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Connection and disconnection

UROSBridge could be used in Unreal Actors or in timers. To use it in actors, we need to add a smart pointer to ROSBridgeHandler first:

// NB: Your #include "AROSActor.generated.h" must be the last include in the actor header
#include "ROSBridgeHandler.h"

/// ...

class PROJECT_API AROSActor : public AActor

    TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeHandler> Handler;

In Actor's BeginPlay() function, create handler instance and connect to the websocket server:

void AROSActor::BeginPlay()

    // Set websocket server address to ws://
    Handler = MakeShareable<FROSBridgeHandler>(new FROSBridgeHandler(TEXT(""), 9001));

    // Connect to ROSBridge Websocket server.

    // Add topic subscribers and publishers
    // Add service clients and servers

In Actor's Tick(float) function, add Handler->Process() function to let handler process incoming messages in the message queue.

void AROSActor::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
    // Do something


In Actor's Logout or EndPlay function, add Handler->Disconnect() function before the parent class ends.

void AROSActor::EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type Reason)
    // Disconnect the handler before parent ends


Publish Message

To publish message to a topic, we need to first advertise the topic in ROS bridge. In AROSActor's class definition, Add a ROSBridgePublisher smart pointer.

class PROJECT_API AROSActor : public AActor

    TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeHandler> Handler;
    TSharedPtr<FROSBridgePublisher> Publisher; // This

In AROSActor's BeginPlay() function, create the publisher using its type and topic, and then register it to the ROSBridgeHandler.

void AROSActor::BeginPlay()

    // Set websocket server address to ws://
    Handler = MakeShareable<FROSBridgeHandler>(new FROSBridgeHandler(TEXT(""), 9001));

    // Connect to ROSBridge Websocket server.

    // **** Create publishers here ****
    Publisher = MakeShareable<FROSBridgePublisher>(new FROSBridgePublisher(TEXT("/talker"), TEXT("sensor_msgs/JointState")));

Subscribe to Topics

This plugin uses FROSBridgeSubscriber class interface to subscribe to topics. We need to extend a FROSBridgeSubscriber subclass for each topic we would like to subscribe to, implementing the constructor, destructor, ParseMessage function and Callback function.

Include Messages

In class header, the UROSBridge Message class header should be included. Then, define a 'Subscriber' subclass you will use to receive the topic messages.

#include "ROSBridgeSubscriber.h"
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include "Core.h"

class FROSStringSubScriber : public FROSBridgeSubscriber
   FROSStringSubScriber(const FString& InTopic);
   ~FROSStringSubScriber() override;
   TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeMsg> ParseMessage(TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject) const override;
   void Callback(TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeMsg> InMsg) override;

In class constructor, we need to call the parent class constructor to set type and topic for this subscriber.

FROSStringSubScriber::FROSStringSubScriber(const FString& InTopic):
    FROSBridgeSubscriber(InTopic, TEXT("std_msgs/String"))

Class destructors will be required if you need to do some cleaning work after the ROS bridge client disconnects.


ParseMessage function is used by ROSBridgeHandler to convert a JSONObject to FROSBridgeMsg instance. Create a ROSBridgeMessage class with specified message type (e.g. std_msgs::String) and call its FromJson method to parse the JSON message. Finally convert the pointer to a FROSBridgeMsg pointer.

TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeMsg> FROSStringSubScriber::ParseMessage
(TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject) const
    TSharedPtr<std_msgs::String> StringMessage =
        MakeShareable<std_msgs::String>(new std_msgs::String());        
    return StaticCastSharedPtr<FROSBridgeMsg>(StringMessage);

Callback is the callback function called when a new message comes and is successfully parsed to a ROSBridgeMsg instance. In this function, we need to first down-cast the FROSBridgeMsg pointer to a pointer of its subclass.

void Callback(TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeMsg> InMsg)
    TSharedPtr<std_msgs::String> StringMessage = StaticCastSharedPtr<std_msgs::String>(InMsg);
    // downcast to subclass using StaticCastSharedPtr function

    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Message received! Content: %s"), *StringMessage->GetData());
    // do something with the message

In Unreal Actor

In Unreal Actors we need to add pointer to subscriber to the subscriber list

void AROSActor::BeginPlay()

    // Set websocket server address to ws://
    Handler = MakeShareable<FROSBridgeHandler>(new FROSBridgeHandler(TEXT(""), 9001));

    // Connect to ROSBridge Websocket server.

    // Add topic subscribers and publishers
    TSharedPtr<FROSStringSubScriber> Subscriber =
        MakeShareable<FROSStringSubScriber>(new FROSStringSubScriber(TEXT("/chatter")));

A note on ROSBridgeHandler

Connections to ROSBridge work via a ROSBridgeHandler object. There should only be one of these in your project. If you have multiple actors that need to connect to ROS, a good pattern is to create a custom GameInstance, and store the ROSBridgeHandler object there as a public member. Your actors can then access the ROSBridgeHandler by calling e.g. this->GetGameInstance().Handler

When the ROS Bridge Handler disconnects to server, it automatically destroys all subscriber instances.


Request Service

A service consists of two parts: Request and Response. Clients send out requests, and then get response from server. Servers process received requests and send out response.

To send service requests in UROSBridge, we need to create a service client class first. This class should extend the FROSBridgeSrvClient and implement the constructor and a callback function. Below is an example of service "AddTwoInts" client.

#pragma once
#include "ROSBridgeSrvClient.h"
#include "rospy_tutorials/AddTwoInts.h"
class FROSAddTwoIntsClient final : public FROSBridgeSrvClient
    FROSAddTwoIntsClient(const FString& InName):
        FROSBridgeSrvClient(InName, TEXT("rospy_tutorials/AddTwoInts"))

    void Callback(TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeSrv::SrvResponse> InResponse) override
        TSharedPtr<rospy_tutorials::AddTwoInts::Response> Response =

        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Add Two Ints Sum = %d"), Response->GetSum());

Then in ROSActor, we can send service requests using the following function:

TSharedPtr<FROSAddTwoIntsClient> ServiceClient =
    MakeShareable<FROSAddTwoIntsClient>(new FROSAddTwoIntsClient(TEXT("add_two_ints")));

int NumA = FMath::RandRange(1, 10000);
int NumB = FMath::RandRange(1, 10000);
TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeSrv::SrvRequest> Request = MakeShareable(new rospy_tutorials::AddTwoInts::Request(NumA, NumB));
// Create a request instance with request parameters
TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeSrv::SrvResponse> Response = MakeShareable(new rospy_tutorials::AddTwoInts::Response());
// Create an empty response instance
Handler->CallService(ServiceClient, Request, Response);

Notice: The CallService is not a blocking function, i.e. it will not block the main actor thread to wait for service response but it will call the callback function once it receives the response in following ticks.

Send Response to Service Requests

The plugin can also works as a "server" side who receives ros service requests from and returns response to the clients.

To process service requests in UROSBridge, we need to create a service server class first. This class should extend the FROSBridgeSrvServer and implement the constructor, FromJson, and CallBack function. It is very similar to ROS Bridge Subscriber classes but the only difference is that the return type of CallBack is TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeSrv::SrvResponse> rather than void. Below is an example of service AddTwoInts server.

 #pragma once

 #include "ROSBridgeSrvServer.h"
 #include "rospy_tutorials/AddTwoInts.h"

 class FROSAddTwoIntsServer final : public FROSBridgeSrvServer
     FROSAddTwoIntsServer(const FString& InName):
         FROSBridgeSrvServer(InName, TEXT("rospy_tutorials/AddTwoInts"))


     TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeSrv::SrvRequest> FromJson(TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject) const override
         TSharedPtr<rospy_tutorials::AddTwoInts::Request> Request =
         return TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeSrv::SrvRequest>(Request);

     TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeSrv::SrvResponse> Callback(TSharedPtr<FROSBridgeSrv::SrvRequest> InRequest) override
         TSharedPtr<rospy_tutorials::AddTwoInts::Request> Request =

         int64 Sum = Request->GetA() + Request->GetB();
         UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Service [%s] Server: Add Two Ints: %d + %d = %d"), *Name, Request->GetA(), Request->GetB(), Sum);
         return MakeShareable<FROSBridgeSrv::SrvResponse>
                   (new rospy_tutorials::AddTwoInts::Response(Sum));


In Actor, register the server to ROS bridge, then it will process incoming service requests automatically. After disconnection, the server will be automatically destroyed.

void AROSActor::BeginPlay()

    // Set websocket server address to ws://
    Handler = MakeShareable<FROSBridgeHandler>(new FROSBridgeHandler(TEXT(""), 9001));

    // Connect to ROSBridge Websocket server.

    // Add service clients and servers
    TSharedPtr<FROSAddTwoIntsServer> ServiceServer =
    MakeShareable<FROSAddTwoIntsServer>(new FROSAddTwoIntsServer(TEXT("add_two_ints")));

Add More Message / Service Types

This plugin already has support for std_msgs, geometry_msgs, std_srvs, etc. but sometimes other types of message / service will be required. We can add new message classes to the plugin or directly to the project source folder.

Message / Topic

Messages should extend the FROSBridgeMsg class, and implement the following functions:

  • Constructor & Destructor
  • void FromJson(TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject)
    • set all the properties from the JsonObject
    • For numbers, use JsonObject->GetNumberField(FieldName)
    • For strings, use JsonObject->GetStringField(FieldName)
    • For other message types or ros time, use ClassType::GetFromJson(JsonObject->GetObjectField(FieldName))
    • For array, first get JsonValue array using TArray<TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>> PointsPtrArray = JsonObject->GetArrayField(TEXT("points")), then for each element Ptr in the array, call Ptr->AsObject(), Ptr->AsNumber() or Ptr->AsString() function to get its value.
    • It is recommended to always do type checking using Unreal check(...) macro
  • static CLASS_NAME GetFromJson(TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject)
    • the static version of FromJson()
    • Create a new message class and use FromJson(JsonObject) to set its properties
  • virtual FString ToString () const
    • Create a string with all of the properties of this class for printing.
  • virtual TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> ToJsonObject() const
    • Create an FJsonObject and save all of the properties of this message instance to the JsonObject.
    • For numbers, use JsonObject->SetNumberField(FieldName, Value)
    • For strings, use JsonObject->SetStringField(FieldName, Value)
    • For other message types or ros time, use JsonObject->SetObjectField(FieldName, Field.ToJsonObject())
    • For arrays, we first create a JsonValue array using TArray<TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>> PtrArray, then add shared pointer to new created FJsonValueObject / FJsonValueNumber / FJsonValueString to the array, and finally set the field value to this array using Object->SetArrayField(FieldName, PtrArray);

There are several good examples to follow when writing message classes. geometry_msgs/Vector3 is a message class with only built-in types; geometry_msgs/Accel is a message class which includes other messages; geometry_msgs/Polygon is a message class with arrays.


Services consists of two parts, request and response, each of which is a ROS message class. In the plugin, for each service we define a class extending to the FROSBridgeSrv base class, inside which we define Request and Response classes respectively extending to the SrvRequest and SrvResponse class. Like messages, in each class we need to implement FromJson, ToString, ToJsonObject and static GetFromJson method functions.