In this repository you will find several ECMAScript Updates, since ES6 to ES13.
By the way, these are my personal notes about this updates. and I invite you to help me improve them by pulling requests.
- Let & Const variables
- Arrow Functions
- Strings applying backticks (Template literals)
- Default params
- Rest Spread
- Objects literals
- Promises
- Clases
- Module
- Generator
- Set & Add
- Exponetials
- Array Includes
- Object Entries
- Object Values
- String Padding
- Trailing Commas
- Async Functions
- Regex
- Spread (update)
- Finally
- Async (update)
- Flat-Map
- Trim Start y End
- Try Catch
- From entries
- Optional Chaining
- Big Ints
- Nullish
- Promise allSettled & all
- Globalthis
- Match All
- Dynamic Imports with modules
- Numeric Separator 100_000
- Replace All
- Promises Any
- Private methods