- Clean up vbet raster donuts smaller than 20 pixels
- Small refactor for rectangle extent to geom
- Refactored parameter naming for igos/dgos
- Additional IGO metrics
- igo generation method uses better utm finding logic
- tiny bug affecting elapsed time meta
- vbet level path zone rasters renamed and added to projet file
- igo spacing changed to 100m
- igo metric windows changed to 200m, 500m and 1000m
- waterbodies processing extent changed to full dem extent
- change input parameter to use processing_extent layer instead of huc8 to match actual watershed boundary
- implement raster cleaning to remove "vbet ribbons"
- single transform per level path (based on max stream order)
- segmentation_points renamed to vbet_igos
- output fields store level path id as string instead of float
- collect linestring uses shapely instead of ogr to improve merging of level path reaches when generating centerline
- Bug with level paths outside dem extent (i.e. Canadian Hucs)
- several small bug fixes around temp files and raster creation
- normalized twi layer name
- raster compression with 'r+' and window modes
- do not copy channel polygons with empty geometries
- moved supporting files from scripts to vbet/lib
- evidence layer uses hand and slope when TWI is no-data
- force flowline endpoints on raster data for centerline generation
- Changelog
- masking vbet evidence by hand raster data area per level path (remove artifact pixels/polygons)
- centerlines and igo/dgo clipping to inside vbet area
- raw centerlines added as temporary geopackage layer prior to clipping.
- apply appropriate windowing to vbet evidence rasters based on raster extents.
- Sort level path by decending drainage area