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This is the reproin heuristic, copied from heudiconv

(AKA dbic-bids) Flexible heuristic to establish BIDS DataLad datasets hierarchy
+Initially developed and deployed at Dartmouth Brain Imaging Center
+(http://dbic.dartmouth.edu) using Siemens Prisma 3T under the umbrellas of the
+Center of Reproducible Neuroimaging Computation (ReproNim, http://repronim.org)
+and Center for Open Neuroscience (CON, http://centerforopenneuroscience.org).
+## Dataset ownership/location
+Datasets will be arranged in a hierarchy similar to how study/exam cards are
+arranged at the scanner console.  You should have
+- "region" defined per each PI,
+- on the first level most probably as PI_StudentOrRA/ (e.g., Gobbini_Matteo)
+- StudyID_StudyName/   (e.g. 1002_faceangles)
+    - Arbitrary name for the exam card -- it doesn't get into Study Description.
+Selecting specific exam card would populate Study Description field using
+aforementioned levels, which will be used by this heuristic to decide on the
+location of the dataset.
+In case of multiple sessions, it is recommended to generate separate "cards"
+per each session.
+## Sequence naming on the scanner console
+Sequence names on the scanner must follow this specification to avoid manual
+[PREFIX:]<seqtype[-label]>[_ses-<SESID>][_task-<TASKID>][_acq-<ACQLABEL>][_run-<RUNID>][_dir-<DIR>][<more BIDS>][__<custom>]
+[PREFIX:] - leading capital letters followed by : are stripped/ignored
+<...> - value to be entered
+[...] - optional -- might be nearly mandatory for some modalities (e.g.,
+        run for functional) and very optional for others
+*ID - alpha-numerical identifier (e.g. 01,02, pre, post, pre01) for a run,
+    task, session. Note that makes more sense to use numerical values for
+    RUNID (e.g., _run-01, _run-02) for obvious sorting and possibly
+    descriptive ones for e.g. SESID (_ses-movie, _ses-localizer)
+a known BIDS sequence type which is usually a name of the folder under
+subject's directory. And (optional) label is specific per sequence type
+(e.g. typical "bold" for func, or "T1w" for "anat"), which could often
+(but not always) be deduced from DICOM. Known to BIDS modalities are:
+    anat - anatomical data.  Might also be collected multiple times across
+            runs (e.g. if subject is taken out of magnet etc), so could
+            (optionally) have "_run" definition attached. For "standard anat"
+            labels, please consult to "8.3 Anatomy imaging data" but most
+            common are 'T1w', 'T2w', 'angio'
+    func - functional (AKA task, including resting state) data.
+            Typically contains multiple runs, and might have multiple different
+            tasks different per each run
+            (e.g. _task-memory_run-01, _task-oddball_run-02)
+    fmap - field maps
+    dwi  - diffusion weighted imaging (also can as well have runs)
+_ses-<SESID> (optional)
+    a session.  Having a single sequence within a study would make that study
+    follow "multi-session" layout. A common practice to have a _ses specifier
+    within the scout sequence name. You can either specify explicit session
+    identifier (SESID) or just say to maintain, create (starts with 1).
+    You can also use _ses-{date} in case of scanning phantoms or non-human
+    subjects and wanting sessions to be coded by the acquisition date.
+_task-<TASKID> (optional)
+    a short name for a task performed during that run.  If not provided and it
+    is a func sequence, _task-UNKNOWN will be automatically added to comply with
+    BIDS. Consult http://www.cognitiveatlas.org/tasks on known tasks.
+_acq-<ACQLABEL> (optional)
+    a short custom label to distinguish a different set of parameters used for
+    acquiring the same modality (e.g. _acq-highres, _acq-lowres  etc)
+_run-<RUNID> (optional)
+    a (typically functional) run. The same idea as with SESID.
+_dir-[AP,PA,LR,RL,VD,DV] (optional)
+    to be used for fmap images, whenever a pair of the SE images is collected
+    to be used to estimate the fieldmap
+<more BIDS> (optional)
+    any other fields (e.g. _acq-) from BIDS acquisition
+__<custom> (optional)
+after two underscores any arbitrary comment which will not matter to how
+layout in BIDS. But that one theoretically should not be necessary,
+and (ab)use of it would just signal lack of thought while preparing sequence
+name to start with since everything could have been expressed in BIDS fields.
+## Last moment checks/FAQ:
+- Functional runs should have _task-<TASKID> field defined
+- Do not use "+", "_" or "-" within SESID, TASKID, ACQLABEL, RUNID,  so we
+could detect "canceled" runs.
+- If run was canceled -- just copy canceled run (with the same index) and re-run
+it. Files with overlapping name will be considered duplicate/canceled session
+and only the last one would remain.  The others would acquire
+__dup0<number>  suffix.
+Although we still support "-" and "+" used within SESID and TASKID, their use is
+not recommended, thus not listed here
+ + +