Notable changes will be documented here
- Support for distributed cracking through hashview-agents
- New type of wordlist 'Smart Wordlist'
- Beta Hashview Hub (tm) integration
- New management console for agents and Rules (you can now edit your rules within the app)
- 3 new analytic portlets
- Support for 50 more hashes
- Calculation error on Analytics where on the global page for number of cracked hashes vs uncracked hashes.
- Support for 38 more hashes
- Raced condition when importing wordlists (both via gui and cli)
- Bug where NetNTLMv1 and NetNTLMv2 hashes were not properly importing
- Bug where usernames were not being parsed when importing NetNTLMv1 and NetNTLMv2 hashes
- Resque 'management' queue for system jobs
- Background job for automatically importing wordlists scp'd to control/wordlists
- Background job for removing old temp files.
- Support for user to set a SMTP Sender Name
- Themes!! (we personally like slate)
- Support for new hashcat settings: --force, --opencl-device-types, --workload-profile, --gpu-temp-disable, --gpu-temp-abort, --gpu-temp-retain
- Ability to copy/paste hashfiles into new jobs as their being created
- Support for smart hashdump and username:[NTLM hash] hashfiles
- Two new rule sets for high and low utility
- Support for cracking and importing hashes with salts
- Support for more hashes: [import only] md5($pass.$salt), md5($salt.$pass), md5(unicode($pass).$salt), md5($salt.unicode($pass)), HMAC-MD5 (key = $pass), HMAC-MD5 (key = $salt), sha1($pass.$salt), sha1($salt.$pass), sha1(unicode($pass).$salt), sha1($salt.unicode($pass)), HMAC-SHA1 (key = $pass), HMAC-SHA1 (key = $salt), Domain Cached Credentials (DCC), MS Cache, sha256($pass.$salt), sha256($salt.$pass), sha256(unicode($pass).$salt), sha256($salt.unicode($pass)), HMAC-SHA256 (key = $pass), HMAC-SHA256 (key = $salt), vBulletin < v3.8.5 and vBulletin >= v3.8.5
- Moved queue management for cracking tasks from redis/resqueu to mysqld
- Expanded hashes table to allow for hashes up to 1024 characters in length
- Rake task db:upgrade will now automatically detect previous versions (starting with v0.5.1) and automatically upgrade your db and import current settings, users, cracked hashes, wordlists to new versions as they come out
- Startup proccess from two cmds to single foreman cmd
- Cracked output is now in hex format (better for importing symbols and other characters)
- Default sender address of emails from no-reply@Pony to no-reply@hashview
- Global settings is split into multiple panels for easier use.
- Bug in combinator crack command
- Searches now include wildcards before/after submitted string
- Searches now remember what search type you entered
- Jumbo tron now properly updates status on page refresh
- Issue where Queued jobs are not being displayed on home page should be fixed
- You should now be prevented from editing a job that is running or queued
- Prevent the assignment of the same task twice to a job
v0.5.1-beta - 2016-02-19
- changed from Sinatra classic style to modular style
v0.5-beta - 2016-02-04
- changed db schema to accomadate very large datasets
- improved performance via db queries
v0.4-beta - 2016-10-18
- Encompasses all changes since the v0.3 tagged release
v0.3-beta - 2016-10-18
- Moved retrochecks from hashfile import to job start
- Fixed unauth message on invalid login attempts
- Added download of uncracked hashes in download section
- Fixed bug where download file name of cracked passwords was not properly rendering
- Fixed bug where stopping jobs and tasks failed to handle properly
- Updated Job descriptions
- Changed support format for DSUser from v1.2 to v1.3
- Code Cleanup
- Added support for Combinator attacks
- Added Support for NTDSXtract (dsusers)
- Added 'importing' status for jobs and tasks
- Removed ability for basewords in analytics to be null
- Rounded Run time calculated in analytics
- Prevented the deletion of a task if un an active job
- Code Cleanup
- Expanded test cases
- Removed old
- Fixed NetNTLMv1 and NetNTLMv2 parse bug
- Updated Jobsq to support NetNTLMv1 and NetNTLMv2
- Removed implicit downcase for non-LM hash imports