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File metadata and controls

99 lines (88 loc) · 3.16 KB


git-bro is a small ruby script that keeps track of git repositories for you. You can use it to automate tasks.


For git-bro to work you just need git-bro.rb somewhere in your path. There is also an install script which installs git-bro and its systemd services. Please review it before you use it.

git clone
cd git-bro


git-bro is completely controlled via its config file in ~/.config/git-bro/config.toml.

#Add a repo like this
# The remote address to fetch the repo from

# Global settings go here
# If git-bro should make notifications when it detects an update
silent = false

The name of the repo should be unique. The a copy of the tracked repositories is stored at ~/.local/share/git-bro/repos. More config options should be available in the future.


The main point of git-bro is the ability to define custom behavior in scripts. Scripts are stored in ~/.config/git-bro/scripts. Any executable file in the scripts directory is automatically run by git-bro when changes to a repo are detected.

# Scripts are run with the arguments "repo-name remote-url"
# You can test them by manually running them

# You can for instance make a detailed notification showing the latest commit
# These can replace the built-in notifications from git-bro (disable these in the config.toml)
cd $HOME/.local/share/git-bro/repos/$1
DETAILS=$(git show -s --format="%an %s (%h)")
notify-send $1 "$DETAILS"

See more examples of scripts at the end of this readme.


#If you used the install script, git-bro.rb is in path (~./local/bin/git-bro.rb)
#You can use this to manually start git-bro

#The install script also installs a systemctl timer (starts every 5m)
systemctl --user start git-bro.timer

# You can also use a cronjob or add git-bro.rb to your bash_profile etc


Build and install a package

mkdir -p $HOME/autobuild

# Only run if the updated repo is linux
if [ "$1" == "linux" ]
	notify-send "Builder" "Building linux aur package"
	pushd $HOME/autobuild
	git clone linux
	pushd linux
	makepkg -si --noconfirm
	notify-send "Builder" "Linux package built"

Notification with the commit message

cd $HOME/.local/share/git-bro/repos/$1
DETAILS=$(git show -s --format="%an %s (%h)")
notify-send $1 "$DETAILS"

Clickable notifications via dunst

This script will make a notification which when clicked will bring you to the github page for the commit.

cd $HOME/.local/share/git-bro/repos/$1
DETAILS=$(git show -s --format="%an %s (%h)")

HASH=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
REMOTE=$(git config --get remote.origin.url)
AUTHOR=$(echo -n $REMOTE | sed -E 's/.*[/:]([[:alnum:]-]+)\/([[:alnum:]-]+)(\.git)?$/\1/')
if [[ $REMOTE == *"github"* ]]; then
		ACTION=$(dunstify --action="open,Open on github" "$1" "$DETAILS")
		if [[ $ACTION == "open" ]]; then
			xdg-open "${AUTHOR}/${1}/commit/${HASH}"
	} &
	dunstify "$1" "$DETAILS"