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How to Connect Websockets to Kazoo - PYHTHON

What are Websockets?

Websockets are an upgrade to HTTP, they allow bi-directional communication between a server and a client. The client sends a request to the server to UPGRADE connection, and if the server agrees, a 200 ok message sent back and a persistent connection is established. This reduces the latency in server-client communication, as only one tcp connection is needed for messages to both ways.


To get a quick understanding of how websockets are implemented by kazoo, take a look at []

Kazoo’s backend implementation of websockets is implemented by the blackhole application. The documentation above shows what the UPGRADE http request should look like and how to subscribe to certain events.

blackhole listens on port 5555, and on port 7777 if it is a secure connection(wss). This is important because the communications happen through this port.

Let’s get started. If you have troubles with setting up kazoo, Check out my guide on how to set up a kazoo instance using AWS Centos server.

Import these libraries

The "credential" field is MD5/SHA1 hash of your {username:Password}

import requests
import json
import websockets

# Using RESTful API get the auth_token to use while sending an upgrade 
HTTP request to blackhole

def get_token():
    headers = {
    ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’,

    data = ‘{‘data’: {“credentials”: “{MD5 hash of username: Password}”, “account_name”:”master”}}’
    Response = requests.put(‘{SERVER}://8000/v2/user_auth’, headers=headers, data=data)

    Return response.

Now we can parse the response to get the auth_token

The response should look something like this if successful:

{'page_size': 1, 'data': {'owner_id': '915c65317ceef0c7d8998117b68d2e15', 'account_id': 'c8c75d13eccbf803ca789e2ef83c0e11', 'reseller_id': 'c8c75d13eccbf803ca789e2ef83c0e11', 'is_reseller': True, 'account_name': 'master', 'language': 'en-US', 'apps': 
[{'id': '43b5a09e9000fbfc9fd16b78c98b1057', 'name': 'accounts', 'api_url': '', 'label': 'Accounts'},
{'id': 'd28cfe734a714c2390f53821e7543f89', 'name': 'voip', 'api_url': '', 'label': 'SmartPBX'}, 
{'id': 'f7a7b18bda3b60418fd6381fe904d6f8', 'name': 'webhooks', 'api_url': '', 'label': 'Webhooks'}]},
'revision': 'automatic', 'timestamp': '2019-03-19T17:02:09Z', 'version': '4.3.23', 'node': 'SQQOm6kA-oMWqoSqEEr_kw', 'request_id': '8a6b612ca22aa16c57c0b89920dec383',
'status': 'success', 
'auth_token': 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImRiMGFiMzRhNmU4NjUyZDAzNTNjODU1NDZjNjgxODQwIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJrYXpvbyIsImlkZW50aXR5X3NpZyI6ImN0MHJsdnZTUEVjRlptc01fZmlxd3dpYnBuaWM4OGowNmtBX2tpQVhxU28iLCJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjoiYzhjNzVkMTNlY2NiZjgwM2NhNzg5ZTJlZjgzYzBlMTEiLCJvd25lcl9pZCI6IjkxNWM2NTMxN2NlZWYwYzdkODk5ODExN2I2OGQyZTE1IiwibWV0aG9kIjoiY2JfdXNlcl9hdXRoIiwiZXhwIjoxNTUzMDE4NTI5fQ.eh6wtThWWtvUEGIckzy1tWPeyQDxI9QhiXf7EhyIvrX4Dj--xTV-efs7EMkTyPIioLp-T4QPJZfwubSBsBgGYDWRkJDW8a1_YlN1XhtwhBlCtS01982jwMV7nuzGo1ED6E5ca5Lz1s6XDOjVwV3ogr97Nicg6cIriCI-s5_fpCAU20RNwjB5aPAz0NoMVeu6dOqm0DCCobJrmrby0rDgDM_KXvYqwOB8f8ACr9ZRuNKmPnINDUtt_nLUFmskORuvy-bmbZZL8jxHvjj-td-f3yrCxrKymoI5XFjLx61ygnXkUQIBQoHPN9nK_Nhcemd-}

The auth_token changes with every request, so make sure to request this every time you want to PUT,GET.

def get_auth_token():
        parse = get_response()
        parse = get.json()
        auth_token = parse.get[‘auth_token’]
        return auth_token

Using the get[], method avoids KeyNotFound errors caused if the response does not have the auth_token key.

Now you can bind to any available sockets on blackhole, example : User_created event :

'Request_id' field is optional, you can use your account_id if you want

def user_created():
    message = {
    ‘Action’: ‘subscribe’,
    ‘Auth_token’: auth_token,
    ‘Request_id’: {anything},
    ‘Data’: { 
    ‘Account_id’: acc_id,
    ‘Binding’: ‘object.doc_created.user’
    async def subscribe():
        sync with w.connect(f’ws://{HOST}:5555’) as ws:
                await ws.send(j.dumps(message))
                    response = await ws.recv()
                    except: ConnectionClosed:
                    print(‘connection closed’)
     async for message in ws:
              await consumer(message)

** the consumer method is anything you want to do with the message returned by the socket.

def consumer(message):

Now run the program and you are all connected.