You can report bugs and feature requests to GitHub Issues.
When you file a bug, please try to follow these simple rules if applicable:
- Make sure you've read the README carefully.
- Add debug information to the issue by building with the --debug option
- Provide information about your environment: versions of your OS, compiler, etc.
- Make sure that the issue is reproducible with your description.
- It's likely that your bug gets resolved faster if you provide as much information as possible.
Source hosted at GitHub.
Testing framework isn't announced yet. Pull requests are very welcome! Please try to follow these simple rules if applicable:
Make sure you follow the coding-style guidance for KappaDBMS.
Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make.
We suggest you to use 'git-flow' extension / technique.
Make sure you use git rebase instead of git merge while updating your branch with the master.
Make sure your patches are well tested. 100% test coverage is very welcome.
Update the README.