id: idp-okta-integration
Welcome to the lab on Apigee Integration with Okta!
The goal of this lab is to walk you through configuring and using the Apigee Identity Facade to integrate with Okta and authenticate users.
We assume the basic knowledge of Apigee platform and you will get the most from this hackathon if you do.
Ideally you will have completed the Coursera Apigee Design, Development and Security Courses.
Alternatively, completing the Apigee API Jam will cover the same topics in less depth.
Lets get started!
- Application developers use the Apigee Developer Portal to register and retrieve API keys
- Application developers use Okta Developer Portal to create client App
- Client applications accessing public API hosted on Apigee will use HTTPS, API keys, and OAuth 2.0 tokens from Okta and Apigee
- Apigee communicates with target applications over TLS
- Sign up for an Okta developer account
- Create an Apigee Eval organization
Here are the tools needed to complete the tasks:
The URL configured in the Apigee Environment group is needed so Okta can be configured with the correct redirection setting.
Use Apigee UI
- Open the Apigee Portal
- Expand Admin - Environments and click on Groups
- Copy the Hostname(s)
- Note that eval organization have a default hostname of {publicip} ex:
Sign into your Okta developer portal
In the left hand side navigate to the directory - People
Click on Add person
- A valid email is not needed if the Password is set by Admin
Click Save
In the left hand side navigate to Applications - Applications
Click on Create App Integration
In the window that opens, select OIDC - OpenID Connect and Web Application and click Next to create the App
In the next screen, configure the following
App integration name: Apigee App
redirect URIs:
https://{env group hostname}/v1/oauth20/callback
This url points to the idp facade that will be deployed to Apigee
Controlled access: Allow everyone
Click Save to be taken to the properties of the Okta app just created
Save the client ID, client secret, and Okta domain as environment variables
export TEST_IDP_APIGEE_CLIENT_ID={Client ID above}] export TEST_IDP_APIGEE_CLIENT_SECRET={Client Secret above} export IPD_HOSTNAME={Okta domain above}
In a command line, clone the devrel repo
git clone
Navigate to the identity facade directory
cd devrel/references/identity-facade
Run the following commands to set the environment variables required for the setup
export IDP_DISCOVERY_DOCUMENT="https://$IPD_HOSTNAME/.well-known/openid-configuration" export APIGEE_X_ORG={your org name} export APIGEE_X_ENV={Apigee environment name. Default is eval} export APIGEE_X_HOSTNAME={your Apigee hostname
Verify the variables have been set correctly
Deploy the identity facade
./ --googleapi
Copy and save the following values:
- consumerKey
- consumerSecret
- authorization URL
Finally, generate environment variables for use later.
- Base64 encoding of client id and secret for use during Basic Auth in tests
export APIGEE_CLIENT_ID={consumerKey above} export APIGEE_SECRET={consumerSecret above} export BASE64_ENCODED=$(echo -n $APIGEE_CLIENT_ID:$APIGEE_SECRET | base64)
This test will simulate a three-legged OAuth 2.0 flow / authorization grant
Open an incognito tab in a browser and visit the authorization URL captured above
- This step simulates an application attempting to authenticate against the Apigee Identity Facade.
- You can generate the authorization url using the command below.
export AUTH_URL="https://$APIGEE_X_HOSTNAME/v1/oauth20/authorize?client_id=$APIGEE_CLIENT_ID&response_type=code&scope=openid email profile&state=abcd-1234&redirect_uri=" echo $AUTH_URL
Apigee will redirect to Okta to generate an authorization code. Log in using the Okta credentials for the user created earlier.
After successful authentication, Okta redirects to the Apigee callback URL (/v1/oauth20/callback), which controls the incoming query parameters, generate an authorization code (using the same value as the one provided by Okta) and performs a redirection on the client app redirect_uri
providing the authorization_code and initial state parameters.- In a real-world scenario, the redirection would be back to the client application and it would parse Okta's response to capture the authorization code
Pass the authorization code, client id, and base64 encoded string to Apigee Identity Facade to generate a Bearer token that will be used for API calls.
export AUTH_CODE={authorization code returned above} export APIGEE_RESPONSE=$(curl -s --location --request POST "https://$APIGEE_X_HOSTNAME/v1/oauth20/token?client_id=$APIGEE_CLIENT_ID" \ --header "Authorization: Basic $BASE64_ENCODED" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-urlencode 'redirect_uri=' \ --data-urlencode 'grant_type=authorization_code' \ --data-urlencode "code=$AUTH_CODE") echo $APIGEE_RESPONSE export ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo $APIGEE_RESPONSE | jq -r .access_token) echo $ACCESS_TOKEN
Apigee will respond with a Bearer token (access_token) which is saved to an environment variable
Finally, call an endpoint protected by OAuth. The identity facade has /protected one configured to validate OAuth tokens.
curl --location --request GET "https://$APIGEE_X_HOSTNAME/v1/oauth20/protected" \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
The default Apigee install includes a /hello-world proxy. In this section we will add an OAuthV2 policy that verifies the access token and create an application that has access to the identity facade (generate tokens) and the Hello-World proxies.
In the Apigee portal, expand Publish and click on API Products.
Choose + CREATE
Fill in the following
- Name: Hello World
- Display Name: Hello World
- Environment: eval
- Access: Public
- Operations (ADD AN OPERATION)
- API Proxy: hello-world
- Path: /
- Save
- Scroll up and click Save
Under Public, click on Apps.
- Notice there is an app created called identity app. The client id and secret used above are from this application.
Click on +App and configure it as follows:
- Name: Hello World App
- Developer: Jane Doe (this user was also created during the identity facade deployment)
- Product:
- Hello World
- Identity Facade
Click Create
Copy the values for Key (client ID) and Secret
the environment variables
export APIGEE_CLIENT_ID=F3gGHZGtPPg6FcZqo0JwXFbV2NVkW0ILOXKte9HMFWJsOgR8 export APIGEE_SECRET=3m5VFXhQIcMO45dhK8YZ85Svw97iTIdiuBnIQMSPJQrZHQQrkQ1aPsYJ3gWVec41 export BASE64_ENCODED=$(echo -n $APIGEE_CLIENT_ID:$APIGEE_SECRET | base64) export AUTH_URL="https://$APIGEE_X_HOSTNAME/v1/oauth20/authorize?client_id=$APIGEE_CLIENT_ID&response_type=code&scope=openid email profile&state=abcd-1234&redirect_uri=" echo "$AUTH_URL"
Like before, visit the $AUTH_URL in a browser
- Authenticate as [email protected]
- Copy the authorization code from the response
Run through the remaining authentication and API call steps
export AUTH_CODE={authorization code returned above} export APIGEE_RESPONSE=$(curl -s --location --request POST "https://$APIGEE_X_HOSTNAME/v1/oauth20/token?client_id=$APIGEE_CLIENT_ID" \--header "Authorization: Basic $BASE64_ENCODED" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-urlencode 'redirect_uri=' \ --data-urlencode 'grant_type=authorization_code' \ --data-urlencode "code=$AUTH_CODE") export ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo $APIGEE_RESPONSE | jq -r .access_token) curl --location --request GET "https://$APIGEE_X_HOSTNAME/hello-world" \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Congratulations! You've now successfully integrated your Apigee environment with a 3rd party IDP, Okta, and secured your API using OAuthV2 tokens.