For the sake of fast development and submissions, the current module for object detection is not yet updated. Please refer to to get the latest developement.
Composed by 1 main process:
, that takes care of loading the video, setting up the detection_module, the submission_helper, and tracking_module.
- the submission inference src.
Detection module: is a wrapper of tensorflow implementation, that generate formated prediction.
Tracking module: generate tracking based on previous-current frame transformation and detection output.
Submission helper: generate a submission .json file.
Training label
Other experimental scripts...
Track objects and assign IDs.
Stabilize the camera motion for two adjacent frames and transform the first frame toward the second frame.
from object_tracker import Tracker
image_size = (1936, 1216, frame)
tracker = Tracker(image_size)
# input prediction data for each frame in order
# input: {'box2d': [x1, y1, x2, y1]}
# output: {'id': id, box2d': [x1, y1, x2, y1], 'mv': [vx, vy], 'scale': [sx, sy], 'occlusion': number_of_occlusions}
prediction = tracker.assign_ids(prediction)
python3 --input /path/to/annotation/directory --output /path/to/output.json
Frame #1
#Boxes: Car=8, Pedestrian=12
Execution time: total=0.00034165, max=0.00034165
Total cost: 2e+16
Frame #2
#Boxes: Car=7, Pedestrian=14
Execution time: total=0.00176668, max=0.00176668
Total cost: 2.0000000000000004e+16
Frame #600
#Boxes: Car=5, Pedestrian=14
Execution time: total=0.00174618, max=0.78549790
Total cost: 2.43e+18
Overall (../train_annotations/train_02.json)
Car: total=2984, sw=221, tp=2569, err=0.07406166
Pedestrian: total=3072, sw=695, tp=1856, err=0.22623698
All: err=0.15125495