A package for fitting calibration speckles in high-contrast imaging data.
To install this package, using Pkg.jl
julia> ] add SatelliteSpots
To load the package and its exported functions
julia> using SatelliteSpots
The common interface for fitting spots relies heavily on PSFModels.jl, so you'll want to install and load it as well.
julia> using PSFModels
from here, to fit spots in a frame and calculate useful statistics
result = SatelliteSpots.fit(image, gaussian; n=4, r=30, fwhm=3)
For more in-depth documentation and API reference, see the documentation
If you would like to contribute, feel free to open a pull request. If you want to discuss something before contributing, head over to discussions and join or open a new topic. If you're having problems with something, please open an issue.