Exclusive content including articles, code and tutorials will be available on the LibAgar Patreon. The same tiers are available also through GitHub Sponsors.
Please use GitHub Issues or the Bugzilla to report bugs. You can also contact Julien, post to the Agar Mailing List or write to the Discord channel.
Contributors can submit patches using the Bugzilla or e-mail to Julien. Frequent contributors can request a developer account with write access to the Main Repository.
You do not need to purchase a license in order to use Agar in commercial applications and we do not require any kind of compensation, but if you find it useful, we hope that you will consider signing up for commercial support.
Csoft.net, which first advertised on Slashdot back in 1998, has been supporting the Agar project since the beginning. With its new server farm located in New York City, the same team still works every day to provide high-performance, secure Unix hosting. Sign-up / free trial.
ElectronTubeStore.com provides materials, parts and components worldwide. Shipping is quick and economical. If you are looking for a specific chip, transistor, tube, connector or a specialty metal or alloy in sheet, rod or wire shape, check it out.
We are always interested in porting Agar to new platforms, operating systems and devices. See the updated wishlist or contact Julien directly if you wish to donate software or hardware items.
Thanks! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
The Agar Development Team