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After cloning this repository, simply run

pip install .

to install the benchmark suite.

You can install all optional dependencies via

pip install .[all]

if running outside of the cuQuantum Appliance container.

Note: You may have to build qsimcirq, qiskit-aer, and qulacs GPU support from source if needed.

Alternatively, you can choose to manage all (required & optional) dependencies yourself via

pip install --no-deps .

and pip would not install any extra package for you.


After installation, a new command cuquantum-benchmarks is installed to your Python environment. You can see the help message via cuquantum-benchmarks --help:

usage: cuquantum-benchmarks [-h] {circuit,api} ...

=============== NVIDIA cuQuantum Performance Benchmark Suite ===============

positional arguments:
    circuit      benchmark different classes of quantum circuits
    api          benchmark different APIs from cuQuantum's libraries

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit

Starting v0.2.0, we offer subcommands for performing benchmarks at different levels, as shown above. For details, please refer to the help message of each subcommand, ex: cuquantum-benchmarks circuit --help.

Alternatively, you can launch the benchmark program via python -m cuquantum_benchmarks. This is equivalent to the standalone command, and is useful when, say, pip installs this package to the user site-package (so that the cuquantum-benchmarks command may not be available without modifying $PATH).

For GPU backends, it is preferred that --ngpus N is explicitly set. On a multi-GPU system, the first N GPUs would be used. To limit which GPUs can be accessed by the CUDA runtime, use the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES following the CUDA documentation.

For backends that support MPI parallelism, it is assumed that MPI_COMM_WORLD is the communicator, and that mpi4py is installed. You can run the benchmarks as you would normally do to launch MPI processes: mpiexec -n N cuquantum-benchmarks .... It is preferred if you fully specify the problem (explicitly set --benchmark & --nqubits).


  • cuquantum-benchmarks api --benchmark apply_matrix --targets 4,5 --controls 2,3 --nqubits 16: Apply a random gate matrix controlled by qubits 2 & 3 to qubits 4 & 5 of a 16-qubit statevector using cuStateVec's apply_matrix() API
  • cuquantum-benchmarks circuit --frontend qiskit --backend cutn --compute-mode statevector --benchmark qft --nqubits 8 --ngpus 1: Construct a 8-qubit QFT circuit in Qiskit and compute the statevector with cuTensorNet on GPU. Note that the --compute-mode can be specified only for cutn backend and supports amplitude (default), statevector, and expectation.
  • cuquantum-benchmarks circuit --frontend cirq --backend qsim-mgpu --benchmark qaoa --nqubits 16 --ngpus 2: Construct a 16-qubit QAOA circuit in Cirq and run it with the (multi-GPU) qsim-mgpu backend on 2 GPUs (requires cuQuantum Appliance)
  • mpiexec -n 4 cuquantum-benchmarks circuit --frontend qiskit --backend cusvaer --benchmark quantum_volume --nqubits 32 --ngpus 1 --cusvaer-global-index-bits 1,1 --cusvaer-p2p-device-bits 1: Construct a 32-qubit Quantum Volume circuit in Qiskit and run it with the (multi-GPU-multi-node) cusvaer backend on 2 nodes. Each node runs 2 MPI processes, each of which controls 1 GPU (requires cuQuantum Appliance)

Known issues

  • Due to Qiskit Aer's design, it'd initialize the CUDA contexts for all GPUs installed on the system at import time. While we can defer the import, it might have an impact to the (multi-GPU) system performance when any aer* backend is in use. For the time being, we recommend to work around it by limiting the visible devices. For example, CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 cuquantum-benchmarks ... would only use GPU 0 & 1.

Output data

All the recorded data is stored in the data directory as JSON files, and is separated by benchmarks. The data can be accessed by json_data[nqubits][sim_config_hash], where sim_config_hash is a hash string for the benchmark setup as determined by frontend, backend, and run_env. This ensures benchmark data is properly recorded once any part of the benchmark setup changes.

It is recommended to loop over all recorded sim_config_hash to gather perf data for analysis.

Environment variables

Currently all environment variables are reserved for internal use only, and are subject to change in the future without notification.


Development Overview

The benchmark suite generates a benchmark in a framework-agnostic fashion. Then, it's mapped to each framework's own circuit object. This mapping is done by picking a "frontend". Once a circuit object is generated, it is passed to a "backend" to execute, which may or may not be part of the framework. This componentized design allows for future extension of this benchmark suite to quickly support other quantum computing frameworks.

Adding New Benchmarks

There are two components to add when adding a new benchmark, namely the benchmark file in the benchmarks directory, and registering the benchmark in

To add a new benchmark, a new benchmark class that inherits from Benchmark needs to be defined. The only function that needs to be implemented is generateGatesSequence. Some optional methods, such as postProcess, may be defined if necessary.

The method generateGatesSequence takes in an int nqubits and a config dictionary. The config dictionary contains the benchmark-specific configurations that are defined in; the output of generateGatesSequence should be a list of gate types as tuples.

Adding New Frontends

There are two components to add when adding a new frontend, namely the frontend file in the frontends directory, and registering the frontend in frontends/

To add a new frontend, a new frontend object needs to inherit from Frontend in frontends/ The only two methods that have to be implemented are __init__, which takes the number of qubits, and a config dictionary, and generateCircuit, which takes a sequence of gates and the number of ancillas.

The output of generateCircuit is a quantum circuit using gates of corresponding frontend.

Adding New Backends

There are three components to add when adding a new backend, namely the backend file in the backends directory, and registering the backend in backends/ and

To add a new backend, a new backend object needs to inherit from Backend in backends/ The only two methods that have to be implemented are __init__, which takes the number of gpus, the number of cpu threads and a logger, and run, which takes a circuit and the number of samples. Additionally, preprocess_circuit can be implemented if necessary, which takes in a circuit and can set up configurations to later run the circuit correctly.

The output of run is a dictionary that contains results, the result of computation, and run_data, and performance data that one would want to record.

The output of preprocess_circuit is a dictionary that similarly contains any performance data that one would like to record.