diff --git a/install.php b/install.php
index 7406889..f5023ad 100644
--- a/install.php
+++ b/install.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ function install($type, $host, $user, $pass, $dbname, $lang, $mysqlcon, &$err_ms
- if($mysqlcon->exec("CREATE TABLE `$dbname`.`stats_user` (`uuid` char(28) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci PRIMARY KEY,`removed` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',`total_connections` smallint(5) NOT NULL default '0',`count_week` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',`count_month` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',`idle_week` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',`idle_month` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',`client_description` varchar(200) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci,`base64hash` char(40) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,`client_total_up` bigint(15) NOT NULL default '0',`client_total_down` bigint(15) NOT NULL default '0',`active_week` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',`active_month` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0')") === false) {
+ if($mysqlcon->exec("CREATE TABLE `$dbname`.`stats_user` (`uuid` char(28) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci PRIMARY KEY,`removed` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',`total_connections` MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',`count_week` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',`count_month` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',`idle_week` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',`idle_month` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',`client_description` varchar(200) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci,`base64hash` char(40) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,`client_total_up` bigint(15) NOT NULL default '0',`client_total_down` bigint(15) NOT NULL default '0',`active_week` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',`active_month` mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',`last_calculated` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0')") === false) {
$err_msg .= $lang['isntwidbmsg'].$mysqlcon->errorCode()." ".print_r($mysqlcon->errorInfo(), true).'
'; $err_lvl = 2;
diff --git a/jobs/bot.php b/jobs/bot.php
index 02225e9..0cca18e 100644
--- a/jobs/bot.php
+++ b/jobs/bot.php
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ function run_bot() {
if($db_cache['job_check']['reload_trigger']['timestamp'] == 1) {
- if(($get_db_data = $mysqlcon->query("SELECT * FROM `$dbname`.`addon_assign_groups`; SELECT * FROM `$dbname`.`admin_addtime`;")) === false) {
+ if(($get_db_data = $mysqlcon->query("SELECT * FROM `$dbname`.`addon_assign_groups`; SELECT * FROM `$dbname`.`admin_addtime`; SELECT * FROM `$dbname`.`groups`;")) === false) {
shutdown($mysqlcon,$cfg,1,"Select on DB failed: ".print_r($mysqlcon->errorInfo(), true));
@@ -467,6 +467,9 @@ function run_bot() {
case 2:
$db_cache['admin_addtime'] = $fetched_array;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $db_cache['groups'] = $fetched_array;
break 2;
diff --git a/jobs/calc_serverstats.php b/jobs/calc_serverstats.php
index 06f18dd..d0ec7a8 100644
--- a/jobs/calc_serverstats.php
+++ b/jobs/calc_serverstats.php
@@ -328,7 +328,9 @@ function calc_serverstats($ts3,$mysqlcon,&$cfg,$dbname,$dbtype,$serverinfo,&$db_
$server_used_slots = $serverinfo['virtualserver_clientsonline'] - $serverinfo['virtualserver_queryclientsonline'];
$server_free_slots = $serverinfo['virtualserver_maxclients'] - $server_used_slots;
$server_name = $mysqlcon->quote($serverinfo['virtualserver_name'], ENT_QUOTES);
+ $serverinfo['virtualserver_total_ping'] = round((substr($serverinfo['virtualserver_total_ping'], 0, strpos($serverinfo['virtualserver_total_ping'], '.')).".".substr($serverinfo['virtualserver_total_ping'], (strpos($serverinfo['virtualserver_total_ping'], '.') + 1), 4)));
+ if($serverinfo['virtualserver_total_ping'] > 32767) $serverinfo['virtualserver_total_ping'] = 32767;
// Write stats/index and Nations, Platforms & Versions
$sqlexec .= "UPDATE `$dbname`.`stats_server` SET `total_user`=$total_user,`total_online_time`=$total_online_time,`total_active_time`=$total_active_time,`total_inactive_time`=$total_inactive_time,`country_nation_name_1`='$country_nation_name_1',`country_nation_name_2`='$country_nation_name_2',`country_nation_name_3`='$country_nation_name_3',`country_nation_name_4`='$country_nation_name_4',`country_nation_name_5`='$country_nation_name_5',`country_nation_1`=$country_nation_1,`country_nation_2`=$country_nation_2,`country_nation_3`=$country_nation_3,`country_nation_4`=$country_nation_4,`country_nation_5`=$country_nation_5,`country_nation_other`=$country_nation_other,`platform_1`=$platform_1,`platform_2`=$platform_2,`platform_3`=$platform_3,`platform_4`=$platform_4,`platform_5`=$platform_5,`platform_other`=$platform_other,`version_name_1`='$version_name_1',`version_name_2`='$version_name_2',`version_name_3`='$version_name_3',`version_name_4`='$version_name_4',`version_name_5`='$version_name_5',`version_1`=$version_1,`version_2`=$version_2,`version_3`=$version_3,`version_4`=$version_4,`version_5`=$version_5,`version_other`=$version_other,`server_status`=$server_status,`server_free_slots`=$server_free_slots,`server_used_slots`=$server_used_slots,`server_channel_amount`={$serverinfo['virtualserver_channelsonline']},`server_ping`={$serverinfo['virtualserver_total_ping']},`server_packet_loss`={$serverinfo['virtualserver_total_packetloss_total']},`server_bytes_down`={$serverinfo['connection_bytes_received_total']},`server_bytes_up`={$serverinfo['connection_bytes_sent_total']},`server_uptime`={$serverinfo['virtualserver_uptime']},`server_id`={$serverinfo['virtualserver_id']},`server_name`=$server_name,`server_pass`={$serverinfo['virtualserver_flag_password']},`server_creation_date`={$serverinfo['virtualserver_created']},`server_platform`='{$serverinfo['virtualserver_platform']}',`server_weblist`={$serverinfo['virtualserver_weblist_enabled']},`server_version`='{$serverinfo['virtualserver_version']}',`user_today`=$user_today,`user_week`=$user_week,`user_month`=$user_month,`user_quarter`=$user_quarter;\n";
diff --git a/jobs/calc_user.php b/jobs/calc_user.php
index 05653c4..6f7ff4b 100644
--- a/jobs/calc_user.php
+++ b/jobs/calc_user.php
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ function calc_user($ts3,$mysqlcon,$lang,$cfg,$dbname,$allclients,$phpcommand,&$d
$name = $mysqlcon->quote((mb_substr($client['client_nickname'],0,30)), ENT_QUOTES);
$uid = htmlspecialchars($client['client_unique_identifier'], ENT_QUOTES);
$sgroups = array_flip(explode(",", $client['client_servergroups']));
+ if(strlen($client['client_country']) > 2 || $client['client_country'] == '') $client['client_country'] = 'XX';
+ $client['client_platform'] = mb_substr($client['client_platform'],0,32);
+ $client['client_version'] = mb_substr($client['client_version'],0,64);
if (!isset($multipleonline[$uid]) && $client['client_version'] != "ServerQuery" && $client['client_type']!="1") {
$clientidle = floor($client['client_idle_time'] / 1000);
diff --git a/jobs/calc_userstats.php b/jobs/calc_userstats.php
index 14e848a..1610ed3 100644
--- a/jobs/calc_userstats.php
+++ b/jobs/calc_userstats.php
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
quote($clientinfo['client_description'], ENT_QUOTES);
- $allupdateuuid .= "('$uuid',$count_week,$count_month,$idle_week,$idle_month,$active_week,$active_month,{$clientinfo['client_totalconnections']},'{$clientinfo['client_base64HashClientUID']}',{$clientinfo['client_total_bytes_uploaded']},{$clientinfo['client_total_bytes_downloaded']},$clientdesc),";
+ if($clientinfo['client_totalconnections'] > 16777215) $clientinfo['client_totalconnections'] = 16777215;
+ $allupdateuuid .= "('$uuid',$count_week,$count_month,$idle_week,$idle_month,$active_week,$active_month,{$clientinfo['client_totalconnections']},'{$clientinfo['client_base64HashClientUID']}',{$clientinfo['client_total_bytes_uploaded']},{$clientinfo['client_total_bytes_downloaded']},$clientdesc,$nowtime),";
} catch (Exception $e) {
- if($e->getCode() == 512) {
+ if($e->getCode() == 512 || $e->getCode() == 1281) {
enter_logfile($cfg,6,"Client (uuid: ".$uuid." cldbid: ".$userstats['cldbid'].") known by Ranksystem is missing in TS database, perhaps its already deleted or cldbid changed. Try to search for client by uuid.");
try {
$getcldbid = $ts3->clientFindDb($uuid, TRUE);
@@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ function calc_userstats($ts3,$mysqlcon,$cfg,$dbname,&$db_cache) {
$db_cache['job_check']['calc_user_limit']['timestamp'] = $job_end;
if ($allupdateuuid != '') {
$allupdateuuid = substr($allupdateuuid, 0, -1);
- $sqlexec .= "UPDATE `$dbname`.`job_check` SET `timestamp`=$job_end WHERE `job_name`='calc_user_limit';\nINSERT INTO `$dbname`.`stats_user` (`uuid`,`count_week`,`count_month`,`idle_week`,`idle_month`,`active_week`,`active_month`,`total_connections`,`base64hash`,`client_total_up`,`client_total_down`,`client_description`) VALUES $allupdateuuid ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `count_week`=VALUES(`count_week`),`count_month`=VALUES(`count_month`),`idle_week`=VALUES(`idle_week`),`idle_month`=VALUES(`idle_month`),`active_week`=VALUES(`active_week`),`active_month`=VALUES(`active_month`),`total_connections`=VALUES(`total_connections`),`base64hash`=VALUES(`base64hash`),`client_total_up`=VALUES(`client_total_up`),`client_total_down`=VALUES(`client_total_down`),`client_description`=VALUES(`client_description`);\n";
+ $sqlexec .= "UPDATE `$dbname`.`job_check` SET `timestamp`=$job_end WHERE `job_name`='calc_user_limit';\nINSERT INTO `$dbname`.`stats_user` (`uuid`,`count_week`,`count_month`,`idle_week`,`idle_month`,`active_week`,`active_month`,`total_connections`,`base64hash`,`client_total_up`,`client_total_down`,`client_description`,`last_calculated`) VALUES $allupdateuuid ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `count_week`=VALUES(`count_week`),`count_month`=VALUES(`count_month`),`idle_week`=VALUES(`idle_week`),`idle_month`=VALUES(`idle_month`),`active_week`=VALUES(`active_week`),`active_month`=VALUES(`active_month`),`total_connections`=VALUES(`total_connections`),`base64hash`=VALUES(`base64hash`),`client_total_up`=VALUES(`client_total_up`),`client_total_down`=VALUES(`client_total_down`),`client_description`=VALUES(`client_description`),`last_calculated`=VALUES(`last_calculated`);\n";
} else {
$sqlexec .= "UPDATE `$dbname`.`job_check` SET `timestamp`=$job_end WHERE `job_name`='calc_user_limit';\n";
diff --git a/jobs/check_db.php b/jobs/check_db.php
index 9fec635..99f4d11 100644
--- a/jobs/check_db.php
+++ b/jobs/check_db.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
exec("INSERT INTO `$dbname`.`job_check` (`job_name`,`timestamp`) VALUES ('get_avatars', '0'),('calc_donut_chars', '0'),('reload_trigger', '0');") === false) { } else {
+ enter_logfile($cfg,4," [1.3.9] Added new job_check values.");
+ }
+ }
+ if(version_compare($cfg['version_current_using'], '1.3.10', '<')) {
if($mysqlcon->exec("DELETE FROM `$dbname`.`admin_addtime`;") === false) { }
if($mysqlcon->exec("DELETE FROM `$dbname`.`addon_assign_groups`;") === false) { }
- if($mysqlcon->exec("INSERT INTO `$dbname`.`job_check` (`job_name`,`timestamp`) VALUES ('get_avatars', '0'),('calc_donut_chars', '0'),('reload_trigger', '0');") === false) { } else {
- enter_logfile($cfg,4," [1.3.9] Added new job_check values.");
+ if($mysqlcon->exec("ALTER TABLE `$dbname`.`stats_user` ADD COLUMN `last_calculated` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0';") === false) { } else {
+ enter_logfile($cfg,4," [1.3.10] Added new stats_user values.");
+ }
+ if($mysqlcon->exec("ALTER TABLE `$dbname`.`stats_user` MODIFY COLUMN `total_connections` MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0';") === false) { } else {
+ enter_logfile($cfg,4," [1.3.10] Adjusted table stats_user successfully.");
if($mysqlcon->exec("CREATE INDEX `snapshot_id` ON `$dbname`.`user_snapshot` (`id`)") === false) { }
diff --git a/jobs/get_avatars.php b/jobs/get_avatars.php
index 608e6c5..01810ae 100644
--- a/jobs/get_avatars.php
+++ b/jobs/get_avatars.php
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ function get_avatars($ts3,$cfg,$dbname,&$db_cache) {
if (isset($tsfilelist)) {
+ $downloadedavatars = 0;
foreach($tsfilelist as $tsfile) {
+ if($downloadedavatars > 9) break;
$fullfilename = '/'.$tsfile['name'];
$uuidasbase16 = substr($tsfile['name'],7);
if (!isset($fsfilelistarray[$uuidasbase16.'.png']) || ($tsfile['datetime'] - $cfg['teamspeak_avatar_download_delay']) > $fsfilelistarray[$uuidasbase16.'.png']) {
@@ -34,6 +36,7 @@ function get_avatars($ts3,$cfg,$dbname,&$db_cache) {
$transfer = TeamSpeak3::factory("filetransfer://" . $avatar["host"] . ":" . $avatar["port"]);
$tsfile = $transfer->download($avatar["ftkey"], $avatar["size"]);
$avatarfilepath = substr(__DIR__,0,-4).'avatars/'.$uuidasbase16.'.png';
+ $downloadedavatars++;
enter_logfile($cfg,5,"Download avatar: ".$fullfilename);
if(file_put_contents($avatarfilepath, $tsfile) === false) {
enter_logfile($cfg,2,"Error while writing out the avatar. Please check the permission for the folder 'avatars'");
diff --git a/jobs/handle_messages.php b/jobs/handle_messages.php
index 99a6dd6..2ab8a43 100644
--- a/jobs/handle_messages.php
+++ b/jobs/handle_messages.php
@@ -130,6 +130,10 @@ function handle_messages(TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Event $event, TeamSpeak3
if((strstr($event["msg"], '!reloadgroups') || strstr($event["msg"], '!reloadicons')) && $admin == 1) {
if($mysqlcon->exec("DELETE FROM `$dbname`.`groups`") === false) {
enter_logfile($cfg,4,"handle_messages 14:".print_r($mysqlcon->errorInfo(), true));
+ } else {
+ if($mysqlcon->exec("UPDATE `$dbname`.`job_check` SET `timestamp`=1 WHERE `job_name`='reload_trigger';") === false) {
+ enter_logfile($cfg,4,"handle_messages 15:".print_r($mysqlcon->errorInfo(), true));
+ }
sendmessage($host, $cfg, $event["invokeruid"], $lang['msg0011'] ." ". $lang['msg0010']);
diff --git a/jobs/reset_rs.php b/jobs/reset_rs.php
index 5a9556b..3cae15e 100644
--- a/jobs/reset_rs.php
+++ b/jobs/reset_rs.php
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ function reset_rs($ts3,$mysqlcon,$lang,$cfg,$dbname,&$db_cache) {
- if (($all_clients = $mysqlcon->query("SELECT cldbid,uuid,name FROM `$dbname`.`user`")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC|PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE)) === false) {
+ if (($all_clients = $mysqlcon->query("SELECT `cldbid`,`uuid`,`name` FROM `$dbname`.`user`")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC|PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE)) === false) {
shutdown($mysqlcon,$cfg,1,"Select on DB failed: ".print_r($mysqlcon->errorInfo(), true));
@@ -201,23 +201,27 @@ function reset_rs($ts3,$mysqlcon,$lang,$cfg,$dbname,&$db_cache) {
} else {
$db_cache['job_check']['reset_webspace_cache']['timestamp'] = 2;
enter_logfile($cfg,4," Started job '".$lang['wihladm33']."'");
+ if ($mysqlcon->exec("DELETE FROM `$dbname`.`groups`;") === false) {
+ enter_logfile($cfg,4," Executing SQL commands failed: ".print_r($mysqlcon->errorInfo(), true));
+ } else {
+ if($mysqlcon->exec("UPDATE `$dbname`.`job_check` SET `timestamp`=1 WHERE `job_name`='reload_trigger';") === false) {
+ enter_logfile($cfg,4," Executing SQL commands failed: ".print_r($mysqlcon->errorInfo(), true));
+ }
+ }
$del_folder = array('avatars/','tsicons/');
$err_cnt = 0;
if (!function_exists('rm_file_reset')) {
function rm_file_reset($folder,$cfg) {
foreach(scandir($folder) as $file) {
- if ('.' === $file || '..' === $file || 'rs.png' === $file || is_dir($folder.$file)) {
- continue;
+ if (in_array($file, array('.','..','check.png','placeholder.png','rs.png','servericon.png','100.png','200.png','300.png','500.png','600.png')) || is_dir($folder.$file)) continue;
+ if(unlink($folder.$file)) {
+ enter_logfile($cfg,4," File ".$folder.$file." successfully deleted.");
} else {
- if(unlink($folder.$file)) {
- enter_logfile($cfg,4," File ".$folder.$file." successfully deleted.");
- } else {
- enter_logfile($cfg,2," File ".$folder.$file." couldn't be deleted. Please check the file permissions.");
- $err_cnt++;
- }
+ enter_logfile($cfg,2," File ".$folder.$file." couldn't be deleted. Please check the file permissions.");
+ $err_cnt++;
diff --git a/jobs/update_groups.php b/jobs/update_groups.php
index 31c2552..9934c27 100644
--- a/jobs/update_groups.php
+++ b/jobs/update_groups.php
@@ -35,11 +35,8 @@ function update_groups($ts3,$mysqlcon,$lang,$cfg,$dbname,$serverinfo,&$db_cache,
$ts3groups = $ts3->serverGroupList();
// ServerIcon
- if ($serverinfo['virtualserver_icon_id'] < 0) {
- $sIconId = (pow(2, 32)) - ($serverinfo['virtualserver_icon_id'] * -1);
- } else {
- $sIconId = $serverinfo['virtualserver_icon_id'];
- }
+ $sIconId = $serverinfo['virtualserver_icon_id'];
+ $sIconId = ($sIconId < 0) ? (pow(2, 32)) - ($sIconId * -1) : $sIconId;
$sIconFile = 0;
$extension = '';
if (!isset($db_cache['groups']['0']) || $db_cache['groups']['0']['iconid'] != $sIconId || (isset($iconarr["i".$sIconId]) && $iconarr["i".$sIconId] > $db_cache['groups']['0']['icondate'])) {
@@ -82,7 +79,7 @@ function update_groups($ts3,$mysqlcon,$lang,$cfg,$dbname,$serverinfo,&$db_cache,
"icondate" => $sicondate,
"sortid" => "0",
"type" => "0",
- "ext" => $mysqlcon->quote($extension, ENT_QUOTES)
+ "ext" => $extension
@@ -111,6 +108,8 @@ function update_groups($ts3,$mysqlcon,$lang,$cfg,$dbname,$serverinfo,&$db_cache,
} catch (Exception $e) {
enter_logfile($cfg,2,$lang['errorts3'].$e->getCode().': '.sprintf($lang['upgrp0008'], $sgname, $sgid).$e->getMessage());
+ } else {
+ $extension = $db_cache['groups'][$sgid]['ext'];
} elseif($iconid == 0) {
foreach (glob(substr(dirname(__FILE__),0,-4) . "tsicons/" . $iconid . ".*") as $file) {
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ function update_groups($ts3,$mysqlcon,$lang,$cfg,$dbname,$serverinfo,&$db_cache,
"icondate" => $iconarr["i".$iconid],
"sortid" => $servergroup['sortid'],
"type" => $servergroup['type'],
- "ext" => $mysqlcon->quote($extension, ENT_QUOTES)
+ "ext" => $extension
if($iconcount > 9 && $nobreak != 1) {
@@ -153,7 +152,7 @@ function update_groups($ts3,$mysqlcon,$lang,$cfg,$dbname,$serverinfo,&$db_cache,
if (isset($updategroups)) {
$sqlinsertvalues = '';
foreach ($updategroups as $updatedata) {
- $sqlinsertvalues .= "({$updatedata['sgid']},{$updatedata['sgidname']},{$updatedata['iconid']},{$updatedata['icondate']},{$updatedata['sortid']},{$updatedata['type']},{$updatedata['ext']}),";
+ $sqlinsertvalues .= "({$updatedata['sgid']},{$updatedata['sgidname']},{$updatedata['iconid']},{$updatedata['icondate']},{$updatedata['sortid']},{$updatedata['type']},{$mysqlcon->quote($updatedata['ext'], ENT_QUOTES)}),";
$db_cache['groups'][$updatedata['sgid']]['sgidname'] = $updatedata['sgidname'];
$db_cache['groups'][$updatedata['sgid']]['iconid'] = $updatedata['iconid'];
$db_cache['groups'][$updatedata['sgid']]['icondate'] = $updatedata['icondate'];
diff --git "a/languages/core_ar_\330\247\331\204\330\271\330\261\330\250\331\212\330\251_arab.php" "b/languages/core_ar_\330\247\331\204\330\271\330\261\330\250\331\212\330\251_arab.php"
index 8f19a87..bacb209 100644
--- "a/languages/core_ar_\330\247\331\204\330\271\330\261\330\250\331\212\330\251_arab.php"
+++ "b/languages/core_ar_\330\247\331\204\330\271\330\261\330\250\331\212\330\251_arab.php"
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "Client-database-ID";
$lang['listexcept'] = "No, cause excepted";
$lang['listgrps'] = "actual group since";
+$lang['listnat'] = "country";
$lang['listnick'] = "اسم المستخدم";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "الرتبة التالية";
$lang['listnxup'] = "الرتبة القادمة بعد";
+$lang['listpla'] = "platform";
$lang['listrank'] = "رتبة";
$lang['listseen'] = "اخر ظهور";
$lang['listsuma'] = "وقت النشاط الكلي";
$lang['listsumi'] = "وقت عدم النشاط الكلي";
$lang['listsumo'] = "وقت التواجد الكلي";
$lang['listuid'] = "unique Client-ID";
+$lang['listver'] = "client version";
$lang['login'] = "Login";
$lang['msg0001'] = "The Ranksystem is running on version: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "A list of valid bot commands can be found here [URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "عدد مرات الإتصال: لايوجد رتبة";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "التقدم للمستوى القادم";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Total active time";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Last calculated:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Nations";
$lang['stna0002'] = "statistics";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Code";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "Following things are required to reset the password:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "select clients";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Select the clients by their last known username, unique Client-ID or Client-database-ID.
Multiple selections are also possible.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "actual servergroup";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Show column 'actual servergroup' in stats/list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Show/hide column";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "active time";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Show column 'sum. active time' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "Client-name";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Show column 'Client-name' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "database-ID";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Show column 'Client-database-ID' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "actual group since";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Show column 'actual group since' in list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Switch this column 'on' or 'off' to show or hide it on the stats page.
This allows you to configure the List Rankup (stats/list_rankup.php) individually.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "hash IP addresses";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "disable hashing";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "secure hashing";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "fast hashing (default)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "The TeamSpeak 3 server stores the IP address of each client. This we need for the Ranksystem to bind the website user of the statistics page with the related TeamSpeak user.
With this function you can active an encrypting / hashing of the IP addresses of TeamSpeak users. When enabled, only the hashed value will be stored in the database, instead of storing it in plain text. This is needed in some cases of your privacy legal; especially required due the EU-GDPR.
fast hashing (default): IP addresses will be hashed. The salt is different for each ranksystem instance, but same for all users on the server. This makes it faster, but also weaker as the 'secure hashing'.
secure hashing: IP addresses will be hashed. Each user will get his own salt, which makes it hard to decrypt the IP (=secure). This parameter is conform with the EU-GDPR. Contra: This variation affects the performance, especially on bigger TeamSpeak servers, it will slow down the statistics page on first site load very much. Also it inceases the needed resources.
disable hashing: If this function is disabled the IP address of a user will be stored in plain text. This is the fastest option that requires the least resources.
In all variants the IP addresses of users will only be stored as long as the user is connected to the TS3 server (less data collection - EU-GDPR).
The IP addresses of users will only be stored once a user connected to the TS3 server. On changing this function the user needs to reconnect to the TS3 server to be able to get verified with the Ranksystem webpage.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "idle time";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Show column 'sum idle time' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "last seen";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Show column 'last seen' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "next rank up";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Show column 'next rank up' in stats/list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "online time";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Show column 'sum. online time' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "rank";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Show column 'rank' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "next servergroup";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Show column 'next servergroup' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "Client-ID";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Show column 'unique Client-ID' in stats/list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "default column sort";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Define the default sorting column for the List Rankup page.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "excepted client";
diff --git "a/languages/core_az_Az\311\231rbaycan_az.php" "b/languages/core_az_Az\311\231rbaycan_az.php"
index 327e046..65fc770 100644
--- "a/languages/core_az_Az\311\231rbaycan_az.php"
+++ "b/languages/core_az_Az\311\231rbaycan_az.php"
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "Müştəri-verilənlər bazası-ID";
$lang['listexcept'] = "Səlahiyyət verilmedi";
$lang['listgrps'] = "ilk giriş";
+$lang['listnat'] = "country";
$lang['listnick'] = "İstifadəçi adı";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "növbəti səlahiyyət";
$lang['listnxup'] = "növbəti dərəcə";
+$lang['listpla'] = "platform";
$lang['listrank'] = "Sıralama";
$lang['listseen'] = "son giriş";
$lang['listsuma'] = "cəmi aktiv vaxt";
$lang['listsumi'] = "cəmi boş vaxt";
$lang['listsumo'] = "cəmi onlayn vaxt";
$lang['listuid'] = "unikal Müştəri-ID";
+$lang['listver'] = "client version";
$lang['login'] = "Giriş";
$lang['msg0001'] = "Rank sistemi versiyası üzərində işləyir: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "Botun etibarlı komandalarının siyahısı burada tapa bilərsiniz [URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "Bağlantı: Açıqlanmamışdır";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "Növbəti Səlahiyyət";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Cəmi aktiv vaxt";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Last calculated:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Millətlər";
$lang['stna0002'] = "statistika";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Kod";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "Şifrəni yenidən qurmaq üçün aşağıdakıları yerinə yetirmək lazımdır:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "müştəriləri seçin";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Müştərilərə son bilinən istifadəçi adı, unikal Müştəri-ID və ya Müştəri-verilənlər bazası-ID ilə seçmək.
Birdən çox seçim də mümkündür.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "mövcud server qrup";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Sütunu göstərin 'current servergroup' list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Show/hide column";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "aktiv vaxt";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Sütunu göstərin 'sum. active time' list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "Müştəri adı";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Sütunu göstərin 'Client-name' list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "verilənlər bazası-ID";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Sütunu göstərin 'Client-database-ID' list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "Bu gündən etibarən cari qrup";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Sütunu göstərin 'current group since' list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Switch this column 'on' or 'off' to show or hide it on the stats page.
This allows you to configure the List Rankup (stats/list_rankup.php) individually.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "hash IP ünvanları";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "dayandırılmış hashing";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "təhlükəsiz hashing";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "sürətli hashing (standart)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "TeamSpeak 3 server hər bir müştərinin IP ünvanını saxlayır. Bu, Ranksystem-in veb interfeys istifadəçi statistika səhifəsini əlaqəli TeamSpeak istifadəçisi ilə əlaqələndirməsi üçün lazımdır.
Bu funksiya ilə TeamSpeak istifadəçilərinin IP ünvanlarının şifrələməsini / hashini aktivləşdirə bilərsiniz. Aktivləşdirildikdə, verilənlər bazasında saxlanılan dəyər yalnız düz mətndə saxlanılacaq. Bu, məxfilik hüququnuzun bəzi hallarda tələb olunur; xüsusilə EU-GDP'dən tələb olunur.
sürətli hashing (standart): hash IP ünvanları. Duz, hər bir sıra sisteminin nümunəsi üçün fərqlidir, lakin serverdakı bütün istifadəçilər üçün eynidır. Bu, daha sürətli, lakin 'secure hashing' kimi zəif edir.
təhlükəsiz hashing: IP ünvanı hash. Hər bir istifadəçi öz duzunu alacaq, bu, IP-nin şifrələməsini çətinləşdirir (= təhlükəsiz). Bu parametr AB-GDPR ilə uyğun gəlir. Qarşı: Bu dəyişiklik xüsusilə TeamSpeak ' ın böyük serverlərində performansa təsir edir, Saytın ilk açılışında statistika səhifəsini çox yavaşlayacaq. Həmçinin zəruri resursları artırır.
dayandırılmış hashing: Bu funksiya söndürüldükdə, İstifadəçinin IP ünvanı düz mətn kimi qeyd olunacaq. Bu ən kiçik resursları tələb edən ən sürətli variantdır.
İstifadəçilərin IP ünvanının bütün variantlarında istifadəçi TS3 serverinə qoşulduqda (az məlumat yığımı-EU-GDPR) saxlanılacaq.
İstifadəçilərin IP ünvanları İstifadəçinin TS3 serverinə qoşulmasından sonra saxlanacaq. Bu funksiyanı dəyişdikdə istifadəçi reytinq sisteminin veb interfeys yoxlamaq üçün TS3 serverinə yenidən qoşulmalıdır.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "boş vaxt";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Sütunu göstərin 'sum idle time' list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "son görülmə";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Sütunu göstərin 'last seen' list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "növbəti dərəcə";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Sütunu göstərin 'next rank up' list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "onlayn vaxt";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Sütunu göstərin 'sum. online time' list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "dərəcə";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Sütunu göstərin 'rank' list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "növbəti server qrup";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Sütunu göstərin 'next servergroup' list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "Müştəri-ID";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Sütunu göstərin 'unique Client-ID' list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "standart sütun sort";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Siyahı sıralaması səhifəsi üçün standart sıralama sütunu təyin edin.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "istisna müştəri";
diff --git "a/languages/core_cz_\304\214e\305\241tina_cz.php" "b/languages/core_cz_\304\214e\305\241tina_cz.php"
index cdc544f..c173bb0 100644
--- "a/languages/core_cz_\304\214e\305\241tina_cz.php"
+++ "b/languages/core_cz_\304\214e\305\241tina_cz.php"
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "ID v databázi";
$lang['listexcept'] = "Ne, udělat vyjímku";
$lang['listgrps'] = "Aktuální skupina od";
+$lang['listnat'] = "country";
$lang['listnick'] = "Jméno uživatele";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "Další úroveň";
$lang['listnxup'] = "Další úroveň za";
+$lang['listpla'] = "platform";
$lang['listrank'] = "Úroveň";
$lang['listseen'] = "Naposledy připojen";
$lang['listsuma'] = "Celkově online (aktivně)";
$lang['listsumi'] = "Celkově online (neaktivně)";
$lang['listsumo'] = "Celkově online";
$lang['listuid'] = "Unikátní ID";
+$lang['listver'] = "client version";
$lang['login'] = "Přihlášení";
$lang['msg0001'] = "Ranksystem je na verzi: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "Seznam příkazů je dostupný zde: [URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "Bez hodnosti (unranked)";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "Postup do další úrovně aktivity";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Z toho aktivní";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Last calculated:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Národnost";
$lang['stna0002'] = "Statistiky";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Kód";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "Pro obnovení hesla je třeba provést následující kroky:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "vyberte klienty";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Vyberte klienty podle jejich posledního známého uživatelského jména, jedinečného ID klienta nebo ID databáze klienta.
Více možností je možné vybrat.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "skutečná serverová skupina";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Zobrazit sloupec 'aktuální serverová skupina' v list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Show/hide column";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "aktivní čas";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Zobrazit sloupcový součet. aktivní čas 'v list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "Jméno uživatele";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Zobrazit sloupec 'Název klienta' v list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "database-ID";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Zobrazit sloupec 'Client-database-ID' ve sloupci list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "aktuální skupina od";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Zobrazit aktuální sloupec 'od roku' v list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Switch this column 'on' or 'off' to show or hide it on the stats page.
This allows you to configure the List Rankup (stats/list_rankup.php) individually.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "Hash IP adres";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "Vypnout hashování";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "Bezpečné hashování";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "Rychlé hashování (výchozí)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "The TeamSpeak 3 server stores the IP address of each client. This we need for the Ranksystem to bind the website user of the statistics page with the related TeamSpeak user.
With this function you can active an encrypting / hashing of the IP addresses of TeamSpeak users. When enabled, only the hashed value will be stored in the database, instead of storing it in plain text. This is needed in some cases of your privacy legal; especially required due the EU-GDPR.
fast hashing (default): IP addresses will be hashed. The salt is different for each ranksystem instance, but same for all users on the server. This makes it faster, but also weaker as the 'secure hashing'.
secure hashing: IP addresses will be hashed. Each user will get his own salt, which makes it hard to decrypt the IP (=secure). This parameter is conform with the EU-GDPR. Contra: This variation affects the performance, especially on bigger TeamSpeak servers, it will slow down the statistics page on first site load very much. Also it inceases the needed resources.
disable hashing: If this function is disabled the IP address of a user will be stored in plain text. This is the fastest option that requires the least resources.
In all variants the IP addresses of users will only be stored as long as the user is connected to the TS3 server (less data collection - EU-GDPR).
The IP addresses of users will only be stored once a user connected to the TS3 server. On changing this function the user needs to reconnect to the TS3 server to be able to get verified with the Ranksystem webpage.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "doba nečinnosti";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Zobrazit sloupec 'součet čas nečinnosti' v list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "naposledy viděn";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Zobrazit sloupec 'naposledy viděný' v list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "další úroveň";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Zobrazit sloupec 'další pozice nahoru' v list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "online čas";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Zobrazit sloupcový součet. online čas 'v list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "Rank";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Zobrazit sloupec 'rank' v list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "další serverová skupina";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Zobrazit sloupec 'next servergroup' v list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "Client-ID";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Zobrazit sloupec 'unique Client ID' v list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "default column sort";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Define the default sorting column for the List Rankup page.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "s výjimkou klienta";
diff --git a/languages/core_de_Deutsch_de.php b/languages/core_de_Deutsch_de.php
index f5958dd..9578325 100644
--- a/languages/core_de_Deutsch_de.php
+++ b/languages/core_de_Deutsch_de.php
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "Client-Datenbank-ID";
$lang['listexcept'] = "Keine, da ausgeschlossen";
$lang['listgrps'] = "aktuelle Gruppe seit";
+$lang['listnat'] = "Land";
$lang['listnick'] = "Client-Name";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "nächste Servergruppe";
$lang['listnxup'] = "nächster Rang";
+$lang['listpla'] = "Plattform";
$lang['listrank'] = "Rang";
$lang['listseen'] = "zuletzt gesehen";
$lang['listsuma'] = "ges. aktive Zeit";
$lang['listsumi'] = "ges. Idle-Zeit";
$lang['listsumo'] = "ges. online Zeit";
$lang['listuid'] = "eindeutige Client-ID";
+$lang['listver'] = "Client Version";
$lang['login'] = "Login";
$lang['msg0001'] = "Das Ranksystem läuft auf Version: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "Eine Liste verfügbarer Bot-Befehle, findest du hier [URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "Verbindungen: Unranked";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "Fortschritt nächste Servergruppe";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Gesamte aktive Zeit:";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Zuletzt berechnet:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Nationen";
$lang['stna0002'] = "Statistiken";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Kürzel";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "Folgende Dinge werden für den Reset benötigt:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "wähle User";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Wähle ein oder mehrere User anhand des zuletzt bekannten Nicknamen, der eindeutigen Client-ID oder der Client-Datenbank-ID.
Mehrfachselektionen sind durch einen Klick oder mit der Enter-Taste möglich.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "aktuelle Servergruppe";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Zeige Spalte 'aktuelle Servergruppe' in der stats/list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Zeige/Verstecke Spalte";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "aktive Zeit";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Zeige Spalte 'ges. aktive Zeit' in der stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "Client-Name";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Zeige Spalte 'Client-Name' in der stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "Datenbank-ID";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Zeige Spalte 'Client-Datenbank-ID' in der stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "aktuelle Gruppe seit";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Zeige Spalte 'aktuelle Gruppe seit' in der stats/list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Stelle den Schalter auf 'ON' bzw. 'OFF', um die Spalte auf der Statistik-Seite anzuzeigen bzw. zu deaktivieren.
Dies erlaubt die Rank-Liste (stats/list_rankup.php) individuell zu gestalten.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "hashe IP Adressen";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "deaktiviert";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "sicheres Hashen";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "schnelles Hashen (Standard)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "Der TeamSpeak 3 Server speichert die IP-Adresse jedes Clients. Dies benötigen wir, damit das Ranksystem den Webseiten-Benutzer der Statistikseite mit dem entsprechenden TeamSpeak-Benutzer verknüpfen kann.
Mit dieser Funktion kann die Verschlüsselung / Hashen der IP-Adressen von TeamSpeak-Benutzern aktiviert werden. Sofern aktiviert, wird nur der Hash-Wert in der Datenbank gespeichert, anstatt die IP-Adresse im Klartext abzulegen. Dies ist in einigen Fällen des Datenschutzes erforderlich; insbesondere aufgrund der DSGVO.
schnelles Hashen (Standard): IP-Adressen werden gehasht. Das 'Salt' ist für jede Rank-Systeminstanz unterschiedlich, aber für alle Benutzer auf dem Server gleich. Dies macht es schneller, aber auch schwächer als das 'sicheres Hashing'.
sicheres Hashen: IP-Adressen werden gehasht. Jeder Benutzer erhält sein eigenes 'Salt', was es sehr schwierig macht, die IP zu entschlüsseln (=sicher). Dieser Parameter ist konform mit der DSGVO. Contra: Diese Variante wirkt sich auf die Leistung / Perfomance aus, besonders bei größeren TeamSpeak-Servern verlangsamt sie die Statistikseite beim erstmaligen Laden der Seite sehr stark. Außerdem erhöht es die benötigten Ressourcen.
deaktiviert: Ist die Funktion deaktiviert, wird die IP-Adresse eines Benutzers im Klartext gespeichert. Dies ist die schnellste Option, welche auch die geringsten Ressourcen benötigt.
In allen Varianten werden die IP-Adressen der Benutzer nur so lange gespeichert, wie der Benutzer mit dem TS3-Server verbunden ist (Datenminimierung - DSGVO).
Die IP-Adressen werden nur in dem Moment gespeichert, in dem sich ein Benutzer mit dem TS3-Server verbindet. Bei Änderung des Parameters ist eine erneute Verbindung der Benutzer mit dem TS3-Server erforderlich, damit diese sich wieder mit der Ranksystem-Webseite verifizieren können.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "Idle-Zeit";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Zeige Spalte 'ges. Idle-Zeit' in der stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "zuletzt gesehen";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Zeige Spalte 'zuletzt gesehen' in der stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "nächster rank up";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Zeige Spalte 'nächster Rang' in der stats/list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "online Zeit";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Zeige Spalte 'ges. online Zeit' in der stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "Rang";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Zeige Spalte 'Rang' in der stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "nächste Servergruppe";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Zeige Spalte 'nächste Servergruppe' in der stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "Client-ID";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Zeige Spalte 'eindeutige Client-ID' in der stats/list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "Standard Spalten-Sortierung";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Definiere die Standard-Sortierung für die Seite Rank-Liste.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "ausgeschl. Clients";
diff --git a/languages/core_en_english_gb.php b/languages/core_en_english_gb.php
index 7d83b36..fd3b953 100644
--- a/languages/core_en_english_gb.php
+++ b/languages/core_en_english_gb.php
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "Client-database-ID";
$lang['listexcept'] = "No, cause excepted";
$lang['listgrps'] = "current group since";
+$lang['listnat'] = "country";
$lang['listnick'] = "Clientname";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "next servergroup";
$lang['listnxup'] = "next rank up";
+$lang['listpla'] = "platform";
$lang['listrank'] = "rank";
$lang['listseen'] = "last seen";
$lang['listsuma'] = "sum. active time";
$lang['listsumi'] = "sum. idle time";
$lang['listsumo'] = "sum. online time";
$lang['listuid'] = "unique Client-ID";
+$lang['listver'] = "client version";
$lang['login'] = "Login";
$lang['msg0001'] = "The Ranksystem is running on version: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "A list of valid bot commands can be found here [URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "Connects: Unranked";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "Progress next servergroup";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Total active time";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Last calculated:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Nations";
$lang['stna0002'] = "statistics";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Code";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "Following things are required to reset the password:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "select clients";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Select the clients by their last known username, unique Client-ID or Client-database-ID.
Multiple selections are also possible.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "current servergroup";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Show column 'current servergroup' in list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Show/hide column";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "active time";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Show column 'sum. active time' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "Client-name";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Show column 'Client-name' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "database-ID";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Show column 'Client-database-ID' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "current group since";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Show column 'current group since' in list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Switch this column 'on' or 'off' to show or hide it on the stats page.
This allows you to configure the List Rankup (stats/list_rankup.php) individually.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "hash IP addresses";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "disable hashing";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "secure hashing";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "fast hashing (default)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "The TeamSpeak 3 server stores the IP address of each client. This we need for the Ranksystem to bind the website user of the statistics page with the related TeamSpeak user.
With this function you can active an encrypting / hashing of the IP addresses of TeamSpeak users. When enabled, only the hashed value will be stored in the database, instead of storing it in plain text. This is needed in some cases of your privacy legal; especially required due the EU-GDPR.
fast hashing (default): IP addresses will be hashed. The salt is different for each ranksystem instance, but same for all users on the server. This makes it faster, but also weaker as the 'secure hashing'.
secure hashing: IP addresses will be hashed. Each user will get his own salt, which makes it hard to decrypt the IP (=secure). This parameter is conform with the EU-GDPR. Contra: This variation affects the performance, especially on bigger TeamSpeak servers, it will slow down the statistics page on first site load very much. Also it inceases the needed resources.
disable hashing: If this function is disabled the IP address of a user will be stored in plain text. This is the fastest option that requires the least resources.
In all variants the IP addresses of users will only be stored as long as the user is connected to the TS3 server (less data collection - EU-GDPR).
The IP addresses of users will only be stored once a user connected to the TS3 server. On changing this function the user needs to reconnect to the TS3 server to be able to get verified with the Ranksystem webpage.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "idle time";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Show column 'sum idle time' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "last seen";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Show column 'last seen' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "next rank up";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Show column 'next rank up' in list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "online time";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Show column 'sum. online time' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "rank";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Show column 'rank' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "next servergroup";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Show column 'next servergroup' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "Client-ID";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Show column 'unique Client-ID' in list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "default column sort";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Define the default sorting column for the List Rankup page.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "excepted client";
diff --git "a/languages/core_es_espa\303\261ol_es.php" "b/languages/core_es_espa\303\261ol_es.php"
index 8ff6423..3f805b2 100644
--- "a/languages/core_es_espa\303\261ol_es.php"
+++ "b/languages/core_es_espa\303\261ol_es.php"
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "ID de base de datos del cliente";
$lang['listexcept'] = "No, causa excepcion";
$lang['listgrps'] = "grupo actual desde";
+$lang['listnat'] = "country";
$lang['listnick'] = "Nombre del cliente";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "siguiente grupo de servidores";
$lang['listnxup'] = "siguiente rango arriba";
+$lang['listpla'] = "platform";
$lang['listrank'] = "rango";
$lang['listseen'] = "última vez visto";
$lang['listsuma'] = "suma. tiempo activo";
$lang['listsumi'] = "suma. tiempo de inactividad";
$lang['listsumo'] = "suma. tiempo en línea";
$lang['listuid'] = "ID de cliente unica";
+$lang['listver'] = "client version";
$lang['login'] = "Iniciar sesión";
$lang['msg0001'] = "Ranksystem se está ejecutando en la versión: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "A list of valid bot commands can be found here [URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "Conecta: Sin clasificar";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "Progreso próximo grupo de servidores";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Tiempo activo total";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Last calculated:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Naciones";
$lang['stna0002'] = "estadística";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Código";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "Se requieren las siguientes cosas para restablecer la contraseña:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "seleccionar clientes";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Seleccione los clientes por su último nombre de usuario conocido, ID de cliente unica o ID de cliente en base de datos.
Múltiples selecciones también son posibles.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "grupo de servidores actual";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Mostrar la columna 'actual servergroup' en list_rankup.php ";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Show/hide column";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "tiempo activo";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Mostrar columna 'sum. active time'en list_rankup.php ";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "Nombre del cliente";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Mostrar columna 'Client-name' en list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "base de datos-ID";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Mostrar columna 'Client-database-ID' en list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "grupo actual desde";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Mostrar la columna 'current group since' en list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Switch this column 'on' or 'off' to show or hide it on the stats page.
This allows you to configure the List Rankup (stats/list_rankup.php) individually.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "hash IP addresses";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "disable hashing";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "secure hashing";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "fast hashing (default)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "Active el cifrado / hash de las direcciones IP del usuario de TeamSpeak y guarda solo el valor de hash dentro de la base de datos.
Esto es necesario en algunos casos de su privacidad legal; Especialmente requerido debido a la EU-GDPR.
No podemos prescindir de la dirección IP, porque la necesitamos para vincular al usuario de TeamSpeak con el usuario del sitio web.
Si esta función está \"DESACTIVADA\", la dirección IP de un usuario se almacenará en texto sin formato.
En ambas variantes (ENCENDIDO y APAGADO), las direcciones IP de un usuario solo se almacenarán mientras el usuario esté conectado al servidor TS3.
!!! El cifrado / hash de direcciones IP aumentará los recursos necesarios y afectará negativamente el rendimiento del sitio web !!!
Las direcciones IP de los usuarios solo se almacenarán una vez que el usuario se conecte al servidor TS3. Al cambiar esta función, el usuario debe volver a conectarse al servidor TS3 para poder verificar con la página web de Ranksystem.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "tiempo de inactividad";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Mostrar columna 'sum idle time' en list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "última vez visto";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Mostrar columna 'last seen' en list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "próximo rango";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Mostrar columna 'next rank up' en list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "tiempo en línea";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Mostrar columna 'sum. online time' en list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "rango";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Mostrar columna 'rank' en list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "próximo grupo de servidores";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Mostrar columna 'next servergroup' en list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "ID de cliente";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Mostrar columna 'unique Client-ID' en list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "default column sort";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Define the default sorting column for the List Rankup page.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "cliente exceptuado";
diff --git "a/languages/core_fr_fran\303\247ais_fr.php" "b/languages/core_fr_fran\303\247ais_fr.php"
index 3870f5c..13633ff 100644
--- "a/languages/core_fr_fran\303\247ais_fr.php"
+++ "b/languages/core_fr_fran\303\247ais_fr.php"
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "ID du client dans la base de donnée";
$lang['listexcept'] = "Non, sauf exception";
$lang['listgrps'] = "Groupe actuel depuis";
+$lang['listnat'] = "country";
$lang['listnick'] = "Nom du client";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "Groupe de serveur suivant";
$lang['listnxup'] = "Rang suivant";
+$lang['listpla'] = "platform";
$lang['listrank'] = "Rang";
$lang['listseen'] = "Dernière apparition ";
$lang['listsuma'] = "Temps actif";
$lang['listsumi'] = "Temps d'inactivité";
$lang['listsumo'] = "Temps en ligne";
$lang['listuid'] = "Identifiant unique de l'utilisateur";
+$lang['listver'] = "client version";
$lang['login'] = "S'identifier";
$lang['msg0001'] = "The Ranksystem is running on version: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "A list of valid bot commands can be found here [URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "Connexions: Non classé";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "Progression pour le prochain groupe de serveurs";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Temps actif total";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Last calculated:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Nations";
$lang['stna0002'] = "Statistiques";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Code";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "Les éléments suivants sont nécessaires pour réinitialiser le mot de passe:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "Sélectionner des clients";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Sélectionnez les clients par leur dernier nom d'utilisateur connu, leur identifiant unique ou leur ID dans la base de données.
Des sélections multiples sont également possibles.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "Actuel groupe de serveurs";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Afficher la colonne 'Actuel groupe de serveurs' dans list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Show/hide column";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "Temps actif";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Afficher la colonne 'sum. Temps actif 'dans list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "Nom du client";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Afficher la colonne 'Nom du client' dans list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "ID dans la BDD";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Afficher la colonne 'ID dans la BDD' dans list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "Groupe actuel depuis";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Afficher la colonne 'groupe actuel depuis' dans list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Switch this column 'on' or 'off' to show or hide it on the stats page.
This allows you to configure the List Rankup (stats/list_rankup.php) individually.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "hash IP addresses";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "disable hashing";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "secure hashing";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "fast hashing (default)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "The TeamSpeak 3 server stores the IP address of each client. This we need for the Ranksystem to bind the website user of the statistics page with the related TeamSpeak user.
With this function you can active an encrypting / hashing of the IP addresses of TeamSpeak users. When enabled, only the hashed value will be stored in the database, instead of storing it in plain text. This is needed in some cases of your privacy legal; especially required due the EU-GDPR.
fast hashing (default): IP addresses will be hashed. The salt is different for each ranksystem instance, but same for all users on the server. This makes it faster, but also weaker as the 'secure hashing'.
secure hashing: IP addresses will be hashed. Each user will get his own salt, which makes it hard to decrypt the IP (=secure). This parameter is conform with the EU-GDPR. Contra: This variation affects the performance, especially on bigger TeamSpeak servers, it will slow down the statistics page on first site load very much. Also it inceases the needed resources.
disable hashing: If this function is disabled the IP address of a user will be stored in plain text. This is the fastest option that requires the least resources.
In all variants the IP addresses of users will only be stored as long as the user is connected to the TS3 server (less data collection - EU-GDPR).
The IP addresses of users will only be stored once a user connected to the TS3 server. On changing this function the user needs to reconnect to the TS3 server to be able to get verified with the Ranksystem webpage.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "Temps d'inactivité";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Afficher la colonne 'sum. temps d'inactivité' dans list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "Dernière apparition";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Afficher la colonne 'Dernière apparition' dans list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "Rang suivant";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Afficher la colonne 'Rang suivant' dans list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "Temps en ligne";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Afficher la colonne 'Temps en ligne' dans list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "Rang";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Afficher la colonne 'Rang' dans list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "Groupe serveur suivant";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Afficher la colonne 'Groupe serveur suivant' dans list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "Identifiant unique du client";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Afficher la colonne 'Identifiant unique du client' dans list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "default column sort";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Define the default sorting column for the List Rankup page.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "Clients exclus";
diff --git a/languages/core_hu_Hungary_hu.php b/languages/core_hu_Hungary_hu.php
index 201cf80..d4502b1 100644
--- a/languages/core_hu_Hungary_hu.php
+++ b/languages/core_hu_Hungary_hu.php
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "Kliens-Adatbázis-ID";
$lang['listexcept'] = "Nincs rangsorolva";
$lang['listgrps'] = "Mióta";
+$lang['listnat'] = "country";
$lang['listnick'] = "Becenév";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "Következő Szint";
$lang['listnxup'] = "Hátralévő Idő";
+$lang['listpla'] = "platform";
$lang['listrank'] = "Helyezés";
$lang['listseen'] = "Utoljára Online";
$lang['listsuma'] = "Össz. Aktív Idő";
$lang['listsumi'] = "Össz. Inaktív Idő";
$lang['listsumo'] = "Össz. Online Idő";
$lang['listuid'] = "Unique ID";
+$lang['listver'] = "client version";
$lang['login'] = "Belépés";
$lang['msg0001'] = "A RankSystem ezen a verzión fut: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "Az érvényes botparancsok listája itt található [URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "Csatlakozások: Nincs rangsorolva";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "Állapotjelző a következő szinthez";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Teljes aktív idő";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Last calculated:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Országok";
$lang['stna0002'] = "Statisztika";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Kód";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "A jelszó visszaállításához a következőkre van szükség:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "kliens kiválasztása";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Válassza ki az ügyfeleket az utoljára ismert felhasználónév, egyedi ügyfél-azonosító vagy ügyfél-adatbázis-azonosító alapján.
Több választás is lehetséges.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "jelenlegi szervercsoport";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Az 'aktuális szervercsoport' oszlop megjelenítése a list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Show/hide column";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "aktív idő";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Mutassa az „aktív idő összege” oszlopot a list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "Kliens-Név";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "A 'kliensnév' oszlop megjelenítése a list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "adatbázis-ID";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Mutassa az 'Ügyfél-adatbázis-azonosító' oszlopot a list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "jelenlegi csoport (mióta)";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Mutassa az 'aktuális csoport (mióta)' oszlopot a list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Switch this column 'on' or 'off' to show or hide it on the stats page.
This allows you to configure the List Rankup (stats/list_rankup.php) individually.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "hash IP címek";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "disable hashing";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "secure hashing";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "fast hashing (default)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "A TeamSpeak 3 szerver tárolja az egyes ügyfelek IP-címét. Erre szükségünk van a Ranksystem számára, hogy a statisztikai oldal webhelyének használóját a kapcsolódó TeamSpeak felhasználóval kösse.
Ezzel a funkcióval aktiválhatja a TeamSpeak felhasználók IP-címeinek titkosítását / kivonását. Ha engedélyezve van, csak a kivonatolt érték kerül az adatbázisba, ahelyett, hogy egyszerű szövegben tárolná. Erre bizonyos esetekben szükség van az adatvédelmi törvényekre; különösen az EU-GDPR miatt szükséges.
fast hashing (alapértelmezett): Az IP-címek kivágásra kerülnek. A só az egyes rangsorrendszer-példányoknál eltérő, de a kiszolgálón lévő összes felhasználó esetében azonos. Ez gyorsabbá, ugyanakkor gyengébbé teszi a 'biztonságos kivonást' is.
secure hashing: Az IP-címek kivágásra kerülnek. Minden felhasználó megkapja a saját sóját, ami megnehezíti az IP visszafejtését (= biztonságos). Ez a paraméter megfelel az EU-GDPR-nek. Kontra: Ez a variáció befolyásolja a teljesítményt, különösen a nagyobb TeamSpeak szervereknél, ez nagyon lelassítja a statisztikai oldalt az első webhely betöltésekor. Emellett feltárja a szükséges erőforrásokat.
disable hashing: Ha ezt a funkciót letiltja, a felhasználó IP-címét egyszerű szövegben tárolja. Ez a leggyorsabb lehetőség, amely a legkevesebb erőforrást igényli.
Minden változatban a felhasználók IP-címét csak addig tároljuk, amíg a felhasználó csatlakozik a TS3 szerverhez (kevesebb adatgyűjtés - EU-GDPR).
A felhasználók IP-címét csak akkor tárolják, amikor a felhasználó csatlakozik a TS3 szerverhez. Ennek a funkciónak a megváltoztatásakor a felhasználónak újból csatlakoznia kell a TS3 szerverhez, hogy ellenőrizhesse a Ranksystem weboldalt.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "tétlen idő";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Mutassa az 'összeg alapjárati idő' oszlopot a list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "utoljára látva";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Az 'utoljára látott' oszlop megjelenítése a list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "következő ranglépés";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Mutassa a 'következő rangsor fel' oszlopot a list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "online idő";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Mutassa az „online online idő összege” oszlopot a list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "rank";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Mutassa a 'rang' oszlopot a list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "következő szervercsoport";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Mutassa a 'következő szervercsoport' oszlopot a list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "Kliens-ID";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Mutassa az „egyedi kliens-azonosító” oszlopot a list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "alapértelmezett oszloprendezés";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Adja meg az alapértelmezett rendezési oszlopot a Lista rangsorolása oldalhoz.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "kivételezett kliens";
diff --git a/languages/core_it_Italiano_it.php b/languages/core_it_Italiano_it.php
index 657f335..b25664f 100644
--- a/languages/core_it_Italiano_it.php
+++ b/languages/core_it_Italiano_it.php
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "Client-database-ID";
$lang['listexcept'] = "Nessuno (disabilitato)";
$lang['listgrps'] = "Gruppo attuale da";
+$lang['listnat'] = "country";
$lang['listnick'] = "Nome Utente";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "Prossimo Gruppo";
$lang['listnxup'] = "Prossimo Rank Tra";
+$lang['listpla'] = "platform";
$lang['listrank'] = "Rank";
$lang['listseen'] = "Ultima Volta Online";
$lang['listsuma'] = "Somma del tempo di attività";
$lang['listsumi'] = "Somma del tempo in IDLE";
$lang['listsumo'] = "Somma del tempo Online";
$lang['listuid'] = "Client-ID Univoco";
+$lang['listver'] = "client version";
$lang['login'] = "Login";
$lang['msg0001'] = "The Ranksystem is running on version: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "A list of valid bot commands can be found here [URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "Connessioni: Non Classificato";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "Progresso prossimo gruppo";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Tempo di attività totale:";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Last calculated:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Nazionalità";
$lang['stna0002'] = "statistiche";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Codice";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "I seguenti campi sono necessari per resettare la password:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "Seleziona gli utenti";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Seleziona gli utenti con il loro nickname, con l'ID Univoco o con il Client-database-ID.
È possibile selezionare più utenti.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "Servergroup attuale";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Mostra colonna 'Servergroup attuale' in stats/list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Show/hide column";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "Tempo Attività";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Mostra colonna 'Tempo Attività' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "Nome Utente";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Mostra colonna 'Nome Utente' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "ID del database";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Mostra colonna 'ID del database' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "Gruppo attuale da";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Mostra colonna 'Gruppo auttuale da' in list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Switch this column 'on' or 'off' to show or hide it on the stats page.
This allows you to configure the List Rankup (stats/list_rankup.php) individually.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "hash IP addresses";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "disable hashing";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "secure hashing";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "fast hashing (default)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "The TeamSpeak 3 server stores the IP address of each client. This we need for the Ranksystem to bind the website user of the statistics page with the related TeamSpeak user.
With this function you can active an encrypting / hashing of the IP addresses of TeamSpeak users. When enabled, only the hashed value will be stored in the database, instead of storing it in plain text. This is needed in some cases of your privacy legal; especially required due the EU-GDPR.
fast hashing (default): IP addresses will be hashed. The salt is different for each ranksystem instance, but same for all users on the server. This makes it faster, but also weaker as the 'secure hashing'.
secure hashing: IP addresses will be hashed. Each user will get his own salt, which makes it hard to decrypt the IP (=secure). This parameter is conform with the EU-GDPR. Contra: This variation affects the performance, especially on bigger TeamSpeak servers, it will slow down the statistics page on first site load very much. Also it inceases the needed resources.
disable hashing: If this function is disabled the IP address of a user will be stored in plain text. This is the fastest option that requires the least resources.
In all variants the IP addresses of users will only be stored as long as the user is connected to the TS3 server (less data collection - EU-GDPR).
The IP addresses of users will only be stored once a user connected to the TS3 server. On changing this function the user needs to reconnect to the TS3 server to be able to get verified with the Ranksystem webpage.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "tempo in IDLE";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Mostra colonna 'tempo in IDLE' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "Ultimo volta online";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Mostra colonna 'Ultimo volta online' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "Prossimo Rank";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Mostra colonna 'Prossimo Rank' in stats/list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "Tempo Online";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Mostra colonna 'Tempo Online' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "rank";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Mostra colonna 'rank' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "Prossimo Servergroup";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Mostra colonna 'Prossimo Servergroup' in stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "ID del Utente";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Mostra colonna 'ID del Utente' in stats/list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "default column sort";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Define the default sorting column for the List Rankup page.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "Eccetto gli utenti";
diff --git a/languages/core_nl_Nederlands_nl.php b/languages/core_nl_Nederlands_nl.php
index 22f949d..16b2251 100644
--- a/languages/core_nl_Nederlands_nl.php
+++ b/languages/core_nl_Nederlands_nl.php
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "Client-database-ID";
$lang['listexcept'] = "Nee, want uitgesloten";
$lang['listgrps'] = "actuele groep sinds";
+$lang['listnat'] = "country";
$lang['listnick'] = "Clientnaam";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "volgende servergroep";
$lang['listnxup'] = "volgende rang omhoog";
+$lang['listpla'] = "platform";
$lang['listrank'] = "rang";
$lang['listseen'] = "laatst gezien";
$lang['listsuma'] = "overzicht actieve tijd";
$lang['listsumi'] = "overzicht inactieve tijd";
$lang['listsumo'] = "overzicht online tijd";
$lang['listuid'] = "unieke Client-ID";
+$lang['listver'] = "client version";
$lang['login'] = "Inloggen";
$lang['msg0001'] = "The Ranksystem is running on version: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "A list of valid bot commands can be found here [URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "Connecties: Geen rang";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "Vooruitgang volgende servergroep";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Total active time";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Last calculated:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Nations";
$lang['stna0002'] = "statistics";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Code";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "Following things are required to reset the password:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "select clients";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Select the clients by their last known username, unique Client-ID or Client-database-ID.
Multiple selections are also possible.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "actual servergroup";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Show column 'actual servergroup' in list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Show/hide column";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "active time";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Show column 'sum. active time' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "Client-name";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Show column 'Client-name' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "database-ID";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Show column 'Client-database-ID' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "actual group since";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Show column 'actual group since' in list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Switch this column 'on' or 'off' to show or hide it on the stats page.
This allows you to configure the List Rankup (stats/list_rankup.php) individually.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "hash IP addresses";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "disable hashing";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "secure hashing";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "fast hashing (default)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "The TeamSpeak 3 server stores the IP address of each client. This we need for the Ranksystem to bind the website user of the statistics page with the related TeamSpeak user.
With this function you can active an encrypting / hashing of the IP addresses of TeamSpeak users. When enabled, only the hashed value will be stored in the database, instead of storing it in plain text. This is needed in some cases of your privacy legal; especially required due the EU-GDPR.
fast hashing (default): IP addresses will be hashed. The salt is different for each ranksystem instance, but same for all users on the server. This makes it faster, but also weaker as the 'secure hashing'.
secure hashing: IP addresses will be hashed. Each user will get his own salt, which makes it hard to decrypt the IP (=secure). This parameter is conform with the EU-GDPR. Contra: This variation affects the performance, especially on bigger TeamSpeak servers, it will slow down the statistics page on first site load very much. Also it inceases the needed resources.
disable hashing: If this function is disabled the IP address of a user will be stored in plain text. This is the fastest option that requires the least resources.
In all variants the IP addresses of users will only be stored as long as the user is connected to the TS3 server (less data collection - EU-GDPR).
The IP addresses of users will only be stored once a user connected to the TS3 server. On changing this function the user needs to reconnect to the TS3 server to be able to get verified with the Ranksystem webpage.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "idle time";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Show column 'sum idle time' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "last seen";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Show column 'last seen' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "next rank up";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Show column 'next rank up' in list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "online time";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Show column 'sum. online time' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "rank";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Show column 'rank' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "next servergroup";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Show column 'next servergroup' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "Client-ID";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Show column 'unique Client-ID' in list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "default column sort";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Define the default sorting column for the List Rankup page.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "excepted client";
diff --git a/languages/core_pl_polski_pl.php b/languages/core_pl_polski_pl.php
index 4c751e6..5a03730 100644
--- a/languages/core_pl_polski_pl.php
+++ b/languages/core_pl_polski_pl.php
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "Identyfikator bazy danych klienta";
$lang['listexcept'] = "Nie, przyczyną jest wyjątek";
$lang['listgrps'] = "Obecna grupa od";
+$lang['listnat'] = "country";
$lang['listnick'] = "Nazwa klienta";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "Następna grupa serwerowa";
$lang['listnxup'] = "Następna ranga";
+$lang['listpla'] = "platform";
$lang['listrank'] = "Ranga";
$lang['listseen'] = "Ostatnio widziany";
$lang['listsuma'] = "Suma. czas aktywny";
$lang['listsumi'] = "Suma. czas bezczynności";
$lang['listsumo'] = "Suma. czas online";
$lang['listuid'] = "Unikalny identyfikator klienta";
+$lang['listver'] = "client version";
$lang['login'] = "Zaloguj się";
$lang['msg0001'] = "Ranksystem działa na wersji: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "Lista prawidłowych komend znajduje się tutaj [URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "Łączy: Nieokreślony";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "Postęp do następnej grupy serwerowej";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Całkowity czas aktywności";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Last calculated:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Narody";
$lang['stna0002'] = "Statystyka";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Kod";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "Nastepujące rzeczy są wymagane, aby zresetowac hasło:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "Wybierz klientów";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Wybierz klientów według ich ostatniej znanej nazwy użytkownika, unikalnego identyfikatora klienta lub identyfikatora bazy danych klienta.
Mozliwe są rowniez wielokrotne selekcje.
W wiekszych bazach danych wybor ten moze znacznie spowolnic. Zaleca się skopiowanie i wklejenie pełnego pseudonimu zamiast wpisywania go.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "Rzeczywista grupa serwerowa";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Pokaż kolumne 'aktualna grupa serwerow' w list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Show/hide column";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "Czas aktywny";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Pokaż sume kolumn. 'czas aktywny' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "Nazwa klienta";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Pokaż kolumne 'Nazwa klienta' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "identyfikator bazy danych";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Pokaż kolumne 'Identyfikator bazy danych klienta' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "aktualna grupa od";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Pokaż kolumne 'aktualna grupa od' w list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Switch this column 'on' or 'off' to show or hide it on the stats page.
This allows you to configure the List Rankup (stats/list_rankup.php) individually.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "hash IP addresses";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "disable hashing";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "secure hashing";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "fast hashing (default)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "The TeamSpeak 3 server stores the IP address of each client. This we need for the Ranksystem to bind the website user of the statistics page with the related TeamSpeak user.
With this function you can active an encrypting / hashing of the IP addresses of TeamSpeak users. When enabled, only the hashed value will be stored in the database, instead of storing it in plain text. This is needed in some cases of your privacy legal; especially required due the EU-GDPR.
fast hashing (default): IP addresses will be hashed. The salt is different for each ranksystem instance, but same for all users on the server. This makes it faster, but also weaker as the 'secure hashing'.
secure hashing: IP addresses will be hashed. Each user will get his own salt, which makes it hard to decrypt the IP (=secure). This parameter is conform with the EU-GDPR. Contra: This variation affects the performance, especially on bigger TeamSpeak servers, it will slow down the statistics page on first site load very much. Also it inceases the needed resources.
disable hashing: If this function is disabled the IP address of a user will be stored in plain text. This is the fastest option that requires the least resources.
In all variants the IP addresses of users will only be stored as long as the user is connected to the TS3 server (less data collection - EU-GDPR).
The IP addresses of users will only be stored once a user connected to the TS3 server. On changing this function the user needs to reconnect to the TS3 server to be able to get verified with the Ranksystem webpage.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "czas bezczynnosci";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Pokaż kolumne 'suma czasu bezczynnosci' w list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "ostatnio widziany";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Pokaż kolumne 'ostatnio widziano' w list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "następna ranga";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Pokaż kolumne 'nastepna ranga w gore' w list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "czas online";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Pokaż sume kolumn. 'czas online' w list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "ranga";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Pokaż kolumne 'ranga' w list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "nastepna grupa serwerow";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Pokaż kolumne 'nastepna grupa serwerow' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "Identyfikator klienta";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Pokaż kolumne 'unikalny identyfikator klienta' w list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "Domyślne sortowanie kolumn";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Zdefiniuj domyślną kolumnę sortowania dla strony Rankup listy.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "z wyjątkiem klienta";
diff --git "a/languages/core_pt_Portugu\303\252s_pt.php" "b/languages/core_pt_Portugu\303\252s_pt.php"
index 3c16cad..5b2d6ed 100644
--- "a/languages/core_pt_Portugu\303\252s_pt.php"
+++ "b/languages/core_pt_Portugu\303\252s_pt.php"
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "Cliente-database-ID";
$lang['listexcept'] = "Não, client em exceção";
$lang['listgrps'] = "actual group since";
+$lang['listnat'] = "country";
$lang['listnick'] = "Nome";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "Próximo grupo";
$lang['listnxup'] = "Próximo ranking em";
+$lang['listpla'] = "platform";
$lang['listrank'] = "Ranking";
$lang['listseen'] = "Visto pela última vez";
$lang['listsuma'] = "Tempo total ativo";
$lang['listsumi'] = "Tempo total afk";
$lang['listsumo'] = "Tempo total Online";
$lang['listuid'] = "ID ùnica";
+$lang['listver'] = "client version";
$lang['login'] = "Entrar";
$lang['msg0001'] = "O sistema Ranksystem está sendo executado na versão: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "Uma lista de comandos bot válidos pode ser encontrada aqui [URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "Conexões: Não classificado";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "Progresso para o próximo grupo";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Tempo total ativo";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Last calculated:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Nações";
$lang['stna0002'] = "Estatisticas";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Código";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "Seguem-se as coisas necessárias para redefinir a senha:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "selecionar clientes";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Selecione os clientes pelo seu último nome de usuário conhecido, ID-Ùnico ou Cliente-ID do banco de dados. Também são possíveis seleções múltiplas.
Em bases de dados maiores, essa seleção poderia diminuir muito. Recomenda-se copiar e colar o apelido completo no interior, em vez de digitá-lo.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "Grupo atual de servidor";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Mostrar a coluna 'Grupo atual de servidor' na list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Show/hide column";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "Tempo ativo";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Mostrar a coluna 'sum. tempo ativo' na list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "Nome do cliente";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Mostrar a coluna 'Nome do cliente' na list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "ID do banco de dados";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Mostrar a coluna 'Cliente-database-ID' na list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "Grupo atual desde";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Mostrar a coluna 'Grupo atual desde' na list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Switch this column 'on' or 'off' to show or hide it on the stats page.
This allows you to configure the List Rankup (stats/list_rankup.php) individually.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "hash endereço de IP";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "desativar hash";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "hash seguro";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "hashing rápido (padrão)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "O servidor TeamSpeak 3 armazena o endereço IP de cada cliente. Isso é necessário para o Ranksystem vincular o usuário do site da página de estatísticas ao usuário relacionado do TeamSpeak.
Com esta função, você pode ativar uma criptografia/hash dos endereços IP dos usuários do TeamSpeak. Quando ativado, apenas o valor do hash será armazenado no banco de dados, em vez de armazená-lo em texto sem formatação. Isso é necessário em alguns casos de sua privacidade legal; especialmente necessário devido ao GDPR da UE.
hash rápido (padrão): Os endereços IP serão hash. O salt é diferente para cada instância do sistema de classificação, mas é o mesmo para todos os usuários no servidor. Isso o torna mais rápido, mas também mais fraco como o 'hash seguro'.
hash seguro: Os endereços IP serão hash. Cada usuário terá seu próprio sal, o que dificulta a descriptografia do IP (= seguro). Este parâmetro está em conformidade com o EU-GDPR. Contra: Essa variação afeta o desempenho, especialmente em servidores TeamSpeak maiores, diminui bastante a página de estatísticas no primeiro carregamento do site. Além disso, gera os recursos necessários.
desativar hashing: Se esta função estiver desativada, o endereço IP de um usuário será armazenado em texto sem formatação. Essa é a opção mais rápida que requer menos recursos.
Em todas as variantes, os endereços IP dos usuários serão armazenados apenas desde que o usuário esteja conectado ao servidor TS3 (menos coleta de dados -EU-GDPR).
Os endereços IP dos usuários serão armazenados apenas quando um usuário estiver conectado ao servidor TS3. Ao alterar essa função, o usuário precisa se reconectar ao servidor TS3 para poder ser verificado na página do Sistema de ranking Web.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "Tempo inativo";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Mostrar coluna 'Tempo inativo' na list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "Visto pela ultima vez";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Mostrar a coluna 'visto por ultimo' na list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "Próxima classificação";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Mostrar a coluna 'próxima classificação' na list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "Tempo online";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Mostrar a coluna 'Tempo online' na list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "Ranking";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Mostrar a coluna 'ranking' na list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "Próxima grupo do servidor";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Mostrar a coluna 'Próximo grupo do servidor' ma list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "Cliente-ID";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Mostrar a coluna 'ID-Ùnica' na list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "default column sort";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Define the default sorting column for the List Rankup page.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "Clientes em exceção";
diff --git "a/languages/core_ro_Rom\303\242n\304\203_ro.php" "b/languages/core_ro_Rom\303\242n\304\203_ro.php"
index c3b0d3d..423efd5 100644
--- "a/languages/core_ro_Rom\303\242n\304\203_ro.php"
+++ "b/languages/core_ro_Rom\303\242n\304\203_ro.php"
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "ID baza de date";
$lang['listexcept'] = "Nu, cauza respinsa";
$lang['listgrps'] = "data";
+$lang['listnat'] = "country";
$lang['listnick'] = "nume client";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "urmatorul grad";
$lang['listnxup'] = "urmatorul grad peste";
+$lang['listpla'] = "platform";
$lang['listrank'] = "grad";
$lang['listseen'] = "ultima conectare";
$lang['listsuma'] = "sum. timp activ";
$lang['listsumi'] = "sum. timpul de inactivitate";
$lang['listsumo'] = "sum. timp online";
$lang['listuid'] = "unique-ID";
+$lang['listver'] = "client version";
$lang['login'] = "Logare";
$lang['msg0001'] = "The Ranksystem is running on version: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "A list of valid bot commands can be found here [URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "Conectari: fara rank";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "Progres pentru noul rank";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Timp total activ";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Last calculated:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Natiuni";
$lang['stna0002'] = "statistici";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Cod";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "Following things are required to reset the password:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "selecteaza useri";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Select the clients by their last known username, unique Client-ID or Client-database-ID.
Multiple selections are also possible.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "grad actual";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'grad actual' in list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Show/hide column";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "timp activ";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'sum. timp activ' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "nume client";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'nume client' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "ID baza de date";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'ID baza de date' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "grad actual de";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'grad de' in list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Switch this column 'on' or 'off' to show or hide it on the stats page.
This allows you to configure the List Rankup (stats/list_rankup.php) individually.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "hash IP addresses";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "disable hashing";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "secure hashing";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "fast hashing (default)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "The TeamSpeak 3 server stores the IP address of each client. This we need for the Ranksystem to bind the website user of the statistics page with the related TeamSpeak user.
With this function you can active an encrypting / hashing of the IP addresses of TeamSpeak users. When enabled, only the hashed value will be stored in the database, instead of storing it in plain text. This is needed in some cases of your privacy legal; especially required due the EU-GDPR.
fast hashing (default): IP addresses will be hashed. The salt is different for each ranksystem instance, but same for all users on the server. This makes it faster, but also weaker as the 'secure hashing'.
secure hashing: IP addresses will be hashed. Each user will get his own salt, which makes it hard to decrypt the IP (=secure). This parameter is conform with the EU-GDPR. Contra: This variation affects the performance, especially on bigger TeamSpeak servers, it will slow down the statistics page on first site load very much. Also it inceases the needed resources.
disable hashing: If this function is disabled the IP address of a user will be stored in plain text. This is the fastest option that requires the least resources.
In all variants the IP addresses of users will only be stored as long as the user is connected to the TS3 server (less data collection - EU-GDPR).
The IP addresses of users will only be stored once a user connected to the TS3 server. On changing this function the user needs to reconnect to the TS3 server to be able to get verified with the Ranksystem webpage.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "timp afk";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'sum. timp afk' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "ultima conectare";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'ultima conectare' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "urmatorul grad peste";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'urmatorul grad' in list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "timp online";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'sum. timp online' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "grad";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'grad' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "urmatorul grad";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'urmatorul grad' in list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "ID CLIENT";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Afiseaza coloana 'unique-ID' in list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "default column sort";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Define the default sorting column for the List Rankup page.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "client exceptie";
diff --git "a/languages/core_ru_P\321\203\321\201\321\201\320\272\320\270\320\271_ru.php" "b/languages/core_ru_P\321\203\321\201\321\201\320\272\320\270\320\271_ru.php"
index 2725c3c..d8cae79 100644
--- "a/languages/core_ru_P\321\203\321\201\321\201\320\272\320\270\320\271_ru.php"
+++ "b/languages/core_ru_P\321\203\321\201\321\201\320\272\320\270\320\271_ru.php"
@@ -83,15 +83,18 @@
$lang['listcldbid'] = "ID клиента в базе данных";
$lang['listexcept'] = "Нет, исключен";
$lang['listgrps'] = "Текущая группа начиная с";
+$lang['listnat'] = "country";
$lang['listnick'] = "Никнейм";
$lang['listnxsg'] = "Следующая группа ранга";
$lang['listnxup'] = "Следующий ранг через";
+$lang['listpla'] = "platform";
$lang['listrank'] = "Ранг";
$lang['listseen'] = "Последняя активность";
$lang['listsuma'] = "Сумм. время активности";
$lang['listsumi'] = "Сумм. время простоя";
$lang['listsumo'] = "Сумм. время подключения";
$lang['listuid'] = "Уникальный ID клиента(UID)";
+$lang['listver'] = "client version";
$lang['login'] = "Авторизоваться";
$lang['msg0001'] = "Запущена система рангов версии: %s";
$lang['msg0002'] = "Список доступных команд можно найти здесь[URL]https://ts-ranksystem.com/#commands[/URL]";
@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@
$lang['stmy0029'] = "Уровень: Без достижений";
$lang['stmy0030'] = "Прогресс до следующего ранга на сервере";
$lang['stmy0031'] = "Общее время активности";
+$lang['stmy0032'] = "Last calculated:";
$lang['stna0001'] = "Страны";
$lang['stna0002'] = "статистика";
$lang['stna0003'] = "Код страны";
@@ -507,35 +511,15 @@
$lang['wirtpw9'] = "Для сброса пароля потребуется следующее:";
$lang['wiselcld'] = "Выбор пользователя";
$lang['wiselclddesc'] = "Укажите пользователя по его последнему никнейму или уникальному идентификатору(UID), или ID в базе данных Teamspeak 3 сервера.";
-$lang['wishcolas'] = "Текущая группа сервера";
-$lang['wishcolasdesc'] = "Показывать колонку 'Текущая группа сервера' в stats/list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcol'] = "Show/hide column";
$lang['wishcolat'] = "Время активности";
-$lang['wishcolatdesc'] = "Показывать колонку 'Суммарное время активности' в stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolcld'] = "Ник клиента";
-$lang['wishcolclddesc'] = "Показывать колонку 'Ник клиента' в stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoldbid'] = "ID в базе данных";
-$lang['wishcoldbiddesc'] = "Показывать колонку 'ID в Базе данных' в stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolgs'] = "Текущая группа начиная с";
-$lang['wishcolgsdesc'] = "Показывать колонку 'Текущая группа начиная с' на странице list_rankup.php";
+$lang['wishcoldesc'] = "Switch this column 'on' or 'off' to show or hide it on the stats page.
This allows you to configure the List Rankup (stats/list_rankup.php) individually.";
$lang['wishcolha'] = "Хэширование IP адреса";
$lang['wishcolha0'] = "хэширование выключено";
$lang['wishcolha1'] = "безопасное хэширование";
$lang['wishcolha2'] = "быстрое хэширование (по умолчанию)";
$lang['wishcolhadesc'] = "Сервер TeamSpeak 3 хранит IP адрес каждого клиента. Мы так же используем IP адреса, благодаря чему мы можем ассоциировать адрес пользователя системы рангов и пользователя сервера TeamSpeak 3.
Используя данный параметр вы можете активировать шифрование / хэширование IP адресов пользователей сервера. При активации будет храниться только хэш IP адреса, но не сам адрес. Эту опцию необходимо использовать в странах с действующим законом EU-GDPR.
быстрое хэширование (по умолчанию): IP адрес будет хэширован. Соль разная для каждой установки системы рангов, но одинаковая для всех пользователей сервера. Работает быстро, но потенциально слабее чем 'безопасное хэширование'.
безопасное хэширование: IP адреса будут хэшированы. У каждого пользователя своя соль, благодаря чему сложнее расшифровать IP адрес (=безопаснее). Этот параметр совсместим с законом EU-GDPR. Минус: Отрицательно влияет на производительность, особенно на серверах TeamSpeak с большым количеством пользователей. Будет замедлена работа страницы статистики. Повышает требования к аппаратным ресурсам.
хэширование выключено: Если используется эта опция - хэширование IP адреса пользователя выключено. IP хранится открытым текстом. Наиболее быстрый метод, однако, наименее безопасный.
Независимо от выбранного варианта данной опции IP адреса пользователей хранятся пока они подключены к серверу TS3 (меньше сбора данных - EU-GDPR).
Хранение IP адресов пользователей начинается с момента подключения к серверу TS3. При изменении данного параметра пользователям необходимо переподключиться к серверу, иначе они не смогут пройти проверку.";
-$lang['wishcolit'] = "Учитывать время простоя";
-$lang['wishcolitdesc'] = "Показывать колонку 'суммарное время простоя' в stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolls'] = "Последний раз замечен";
-$lang['wishcollsdesc'] = "Показывать колонку 'Последний раз замечен' в stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolnx'] = "Время до след. ранга";
-$lang['wishcolnxdesc'] = "Показывать колонку 'Следующий Ранг' в stats/list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishcolot'] = "Время подключения";
-$lang['wishcolotdesc'] = "Показывать колонку 'суммарное время подключения' в stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolrg'] = "Ранг";
-$lang['wishcolrgdesc'] = "Показывать колонку 'Ранг' в stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcolsg'] = "Следующая группа сервера";
-$lang['wishcolsgdesc'] = "Показывать колонку 'следующая группа сервера' в stats/list_rankup.php";
-$lang['wishcoluuid'] = "UID пользов.";
-$lang['wishcoluuiddesc'] = "Показывать колонку 'уникальный ID клиента'(UID) в stats/list_rankup.php";
$lang['wishdef'] = "Колонка сортировки по умолчанию";
$lang['wishdefdesc'] = "Определите колонку, по которой следует сортировать пользователей на странице общей статистики.";
$lang['wishexcld'] = "Исключенные пользователи";
diff --git a/languages/nations_az.php b/languages/nations_az.php
index eecd60b..b1d0c0e 100644
--- a/languages/nations_az.php
+++ b/languages/nations_az.php
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
$nation['WF']='Wallis və Futuna adaları';
$nation['ZA']='Cənubi Afrika';
diff --git a/languages/nations_cz.php b/languages/nations_cz.php
index c721d78..755c85b 100644
--- a/languages/nations_cz.php
+++ b/languages/nations_cz.php
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
$nation['WF']='Wallis a Futuna';
$nation['ZA']='Jihoafrická republika';
diff --git a/languages/nations_de.php b/languages/nations_de.php
index 7ba597b..7854ac3 100644
--- a/languages/nations_de.php
+++ b/languages/nations_de.php
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nations_en.php b/languages/nations_en.php
index 8d09b55..4b247a4 100644
--- a/languages/nations_en.php
+++ b/languages/nations_en.php
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
$nation['WF']='Wallis und Futuna Islands';
$nation['ZA']='South Africa';
diff --git a/languages/nations_es.php b/languages/nations_es.php
index 1d1a244..1b25540 100644
--- a/languages/nations_es.php
+++ b/languages/nations_es.php
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
$nation['WF']='Islas Wallis y Futuna';
diff --git a/languages/nations_fr.php b/languages/nations_fr.php
index a253dfc..7029a77 100644
--- a/languages/nations_fr.php
+++ b/languages/nations_fr.php
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
$nation['WF']='Îles Wallis et Futuna';
$nation['ZA']='Afrique du Sud';
diff --git a/languages/nations_it.php b/languages/nations_it.php
index ab17943..ab5836f 100644
--- a/languages/nations_it.php
+++ b/languages/nations_it.php
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
$nation['WF']='Wallis e Futuna';
diff --git a/languages/nations_pl.php b/languages/nations_pl.php
index ca2726f..efd61fa 100644
--- a/languages/nations_pl.php
+++ b/languages/nations_pl.php
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
$nation['WF']='WWyspy allis i Futuna';
$nation['ZA']='Afryka Południowa';
diff --git a/languages/nations_pt.php b/languages/nations_pt.php
index 8bda9d6..239e0a1 100644
--- a/languages/nations_pt.php
+++ b/languages/nations_pt.php
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
$nation['WF']='Wallis e Futuna';
$nation['ZA']='África do Sul';
diff --git a/languages/nations_ru.php b/languages/nations_ru.php
index 65094d0..8f2f820 100644
--- a/languages/nations_ru.php
+++ b/languages/nations_ru.php
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
$nation['WF']='Острова Уоллис и Футуна';
$nation['ZA']='Южно-Африканская Республика (ЮАР)';
diff --git a/stats/list_rankup.php b/stats/list_rankup.php
index f4ca938..183b910 100644
--- a/stats/list_rankup.php
+++ b/stats/list_rankup.php
@@ -18,6 +18,23 @@
$addons_config = load_addons_config($mysqlcon,$lang,$cfg,$dbname);
+if(is_dir(substr(__DIR__,0,-5).'languages/')) {
+ foreach(scandir(substr(__DIR__,0,-5).'languages/') as $file) {
+ if ('.' === $file || '..' === $file || is_dir($file)) continue;
+ $sep_lang = preg_split("/[._]/", $file);
+ if(isset($sep_lang[0]) && $sep_lang[0] == 'nations' && isset($sep_lang[1]) && strlen($sep_lang[1]) == 2 && isset($sep_lang[2]) && strtolower($sep_lang[2]) == 'php') {
+ if(strtolower($cfg['default_language']) == strtolower($sep_lang[1])) {
+ require_once('../languages/nations_'.$sep_lang[1].'.php');
+ $required_nations = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!isset($required_nations)) {
+ require_once('../languages/nations_en.php');
+ }
function getclientip() {
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
@@ -170,24 +187,24 @@ function getclientip() {
$start = ($seite * $user_pro_seite) - $user_pro_seite;
if ($keysort == 'active' && $keyorder == 'asc') {
- $dbdata = $mysqlcon->prepare("SELECT `uuid`,`cldbid`,`rank`,`count`,`name`,`idle`,`cldgroup`,`online`,`nextup`,`lastseen`,`grpid`,`except`,`grpsince` FROM `$dbname`.`user` WHERE (`uuid` LIKE :searchvalue OR `cldbid` LIKE :searchvalue OR `name` LIKE :searchvalue)$filter ORDER BY (`count` - `idle`) LIMIT :start, :userproseite");
+ $dbdata = $mysqlcon->prepare("SELECT * FROM `$dbname`.`user` WHERE (`uuid` LIKE :searchvalue OR `cldbid` LIKE :searchvalue OR `name` LIKE :searchvalue)$filter ORDER BY (`count` - `idle`) LIMIT :start, :userproseite");
$dbdata->bindValue(':searchvalue', '%'.$searchstring.'%', PDO::PARAM_STR);
$dbdata->bindValue(':start', (int) $start, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$dbdata->bindValue(':userproseite', (int) $user_pro_seite, PDO::PARAM_INT);
} elseif ($keysort == 'active' && $keyorder == 'desc') {
- $dbdata = $mysqlcon->prepare("SELECT `uuid`,`cldbid`,`rank`,`count`,`name`,`idle`,`cldgroup`,`online`,`nextup`,`lastseen`,`grpid`,`except`,`grpsince` FROM `$dbname`.`user` WHERE (`uuid` LIKE :searchvalue OR `cldbid` LIKE :searchvalue OR `name` LIKE :searchvalue)$filter ORDER BY (`idle` - `count`) LIMIT :start, :userproseite");
+ $dbdata = $mysqlcon->prepare("SELECT * FROM `$dbname`.`user` WHERE (`uuid` LIKE :searchvalue OR `cldbid` LIKE :searchvalue OR `name` LIKE :searchvalue)$filter ORDER BY (`idle` - `count`) LIMIT :start, :userproseite");
$dbdata->bindValue(':searchvalue', '%'.$searchstring.'%', PDO::PARAM_STR);
$dbdata->bindValue(':start', (int) $start, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$dbdata->bindValue(':userproseite', (int) $user_pro_seite, PDO::PARAM_INT);
} elseif ($searchstring == '') {
- $dbdata = $mysqlcon->prepare("SELECT `uuid`,`cldbid`,`rank`,`count`,`name`,`idle`,`cldgroup`,`online`,`nextup`,`lastseen`,`grpid`,`except`,`grpsince` FROM `$dbname`.`user` WHERE 1=1$filter ORDER BY `$keysort` $keyorder LIMIT :start, :userproseite");
+ $dbdata = $mysqlcon->prepare("SELECT * FROM `$dbname`.`user` WHERE 1=1$filter ORDER BY `$keysort` $keyorder LIMIT :start, :userproseite");
$dbdata->bindValue(':start', (int) $start, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$dbdata->bindValue(':userproseite', (int) $user_pro_seite, PDO::PARAM_INT);
} else {
- $dbdata = $mysqlcon->prepare("SELECT `uuid`,`cldbid`,`rank`,`count`,`name`,`idle`,`cldgroup`,`online`,`nextup`,`lastseen`,`grpid`,`except`,`grpsince` FROM `$dbname`.`user` WHERE (`uuid` LIKE :searchvalue OR `cldbid` LIKE :searchvalue OR `name` LIKE :searchvalue)$filter ORDER BY `$keysort` $keyorder LIMIT :start, :userproseite");
+ $dbdata = $mysqlcon->prepare("SELECT * FROM `$dbname`.`user` WHERE (`uuid` LIKE :searchvalue OR `cldbid` LIKE :searchvalue OR `name` LIKE :searchvalue)$filter ORDER BY `$keysort` $keyorder LIMIT :start, :userproseite");
$dbdata->bindValue(':searchvalue', '%'.$searchstring.'%', PDO::PARAM_STR);
$dbdata->bindValue(':start', (int) $start, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$dbdata->bindValue(':userproseite', (int) $user_pro_seite, PDO::PARAM_INT);
@@ -278,6 +295,12 @@ function pagination($keysort,$keyorder,$user_pro_seite,$seiten_anzahl_gerundet,$
echo '