islandora_vagrant-2.0.1 (2016-03-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update bash scripts to acommodate new version of shellcheck #98
- Update base box to pull from Islandora atlas account instead of ruebot atlas account #93
- symlink $DRUPAL_HOME to shared directory #87
Fixed bugs:
- Checksum function doesn't activate until save button is pressed once -- ISLANDORA-1477 #94
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- 7.x-1.7 Release VM #100 (qadan)
- Update #97 (DonRichards)
- adding variable to disable forwarding and to change host name #96 (lo5an)
- Disambiguate which Islandora Vagrant this is. #95 (rosiel)
2.0 (2015-10-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Islandora Usage Stats #84
- Set for virtualbox #83
- As a devops, I would like to cache OS package downloads in order to speed up vm rebuilds. #29
- Seperate out the more OS-specific parts of the scripts to make porting easier #23
Fixed bugs:
- Missing cite-proc #89
Closed issues:
- Add islandora_altmetrics #88
- Use 3.8.1 Drupal filter #86
- Add islandora_form_fieldpanel to the build script #85
- default/files is not writable by the www-data #82
- Module directories installed by don't have correct permissions #76
- Pull out things that can be put into variables into variables #70
- Seeing an error in drupal module enabling due to islandora_populator #58
Merged pull requests:
- removed generic vmware base box #92 (lo5an)
- Option to set cpu/ram spec from env for those with hw to burn #90 (mark-cooper)
1.4 (2015-07-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Fedora 3 served from Sourceforge #80
- drush dcs doesn't work #72
- Clean up /var/www/drupal file/dir permissions #67
- Add shebangs to each shell script #55
- Make the Apache Document Root configurable #26
- Set JAVA_HOME for system and prior to Tomcat install #64 (ksclarke)
- Fix #26 - Make Apache document root configurable #61 (ksclarke)
Fixed bugs:
- Tomcat users settings reset at the end of install/configure process #81
- Fedora 3 served from Sourceforge #80
- chmod modifies git working directories in Islandora modules #78
- Editing through Fedora's Flash admin client is broken #66
Closed issues:
- Add minimum/recommended RAM requirements to README? #79
- Document how to scp files to the vagrant #74
Merged pull requests:
- Address #74 #75 (mjordan)
- Address #72. #73 (mjordan)
- Revert "Set JAVA_HOME for system and prior to Tomcat install" #63 (ruebot)
- Set JAVA_HOME for system and prior to Tomcat install #62 (ksclarke)
1.3 (2015-05-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Move wget/curl calls to gists to config directory #57
- vagrant up dies when installing FITS #54
- Add Drupal sniffer files for phpcs #43
- Update to Java 8 #39
- Add option to run a custom script from vagrantfile #60 (ksclarke)
- Added code to scripts/ to parse the islandora.dru… #45 (mjordan)
- Update to using Drush Make #44 (ksclarke)
- Fix various small housekeeping issues #42 (ksclarke)
Fixed bugs:
- Seeing an error in drupal module enabling due to islandora_openseadragon #59
- vagrant up dies when installing FITS #54
- UI for purging objects is missing #52
- vagrant provision fails because symlink already exists #50
- Enabling islandora_ingest_test wreaks havoc with ingest forms #47
- Fixed default value for path to FITS. #46 (mjordan)
- Update to using Drush Make #44 (ksclarke)
- Fix various small housekeeping issues #42 (ksclarke)
Merged pull requests:
- Address Issue 54. #56 (mjordan)
- Address #50. #51 (mjordan)
- Fix error associated with zsh man pages and silence curl and maven #49 (ksclarke)
- Address #47. #48 (mjordan)
- Add devtools used by ant #41 (ksclarke)
- Fix stdin errors #40 (ksclarke)
1.2 (2015-05-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Upgrade Tesseract to 3.03 #37
- Update FITS #36
- Tesseract doesn't have any languages installed #31
- Move drush library installers to .drush #24
- Caching bigger downloads on the host machine would speed up rebuild times for the vm #21
- Add a for shared variables between provisioner scripts #20
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
- Missing some modules and some proxy configuration #35 (whikloj)
- Add in proxy module and ProxyPass lines, ... #34 (whikloj)
- Small fixes #30 (whikloj)
- Update .gitignore #28 (whikloj)
- This might be overkill... #25 (whikloj)
- updates for vmware fusion #19 (lo5an)
v1.1 (2015-03-17)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Sleuthkit #18
- BagItPHP missing #17
- Post install -- Drupal status #16
- Unable to locate executable at /usr/bin/kdu_compress #14
1.0 (2015-03-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Build and deploy DGI GSearch extensions #12
Fixed bugs:
- GSearch - DGI extensions, and update xslts #11
Closed issues:
- Install disk image solution pack dependancies #10
- Drupal and Islandora PHP dependencies #9
- Install FFmpeg #8
- Install Tesseract #7
- Install FITS #6
- Install warctools #5
- Install Islandora modules #4
- Add Djatoka install script #3
- Add GSearch install script #2
- Add Solr install script (4.2.0) #1
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator