#How To Contribute
- Fork the repo
- Create a branch off of the master branch. Prefix your branch with either "FEATURE_", "BUGFIX_", or something similar describing the type of update, and then add a descriptive name such as "BUGFIX_random_files_erased".
- Add your changes.
- Please try to avoid monolithic commits.
- We currently don't have a styleguide, but please try to match the current project style as closely as possible.
- Make sure your master branch is in sync/up-to-date with the original.
- Before submitting a pull request, merge in your synced master branch with your current branch and resolve any conflicts.
- Once all conflicts are resolved, submit a pull request to the origin master branch.
- Your pull request will be reviewed along with change requests or comments.
- After all requests are complete, your pull request will be merged in.