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We can set them individually by: +```@example 1 +mixingangle!(osc, 1 => 2, 0.58); +mixingangle!(osc, 1 => 3, 0.15); +mixingangle!(osc, 2 => 3, 0.737); + +cpphase!(osc, 1 => 3, 5.34); + +masssquareddiff!(osc, 2 => 3, -2.457e-3); +masssquareddiff!(osc, 1 => 2, -7.5e-5); +nothing # hide +``` +One could also use `setθ!`, `setδ!` and `setΔm²!`. + +We can then use `oscprob`, or similar `Pνν`, to compute the oscillation probabilities for all 9 flavour changes. For an single energy of 1.5 GeV and baseline of 10000 km (we could also pass in a vector), we get: +```@example 1 +prob = oscprob(osc, 1.5, 10000) +``` +The output is an `AxisArray` which provides intuitive indexing, e.g. +for `prob(νμ→ντ)` at the given energy and baseline: +```@example 1 +prob[Energy=1, Baseline=1, InitFlav=Muon, FinalFlav=Tau] +``` +The probabilities are calculated based on the transition matrix +(the so-called PMNS-Matrix) between flavour and mass eigenstates, +as well as the Hamiltonian in the mass eigenbasis. We can compute PMNS matrix: +```@example 1 +U = PMNSMatrix(osc) +``` +and the Hamiltonian: +```@example 1 +H = Hamiltonian(osc) +``` +once, and avoid repeated calculations during a loop. Then, we can use `oscprob(U, H, 1, 10000)` to get the same results as above. + +!!! note "Oscillations in vacuum" + Up to this point, the `osc`, `U` and `H` are all defined in vacuum. Using multiple dispatch, the same function `oscprob` will be used to get the oscillation probabilities along a path in matter. + +## Neutrino oscillations in water +`Neurthino.jl` comes with the PREM model, a layered Earth model, which allows us to create a neutrino path based on just the depth and zenith angle. Instead of moving through a vacuum, we want to model a Water-Cherenkov detector in sea or ice. For this example, we place the detector at 2km depth: +```@example 1 +waterdepth_km = 2; +nothing # hide +``` +The zenith angles for up going neutrinos and +subsequently the neutrino paths are generated first: + +We first set the desired zenith angles (cos(θ)ϵ[-1,0]) for up going neutrinos and with an energy range of [0, 2] GeV: +```@example 1 +coszenith = range(-1; stop=0, length=100); +zenith = acos.(coszenith); + +energies = 10 .^(range(0;stop=2,length=100)); +nothing # hide +``` + + +With the zenith angles defined, we will create a loop that computes the oscillation probabilities for each angle. + +First we pre-allocate the data array +```@example 1 +data_points = zeros((3,3,length(zenith), length(energies))); +nothing # hide +``` + +We can pass the the matrices `U` and `H` directly to avoid repeating their computation. Although `U` and `H` were defined in vacuum, the call to `oscprob` will automatically convert them using the densities defined by `path`. Let's start the loop over zeniths: +```@example 1 +for (i,z) in enumerate(zenith) + + # create a path with zenith z and waterdepth_km + path = Neurthino.prempath(z, waterdepth_km, samples=50); + + # compute the probabilities for all flavours + prob = oscprob(U, H, energies, path); + + # save the results in data array + for (k,l) in Iterators.product(fill(1:3, 2)...) + data_points[k,l,i,:] = prob[:,1,k,l]; + end +end +``` +Here, we used `Neurthino.prempath` to create a `path`, which defines the depths and the densities according to the PREM Earth model. The layered model is defined by `Neurthino.PREM`. The first 3km is water. + +Then we call `oscprob` to compute the oscillation probabilities of all neutrinos on that path. Note that we can use both `oscprob(osc, energies, path)` and `oscprob(U, H, energies, path)` (latter is prefered during loops to avoid recalculating `U` and `H` in each iteration). Lastly, we save the probabilities into our pre-allocated array. + +Now we have our data, let's visualize the oscillogram! First we import the packages we will use: +```@example 1 +using Unitful +using Plots +using LaTeXStrings +``` +We again loop over all flavours and create an heatmap for each combination: +```@example 1 +for (k, startFlav) in enumerate([L"\nu_e", L"\nu_\mu", L"\nu_\tau"]) + for (l, endFlav) in enumerate([L"\nu_e", L"\nu_\mu", L"\nu_\tau"]) + + # create an oscillogram for every start- and endFlav combination + p = heatmap(energies*u"GeV", coszenith, data_points[k,l,:,:], xscale=:log10, + xlabel="Energy", ylabel=L"\cos(\theta_z)", title=latexstring(startFlav, L"\rightarrow", endFlav), + clim=(0,1)); + + # save each plot + filename = "water_nu_$(k)_nu_$(l).svg" + savefig(p, filename) + + end + # instead of showing the output for each flavour, we break here + break +end +``` + +For the electron neutrino oscillations, we then get: +![water_oscillogram](water_nu_1_nu_1.svg) + +![water_oscillogram](water_nu_1_nu_2.svg) + +![water_oscillogram](water_nu_1_nu_3.svg) + + +## Vectorize operations +The for-loops can be avoided by vectorizing the calculations. We first define all the paths based on all zenith angles and the waterdepth: +```@example 1 +paths = Neurthino.prempath(zenith, waterdepth_km, samples=100); +nothing # hide +``` + +Then we compute all probabilites at once: +```@example 1 +prob = oscprob(U, H, energies, paths) +``` +The returned array `prob` is again of type `AxisArray` with an axis `:Energy` and now `:Path` for the path index (instead of the `:Baseline` axis). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/matter_oscillogram.jl b/examples/matter_oscillogram.jl deleted file mode 100644 index d0f41a0..0000000 --- a/examples/matter_oscillogram.jl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env julia - -println("Loading libraries") -using Neurthino -using Unitful -using Plots -using ProgressMeter - - -function main() - println("Initialising oscillation parameters") - osc = OscillationParameters(3); - mixingangle!(osc, 1 => 2, 0.58); - mixingangle!(osc, 1 => 3, 0.15); - mixingangle!(osc, 2 => 3, 0.737); - cpphase!(osc, 1 => 3, 5.34); - masssquareddiff!(osc, 2 => 3, -2.457e-3); - masssquareddiff!(osc, 1 => 3, -2.457e-3-7.5e-5); - masssquareddiff!(osc, 1 => 2, -7.5e-5); - - U = PMNSMatrix(osc) - H = Hamiltonian(osc) - - coszenith = range(-1; stop=0, length=100) - zenith = acos.(coszenith) - energies = 10 .^(range(0;stop=2,length=100)) - - data_points = zeros((3,3,length(zenith), length(energies))) - - - @showprogress 1 "Calculating transition probabilities for different zenith angles" for (i,z) in enumerate(zenith) - sec, dens = Neurthino.prempath(z, 2.5, samples=50) - P = Neurthino.mattertransprob(osc, energies, dens, sec) - for (k,l) in Iterators.product(fill(1:3, 2)...) - data_points[k,l,i,:] = map(x->x[k,l], P) - end - end - - plot_arr = Array{Plots.Plot{Plots.GRBackend},1}() - for (k,l) in Iterators.product(fill(1:3, 2)...) - p = heatmap(data_points[k,l,:,:], yticks=(1:20:100, coszenith[1:10:100]), xticks=(1:40:200, energies[1:10:50]), clim=(0,1)) - push!(plot_arr, p) - end - files = Vector{AbstractString}() - @showprogress 1 "Creating plots" for (idx, p) in enumerate(plot_arr) - f = "$idx.pdf" - push!(files, f) - savefig(p, f) - end -end - -main() - - - - - - - diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl index 11b747b..ef05b88 100644 --- a/test/runtests.jl +++ b/test/runtests.jl @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ end @testset "Matter" begin include("matter_tests.jl") -end +end \ No newline at end of file