This chapter introduces the decentralized application development using MultiChain blockchain framework by implementing a use case — Proof of Existence.
Scripts present here could be used to create and deploy web server to create a REST API. Full project with front end integration could be found here.
Installation (ubuntu distro) More installation instructions for Mac/Windows/Linux can be found at:
Change directory to tmp folder:
cd /tmp
Download the MultiChain bundle:
Exctract the tar file:
tar -xvzf multichain-1.0.6.tar.gz
Change directory to the extracted folder:
cd multichain-1.0.6
Move few files to
:mv multichaind multichain-cli multichain-util /usr/local/bin
Create a chain
multichain-util create testchain -default-rpc-port=4416
Configure multichain node
Copy the file
to setup required rpc user and password to communicate from POE server -
Instantiate the chain by creating a process
multichaind testchain –daemon
Check the chain with
multichain-cli testchain getinfo
It should throw the following output
"version": "1.0.2", "nodeversion": 10002901, "protocolversion": 10009, "chainname": "chain1", "description": "MultiChain testchain", "protocol": "multichain", "port": 4273, ... "balance": 0, "walletdbversion": 2, ...
} `
Create a stream
multichain-cli testchain create stream poe false
Subscribe to the stream
multichain-cli testchain subscribe poe
You should be able to publish stream item if everything went well
multichain-cli testchain publish poe key1 73747265616d2064617461
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start python webserver
You can also run the docker containers for both MultiChain node and POE server if you do not want to play around with the commands. Windows/Mac users can also run this docker instances.
Docker engine and Docker compose installation instructions can be found here.
Following command will setup both MultiChain node and the POE server to interact.
docker-compose up
curl -X POST -F 'name=user' -F '[email protected]' -F 'message=some message' -F 'digest=86abfbd5f1a9e928935cdee9b2fd1bc2d43254b40d996e262026e9d668555613' http://localhost:8000/publish
curl http://localhost:8000/verify?digest=86abfbd5f1a9e928935cdee9b2fd1bc2d43254b40d996e262026e9d668555613
curl http://localhost:8000/details?count=3