.localdomain" domain. This now secures the local site.
- For Mac/Ubuntu/CentOS/etc:
- For Microsoft Windows:
- The generated keys can now be found in:
cd ../../../config/proxy/ssl-certs
- For Mac/Ubuntu/CentOS/etc:
Add the SSL .pem and .key file names generated from running the above script to the
file.cd ..
- Open
in a text editor. - Example:
certFile = "/certs/yourprojectnamehere.localdomain.pem"
keyFile = "/certs/yourprojectnamehere.localdomain.key"
- Download all of the latest ISLE Docker images (~6 GB of data may take 5-10 minutes).
- Using the same open terminal:
- Navigate to the root of your ISLE project
cd ~/pathto/yourprojectnamehere
docker-compose pull
Using the same open terminal:
Run the docker containers:
docker-compose up -d
Please wait a few moments for the stack to fully come up. Approximately 3-5 minutes.
Using the same open terminal:
- View only the running containers:
docker ps
- View all containers (both those running and stopped):
docker ps -a
- All containers prefixed with "isle-" are expected to have a "STATUS" of "Up" (for x time).
- If any of these are not "UP", then use Non-Running Docker Containers to solve before continuing below.
- View only the running containers:
We highly recommend that you first review the contents of the "docker-compose.local.yml" file as the ISLE Apache service uses bind mounts for the intended Drupal Code instead of using default Docker volumes. This allows users to perform Local Islandora Drupal site development with an IDE. This line is a suggested path and users are free to change values to the left of the :
to match their Apache data folder of choice. We recommend starting out with the default setting: "- ./data/apache/html:/var/www/html:cached"
Run the install site script on the Apache container by copying and pasting the appropriate command:
- For Mac/Ubuntu/CentOS/etc:
docker exec -it isle-apache-ld bash -c "cd /utility-scripts/isle_drupal_build_tools && ./isle_islandora_installer.sh"
- For Microsoft Windows:
winpty docker exec -it isle-apache-ld bash -c "cd /utility-scripts/isle_drupal_build_tools && ./isle_islandora_installer.sh"
The above process may take 10-20 minutes (depending on system and internet speeds)
- You should see a lot of green [ok] messages.
- If the script appears to pause or prompt for "y/n", DO NOT enter any values; the script will automatically answer for you.
For Microsoft Windows: |
You may be prompted by Windows to: |
- Share the C drive with Docker. Click Okay or Allow. |
- Enter your username and password. Do this. |
- Allow vpnkit.exe to communicate with the network. Click Okay or Allow (accept default selection). |
- If the process seems to halt, check the taskbar for background windows. |
- Proceed only after this message appears: "Done. 'all' cache was cleared."
- In your web browser, enter this URL:
- Note: You may see an SSL error warning that the site is unsafe. It is safe, it simply uses "self-signed" SSL certs. Ignore the error and proceed to the site.
- Log in to the local Islandora site with the credentials ("DRUPAL_ADMIN_USER" and "DRUPAL_ADMIN_PASS") you created in "local.env".
The Islandora Collaboration Group provides a set of Islandora Sample Objects with corresponding metadata for testing Islandora's ingest process. These sample objects are organized by solution pack and are zipped for faster bulk ingestion.
- To download these sample objects, clone them to your computer's desktop:
git clone https://github.com/Islandora-Collaboration-Group/islandora-sample-objects.git
- Follow these ingestion instructions How to Add an Item to a Digital Collection
- (Note: Getting Started with Islandora contains explanations about content models, collections, and datastreams.)
- After ingesting content, you will need to add an Islandora Simple Search block to the Drupal structure. (The default search box will only search Drupal content, not Islandora content.)
- Select from the menu:
Structure > Blocks > Islandora Simple Search
- Select:
Sidebar Second
- Click:
Save Blocks
at bottom of page - You may now search for ingested objects that have been indexed by SOLR
- Select from the menu:
Using the same open terminal:
Navigate to the
directory within your local ISLE projectcd data/apache/html
Create a local git repository:
git init
Add all of the files to this Local git repository:
git add .
Commit these files to your Local environment with an appropriate message to preserve these changes:
git commit -m "Setting up Drupal site"
Add the git "remote" (this is your git repository hosting service to where you'll push changes, such as Bitbucket, GitHub or Gitlab):
- Example:
git remote add origin https://yourgitproviderhere.com/yourinstitutionhere/yourprojectnamehere-islandora.git
- Example:
Push the changes to the remote git repository on the "main" branch
git push -u origin main
Your Local install is now complete.
Once you are ready to deploy your finished Drupal site, you may progress to:
- ISLE Installation: Environments helps explain the ISLE workflow structure, the associated files, and what values ISLE end users should use for the ".env", "local.env", etc.
- Local ISLE Installation: Resources contains Docker container passwords and URLs for administrator testing.
- ISLE Installation: Troubleshooting contains help for port conflicts, non-running Docker containers, etc.
- ISLE Cheat Sheet: Docker Commands contains reference information on Docker and Unix commands that are useful for installing, updating, and running ISLE.