diff --git a/draft/spec/index.md b/draft/spec/index.md
index 2137dd6..4f89783 100644
--- a/draft/spec/index.md
+++ b/draft/spec/index.md
@@ -330,24 +330,11 @@ supported by a client MUST be ignored by
| Digest Algorithm Name | Note |
| --- | --- |
-| `md5` | Insecure. Use only for legacy fixity values. MD5 algorithm and hex encoding defined by
-For example, the `md5` digest of a zero-length bitstream is `d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e`. |
-| `sha1` | Insecure. Use only for legacy fixity values. SHA-1 algorithm defined by \[[FIPS-180-4](#ref-fips-180-4)\] and
-MUST be encoded using hex (base16) encoding \[[RFC4648](#ref-rfc4648)\].
-For example, the `sha1` digest of a zero-length bitstream is `da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709`. |
-| `sha256` | Non-truncated form only; note performance implications. SHA-256 algorithm defined by
-\[[FIPS-180-4](#ref-fips-180-4)\] and MUST be encoded using hex (base16) encoding
-\[[RFC4648](#ref-rfc4648)\]. For example, the `sha256` digest of a zero-length bitstream starts
-`e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4...` (64 hex digits long). |
-| `sha512` | Default choice. Non-truncated form only. SHA-512 algorithm defined by \[[FIPS-180-4](#ref-fips-180-4)\] and
-MUST be encoded using hex (base16) encoding \[[RFC4648](#ref-rfc4648)\].
-For example, the `sha512` digest of a zero-length bitstream starts `cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e405...`
-(128 hex digits long). |
-| `blake2b-512` | Full-length form only, using the 2B variant (64 bit) as defined by \[[RFC7693](#ref-rfc7693)\].
-MUST be encoded using hex (base16) encoding \[[RFC4648](#ref-rfc4648)\].
-For example, the `blake2b-512` digest of a zero-length bitstream starts `786a02f742015903c6c6fd852552d272912f4740...`
-(128 hex digits long). |
+| `md5` | Insecure. Use only for legacy fixity values. MD5 algorithm and hex encoding defined by \[[RFC1321](#ref-rfc1321)\]. For example, the `md5` digest of a zero-length bitstream is `d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e`. |
+| `sha1` | Insecure. Use only for legacy fixity values. SHA-1 algorithm defined by \[[FIPS-180-4](#ref-fips-180-4)\] and MUST be encoded using hex (base16) encoding \[[RFC4648](#ref-rfc4648)\]. For example, the `sha1` digest of a zero-length bitstream is `da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709`. |
+| `sha256` | Non-truncated form only; note performance implications. SHA-256 algorithm defined by \[[FIPS-180-4](#ref-fips-180-4)\] and MUST be encoded using hex (base16) encoding \[[RFC4648](#ref-rfc4648)\]. For example, the `sha256` digest of a zero-length bitstream starts `e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4...` (64 hex digits long). |
+| `sha512` | Default choice. Non-truncated form only. SHA-512 algorithm defined by \[[FIPS-180-4](#ref-fips-180-4)\] and MUST be encoded using hex (base16) encoding \[[RFC4648](#ref-rfc4648)\]. For example, the `sha512` digest of a zero-length bitstream starts `cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e405...` (128 hex digits long). |
+| `blake2b-512` | Full-length form only, using the 2B variant (64 bit) as defined by \[[RFC7693](#ref-rfc7693)\]. MUST be encoded using hex (base16) encoding \[[RFC4648](#ref-rfc4648)\]. For example, the `blake2b-512` digest of a zero-length bitstream starts `786a02f742015903c6c6fd852552d272912f4740...` (128 hex digits long). |
An OCFL Inventory MAY contain a fixity section that can store one or more blocks containing
fixity values using multiple digest algorithms. See the [section on fixity](#fixity) below for further details.